A/N: Wow. It's been forever since I've written about Dick/Verena. The main reason is because every time I get a notification of a new review, it tends to be on the more slightly negative side, so I've been thinking about revamping the entire series, especially since my writing style has improved over the past couple of years, and I want to show it (and fill in some missing holes some readers have).

I haven't fully decided yet, but... yeah... It's just an idea, though. It's going to be a lot of work if I choose to do so, but... I don't know. When I reread Black Falcon, I don't get the same rush as I did back then anymore. And I think it's half because of the reviews and half of the way how my writing style has changed, but... yeah.

Just continue being patient with me, please. I honestly should be asleep right now, because I have midterms to study for. I have two more this coming week. Ugh. This school is going to be the death of me.

Anyways, enjoy~! BTW, this is inspired by the song "Marry Me" by Jason Derulo.

NOVEMBER 1, 2015
10:42 EDT


A musical giggle rang throughout the room, and unconsciously, a smile grew on my face. I glanced up from the textbook I was reading to look to the other side of the room, where Verena was playing with Andrei.

The ferret dooked happily, bobbing his head as Verena wiggled a finger in front of him, mimicking the movements of… something.

Feeling my gaze on her, she glanced up, and her forest green eyes met mine. They sparkled happily and she beamed at me, revealing her straight, white teeth. My heart pounded in my chest heavily before the corner of my lips curled even more before I threw her a bright smile of my own.

It never got old to see her cheeks flush gently, before she'd glance at me with half-lidded, shy eyes.

The image of Verena playing with a young child, a boy with dark hair and sharp emerald eyes, or a girl with light sun-colored hair and eyes as clear as the blue skies. I could see Andrei shuffling about, trying to catch the attention of the young children as Verena waggled a small toy in front of their faces – maybe from one of their uncles.

I snapped back into reality, shaking my head briefly to clear my thoughts. I glanced back to my girlfriend, who had her head cocked to the side curiously. Her eyebrows were furrowed slightly as she silently asked, You okay?

Throwing her a reassuring smile, I nodded, Yeah. I'm good.

Lately, I've been having a lot of these flashes. Flashes of a future together with Verena – and our future children.

I never doubted the fact that I would marry Verena someday.

I don't think I could be with anyone else. No one would understand me better than her, and not to put down everyone else, but she would be the first person I'd choose to have my back.

I think the only reason why I wasn't already down on one knee in front of her was because of two reasons.

One reason is because we're still really young. We already under the media's eyes for being Bruce Wayne's kids, and even more so because we were in a romantic relationship together. Can you imagine the media backlash we'd get if we announced an engagement (c'mon, like she'd say no to me)? Verena was only seventeen, and I wasn't nineteen for another month.

Another… another is because… Don't tell anyone, but a couple years back, Verena and I came up with a plan to have Aqualad join the ranks of the Light, because we found out Black Manta was his father. Right now, our main focus has to be taking down the Light.

"-ck. Dick!" I snapped out of my thoughts. I jumped slightly when I realized just how close Verena was.

She was standing right in front of me, with Andrei draped over her shoulders. She petted him, looking at me with concerned eyes. "You alright?" She slid onto the cushion of the sofa next to me, and tangled her fingers with mine.

"I'm just thinking," I told her, turning my head to look at her fully.

"Wanna share with the rest of the class?" she inquired softly, a blonde eyebrow rising slightly. "Seems pretty important if you didn't even feel me move."

It was true. Normally, I was so in sync with her that I didn't even have to look up to know where she was if she was within range of me. It was just nice to look up every once in a while because she was such a beautiful sight.

She nudged me softly and I grinned, knowing she knew exactly what I was thinking. "Stop that," she scolded half-heartedly. I untangled my fingers from her so I could reach around her to pull her close to me.

Andrei, not liking the sudden movement of his makeshift bed, dooked unhappily before hopping off. He glowered at me and I rolled my eyes, nudging my foot against his warm body.

"Stop picking on him," Verena scolded slightly more serious this time around.

"He started it," I frowned.

"Technically, you did when you put your arm around me."

"Oh?" I cocked an eyebrow down at her. "Do you not want me to hold you?" I asked casually, releasing my grip on her shoulder briefly.

"No!" she protested, before proceeding to snuggle into my side. Ladies and gentlemen, the Dark Knight's protégée is a Cuddle Monster. But then again, I give out awesome cuddles, according to hers truly. And… don't tell Verena, but I love it when she's snuggled up into my side.

I heard her inhale deeply and inwardly rolled my eyes. She always insisted I smelled like pine and mint, which I never understood. I just used basic shampoo and body wash, though occasionally, some of Verena's vanilla shampoo and body wash falls on me because we have to conserve that water.

Speaking of her scent…

I grabbed her fully so she could straddle me, and pulled her flush to me. I buried my nose into the top of her head, and inhaled her vanilla-sunshine scent. In response to that, she dug her face into my chest, her small arms coming around my body to wrap around my back.

Fuck it.

"Marry me someday," I blurted out.

At that, Verena pulled her head back.

She blinked.

I blinked.

She blinked.

I blinked.

She blinked.

I blinked.

"… That was the lamest proposal I've ever heard," she finally said. She climbed off of my lap and stood up. "Five years of dating and that's what you have?"

"I'm not proposing now," I replied, standing up myself. "I'm just saying someday."

She turned around so her back was to me. I took in how the blue backless tank top she had on revealed the slightly tan skin of her scarred back. Since we didn't have any plans to go out, she didn't bother to put on any concealer on, and I preferred her like this.

While people viewed scars as flaws, to people in the same "line of work" as us, we view scars as something to be proud of – to show that we were survivors. To show that we fought for life – for the sake of us and others around us. I was proud of each and every one of my scars, and so was Verena, but if the media ever saw them, too many questions would arise.

I'm going off on a tangent again.

"What if you find someone else? What if you find another girl that challenges you, makes you laugh, and can fight alongside you just as well as I can? Maybe even better?"

I wrapped my arms around her from behind, enjoying the way her petite stature was completely dwarfed by me. I wasn't a particularly tall guy – only 5'10 – but Verena was tiny – standing at a whooping 5'. Though with her boots, she was 5'2-5'3.

"As if that'll ever happen," I pushed away the absurd idea. "V, no one is going to know me as well as you know me. No one's ever going to understand with a simple look, that I feel so-and-so, and hardly anyone is going to be able to figure out what the hell I'm thinking most of the time. Even Bruce has a hard time doing it. Hell, so does M'gann and J'onn, and they can read minds. Maybe there is a girl out there in some distant, faraway galaxy, but I don't plan to find out.

"I know you just said it to get a rise out of me, but V – Verena," I stressed her name to inform her that I was serious. "I love you, and nothing's ever going to change that. Since you came into my life all those years ago, I never had eyes for anyone else but you, and I don't plan to have that changing ever. I'm not proposing now, but I am planting an idea in your head right now."

"And that is?"

"One day, I'll say, 'Will you marry me?'"

I could feel the soft smile on her face.

"And I'll say, 'Yes.'"

A/N: Drop a review? I really am in no position to ask for them, but...