jotaro is a tiny hamster who lives with his owner kakyoin but little does he know jotaro goes on bizarre adventures with his stardust clubhouse friends when he is byebye from their cherry house

jotaro has many friends in the stardust clubhouse such as holljou, joseph boss-star, paxnard, muhamwell and many others.

one day when jotaro was piddling on his newspaper kakyoin was showing off his new rad totally fab shades he bought from jc pennys.

"hey jotaro do you like my new shades i love them man these would look cool on my cherries what do you think?"

jotaro only stared at him blankly thinking of the fact that kakyoin said "man these would look cool on my cherries". his mind was then an enigma.

after kakyoin left not only did jotaro not leave to his friends as usual, he just sat there. perplexed by what kakyoin said about his cherries wearing his new shades. "would he really do that?" the little hamster asked himself. "would he really put such things on such things?"

jotaro's mind was then boggled by images of kakyoin's shades on his very cherries. he could see nothing but his cherries wearing shades. he tried to make himself think that he only misheard what his owner had said, but he did indeed say "man these would look cool on my cherries".

our poor confuseded hamster was becoming stressed over the fact that his owner was going to wear his new shades on his cherries. he tried to sleep it off.

the next day after a very long slumber jotaro woke up. when we was heading towards his breakfast that kakyoin had ready for him he saw his beat red cellphone next to the cage he resided in. it was on. jotaro got questionmarked and pitter pattered towards the cellular. what he found was astonishing. it was a selfie of kakyoin wearing his shades on his cherries. jotaro regretted everything right after looking at it and took off his blue clad and ran out the house, even if tiny iggy in his tiny doghouse told him to stop. kakyoin tried looking for him later that day in full worry but he was never to be found, not even by his stardust clubhouse friends.

jotaro was gone forever and forever more
