It becomes evident to Brittany, as she stands beside her bed, watching her girlfriend's breath escape her lips leisurely, that she is most certainly happy with the way her life turned out. Going through a lonely, unfulfilling childhood just to reach this point of pure happiness was worth it. She gets to make her own little family now and she'll be damned if her child goes through what she did growing up.

Santana turns over and Brittany's no longer able to witness the brunette's beauty as she sleeps. Her decision to leave her girlfriend to rest is not an easy one, however the blonde is aware that if she doesn't head off to buy the last of what they need for the baby shower, their guests will starve.


It's overwhelming for Brittany, to think that just over a month ago Santana presented to her their new home and now she gets to set up decorations and cook in her very own kitchen. She lifts up the lid on the roast vegetables she made earlier and inhales the aroma. Shrugging after only the smell of boiling water invades her senses, Brittany places the lid back on the pot, before washing her hands and heading outside.

She didn't expect to return home from shopping to find Santana setting up a table outside, decorating each appointed seat with a small bouquet of lilies. Brittany raises her eyebrows in appreciation as Santana turns around to look at her.

"This isn't looking to bad Santana," the blonde comments sardonically. Santana's lips part as she stomps over to the blonde and pokes her belly.

"I'd like to hear an actual compliment from you Brittany Susan Pierce or you're going to be uninvited to your own baby shower," Santana threatens lightly.

"I apologise ma'am, everything looks faultless." Brittany purses her lips and hopes that Santana won't acknowledge the teasing undertone and luckily the brunette doesn't. If she did she just laughs it off and pulls out a comfy chair for the blonde to relax until the guests arrive.


If Brittany felt overwhelmed planning the shower, she definitely felt swamped now. Santana was in charge of inviting people that the blonde assumed both of them knew, however as Brittany scans the crowd inside, she notices some people she'd never seen in her life, picking at the roast she spent two hours making perfect.

Puckerman passes by her with two girls - one on either arm. Brittany almost throws up at the sight. She spots Phoebe in the corner, drinking out of one of those generic flasks. It isn't something Brittany is particularly familiar with, but she assumes it has nothing to do with the fact the girl is single. It's unnerving to witness Phoebe constantly swigging from that silver alcohol holder, however when the girl arrived they were pleasantly civil towards each other. As long as she's around their work colleagues, Brittany's certain the girl will eventually get home safe.

Gazing to her right, Brittany spots Santana surrounded by a group of mixed race, high fashion individuals - one with such shrill laughter that the blonde has to cringe while approaching them. She tickles the back of Santana's neck and the brunette instantly shudders, but turns and immediately embraces the blonde.

"There's my girl," Santana speaks through a wide grin. "I want you to meet some people."

Brittany clings to Santana's side, snuggling into her as though she is timid all of a sudden. These people are definitely not the type she'd hang around with. In fact they are the type of group she'd try to avoid - along with her stoner friends.

Even so, she feigns a smile for the sake of Santana.

Unfortunately the brunette notices Brittany's odd demeanour and she excuses them from the group for a moment.

"Are you alright baby?"

"Yeah fine, why?" The blonde answers quite fast.

"You were a little shy and anxious when you came over," Santana runs her fingers through her girlfriend's hair. "Is it okay that I invited some people from my high school?"

Suddenly a weight is lifted from Brittany. These aren't just people from their old apartment complex that they never shared a coffee with (even though she suggested inviting them a month ago), these are people that knew Santana long before she did. They witnessed the Santana that went through puberty, first kisses, first dances and graduation. Brittany definitely wants to be introduced to that group now, just to learn all the juicy details of the brunette's high school journey.

"It's fine, sorry. I guess I just can't believe how fast this is all happening."

Santana sends her a soft, warm smile. It's beautiful, seeing the blonde so overjoyed by something that had never crossed either of their minds before Brittany peed on a stick. Santana tangles her fingers with Brittany's, guiding her back to the group to be introduced.

They all send her supportive smiles and most hold their hands out, gesturing towards the blonde eagerly.

"Rachel Berry, former contestant on American Idol, positioned in third place. If you didn't follow the show that's fine," the brunette caresses Brittany's shoulder, "when you and Santana are settled in I'll bring over all the DVD's."

"Oh hellz no Berry, you're not making my girl sit through your obnoxious ass for an entire season," Santana quips in response causing the group to chuckle.

Rachel simply rolls her eyes and tops up her wine glass.

"Kurt Hummel, not as annoying as this one," he subtly points to Rachel, "just twice as charming and inviting."

Brittany chuckles, shaking his hand firmly, before turning to the next person.

"Mercedes Jones," the girl announces. Brittany stretches her hand out for the girl to shake, however Mercedes just snorts. "Oh hell to the no," she shouts before taking a step forward and wrapping the blonde in a tight hug. Brittany inhales deeply, eyeing a chuckling Santana to her right. She pats the girl's back, reassuring her that the hug is appreciated, before easing out of it and smiling shyly.

"She's a dramatic diva," Rachel whispers to the blonde.

"Coming from you," Mercedes laughs.

"Hi I'm Quinn Fabray!" A blonde girl chimes in, outstretching her hand. Brittany politely shakes it and notices how extraordinarily beautiful this girl is. She possesses that old school Grace Kelly vibe. "Santana and I were in the Cheerios together as well as Glee Club."

"Wow, Santana was quite the attention seeker then," Brittany teases. Santana scoffs then nods.

"I'm not going to deny that."

The group erupt in a chorus of laughter. Brittany finds them all to be so diverse and genuine. She wants to know more, especially about her girlfriend.

"Santana can you go check on the food inside," the blonde asks.

"Ah sure," Santana replies, eyeing the blonde inquisitively.

Brittany rolls her eyes. "Don't worry we won't talk about you while you're gone."

"Oh honey that's what we're best at," Kurt jokes.

Brittany giggles. "Please tell me more," she whispers when Santana is out of ear shot.

"Oh no girl, we want to hear your story!" Mercedes exclaims, taking a hold of the blonde's arm. She leads Brittany to some empty seats and the rest of the group follows suit. As they sit down, shuffling to get a better view of Brittany, Santana watches on from the kitchen with a sincere grin.

As Brittany finds herself becoming the spectacle of the group, she decides to give in. After all, she's never spoken to anyone other than Santana about what occurred on New Years Eve and how she teased Santana to the point of frustration until eventually she broke up with her girlfriend…

Okay, perhaps Brittany should not tell the story that way...

"We started off being friends, neither of us having any emotional or romantic attachment to each other. Obviously I thought damn this girl is hot, but that was as far as it went. Eventually I mean, Santana is a wonderful person, so she was trying to get me on the right track and um," Brittany pulls the long sleeves of her sweater over her hands, gripping them tightly, "on New Years Eve she was my midnight kiss. I guess at first it was a thank you kiss, but after I thought more about how it made me feel, it definitely wasn't just a thank you kiss…" The group participates in a chorus of 'awes' and Brittany blushes. "She kissed me again, back in our apartment when we were watching the rest of the world's countdowns. I figured she just felt bad for me, but the past year she's made me feel loved, so loved. Those weren't just thank you and I feel bad for you kisses, mine represented the beginning of something special and she kissed me as an answer that she was willing to start a new life with me."

"Jesus Houston."

"Oh my Barbara."

"Goodness Grace Kelly"

"Holy Fred Astaire."

Brittany pinches her lips shut as she revels in her new friends' reactions. Her eyebrows dip at their prolonged silence, awaiting some sort of verbal response she can easily decipher.

"You knew you were in love just from a kiss, how romantic!" Rachel gushes, clasping her hands together.

"Uh not quite," Brittany stammers. "It took a while for us to admit that we were serious about each other, but I definitely knew early on that I could fall in love with Santana…And I did, then I found out I was pregnant and she stuck by me." Brittany grins embarrassingly.

"That's god damn beautiful Brittany," Mercedes comments, "I'm real happy for you two."

"Yeah, who knew Satan could fall in love," Quinn quips. Brittany frowns at her comment, but remains intrigued about her girlfriend's past.

"What was she like when you guys hung out with her?" Brittany asks softly.

"Stone cold bitch," Kurt replies brashly. Brittany's eyes widen, but a hint of a smile creeps upon her lips.

"She's still a little bit of a bitch," the blonde admits, "but why was she such a bitch back then?"

"All I remember was her telling the whole glee club that it was difficult to be at home after she came out to her parents."

"They didn't exactly accept her," Quinn adds.

"She wasn't a bitch," Brittany responds abruptly, but quietly, shaking her head, "she was just angry inside. If she ever hurt any of you she didn't mean it."

"Who are you guys talking about?" Santana cuts in suddenly, grin etched on her lips and hands firmly planted on her waist. One look at Brittany reveals the answer she's after. She bends down and kisses her girlfriend's forehead.

"Are you guys traumatising my girlfriend with your stories," Santana says, accompanied by a tenuous laugh.

"We're all good," Brittany sends the group thankful smiles before standing up. "Let's eat!"


Lunch is a hit. All of Brittany's cooking received positive reviews from the guests. Even Phoebe managed to scoff down some of the roast and rice after barely touching the finger food. Her time had been preoccupied with the flask of alcohol in her jacket pocket and Brittany had made sure during lunch that she indeed did have a ride home.

Santana had asked what Brittany was doing over by Phoebe and when she received the unexpected response that the blonde was simply making sure Santana's ex was given a lift home, the brunette couldn't help but squeeze her girlfriend as much as her belly would allow.

Brittany tosses some bits and pieces left on a few plates into the trash and then places all of them, plus the cutlery, into the dishwasher. She finds it odd taking on the role of adult. Being the owner of a house, taking on chores she would normally find her parents doing - it's a big deal to her. She could only really picture herself in this situation with Santana. If they had searched for the father, Brittany could not imagine not having Santana with her the majority of this whole experience anyway.

What if the father is some crazed drug addicted man from her past…Brittany can't take that chance. She can raise her baby with Santana, she knows that's what's best.

She feels hands drag around her waist and stop at her belly, immediately smiling at the warmth of Santana's body behind her. Brittany closes her eyes and rests her head back on Santana's shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?"




"Very cryptic I see. I'll ask again later," Santana giggles.

Brittany suddenly remembers her conversation earlier with Santana's high school friends. She hesitates before asking but figures that they're close enough to talk about what's plaguing her mind at the moment.

"San, did you invite your parents?" She instantly feels the brunette's body turn rigged. Santana doesn't loosen her grip however, she just sighs softly and inhales shakily.

"I did. They never replied."

"You manage to hide your emotions well," Brittany acknowledges. Santana nods in response, kissing the side of Brittany's head.

"Except when my emotions involve you," the brunette whispers lovingly. Brittany beams, even if Santana can't witness it. She's sure the brunette feels it.

"Let's open some presents."


"You're very persuasive you know that," Santana confesses to the blonde as they sit in their car at the very back of a drive in movie theatre just outside of New York city. Santana feels like being innocent and affectionate, but Brittany only has one thing on her mind.

Because she never had the opportunity to make out with someone in the back of a car at a drive in movie theatre as a teenager, she finds this to be a particularly brilliant option - especially since Santana isn't expecting the blonde to be so vigorous.

"Follow me," Brittany says hastily as she scrambles out of the car into the back seat. Santana turns around adorning a frown.

"We're not going to be able to see the film from back their Britt," she states naively. The blonde stares her girlfriend dead in the eye while hiking her dress up, biting her lip and breathing heavily.

"That's the point."

Despite the pregnancy, Brittany still manages to make Santana wet just from one desirable look. She can't imagine fucking any pregnant woman apart from Brittany, honestly, she only finds the blonde attractive out of all the pregnant women she's passed on the street or known in the past. There's something so euphoric and sexy about Brittany taking control, even though Santana is aware of the blonde's feeble stamina.

"I thought this was date night, you tricked me," Santana pouts as she joins Brittany in the back seat. The blonde just bites her lower lip and drags her girlfriend forward, connecting their lips hard and fast. Wasting no time at all Santana rips her own jacket off, before licking the blonde's lips generously. She lifts a leg over the blonde's thigh as an attempt to get closer without pressing on the baby.

"Fucking fuck me," the blonde pants barely coherently. Santana however, decodes Brittany's desires and pulls back from the kiss to moisten her fingers. She guides the blonde's dress up even more, almost instantly finding her sweet spot because, surprise surprise, Brittany isn't wearing underwear.

"Naughty Britt Britt," Santana teases, smirking against the blonde's lips.

Brittany is still breathing heavily, her eyes rolling back as she feels Santana's fingers come in contact with her clit.

"Fuck, yes, yes, yes…"

"Don't fucking cum yet Brittany," Santana instructs surprisingly resolute. She slows her movements against the blonde's clit, hoping that will calm her down. However, being the casual nymphomaniac Brittany is, she starts lifting her hips in order to gain more friction.

Santana doesn't want Brittany to stop at all, but at the same time she doesn't want it to be over so fast just because the blonde is desperate to climax.

"Slow down Britt, slow…" Santana pleads softly. The blonde groans but stops her movements all together and takes hold of her girlfriend's face, bringing their lips together once again.

Santana whimpers, as she always does, when Brittany puts all her love into her kisses. Santana forgets about her idle hand beneath the blonde's dress and evidently so does Brittany. Only for a moment though.

The blonde pulls back and whines. "Saaaan keep going."

Immediately Santana enters a finger inside Brittany, curling the tip and leisurely pushing deeper and deeper. She drags her finger out painfully slow, causing Brittany to moan wildly. She shuts the blonde up with an open mouth kiss, swallowing the pleasurable sounds she's echoing.

Their kisses are messy, which does not bother either girl, Santana's focus is on another pair of lips anyhow. She steadies her pace, creating a rhythm, and eventually Brittany's hips canter upwards again. The brunette doesn't order her to slow down however, enjoying the rhythm they're creating together.

Santana's lips travel down the blonde's neck, towards her pulse point and as she bites down, her finger simultaneously connects with Brittany's g-spot, causing an electric reaction through both of them. Brittany screams, but thankfully the film's volume outside is overpowering any sounds they make in their car. Santana kisses the blonde's neck sweetly before pulling back and removing her fingers. She slides each one into her mouth without hesitation as Brittany watches in a complete state of euphoria.

"After this baby is out of me, I am going to claim you," Brittany promises.

"Until then I can practice on you more," Santana teases, tapping the blonde's nose with a clean finger.

"Santana," Brittany whispers, suddenly growing bashful. "Everything is going to work out fine right? I know I've asked you before, but I just need you to keep telling me that."

Brittany awaits a response for almost a minute, Santana's mind travelling to all of the negative possibilities first before eventually leading to the positives. They're going to have a child, together. Children cost money, a lot of it. She knows nothing about children despite teaching them for a living.

She is certainly willing to learn for Brittany, of course. She wouldn't have come this far with the blonde if it wasn't what she wanted. She knew motherhood would happen for her eventually, she knew that Brittany was going to play a big part in her life. Having those connected is extremely fulfilling for Santana. She has never felt more in touch with herself, all because of one girl.

Soon to be two.

A/N: I AM ALIVE. I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry to those of you who have been reviewing this story and hoping for an update! Well here it is! It took me a while because life got hectic but in honour of my two favourite fictional ladies, I thought I'd get to writing! I can't promise the next chapter will be up in a week or two, but I will try my best because I have figured out the direction I'm going with this story. Also Phase 16 will be updated in the next week! Happy days!