Call Your Name

By: Dria


In his hands, he holds the beautiful and delicate, yet dying Amy Cahill. You might be wondering why Ian Kabra is crying silently at the state of the dear Amy Cahill.

Before Isabel slipped into unconsciousness, she aimed a poisonous dart to her son whom she called a traitor. She released the trigger, but her dart missed Ian. It shot past him and clutched the skin of his love, Amy Cahill.

Ian's mind was distraught. He couldn't think straight. He was in a panic. Amy is dying and he couldn't do anything about it. Just sit there by her side, stare, and do nothing. It's the most painful thing he has ever done in his life. He couldn't lose Amy. He needed her. A life without her is no life at all.

Amy glanced up at Ian. She can see the worry in his eyes. She could see the beautiful amber eyes of his, full of concern and love, true love. She never gave up on Ian even after all the things he has done. Love is such an impossible thing. Look what it did her. She is now dying in front of her lover's face. She doesn't want to see that expression on his face; it was full of sadness and concern. She wanted to see him with a big smile on her last breath. A smirk, even

It took a lot of effort, but Amy managed to lift her hand and place it on his cheek. She would probably blush if she had done this some other time, but in her state no blood rushed to her cheeks. Blood is busy gushing through the open wound. "Ian, I want you to listen to me," she weakly said.

"Amy, I swear I'll get you to hospital right now. You will live, love. I know you will get over this," Ian was speaking so loudly and quickly. He wished it was true, wait, he hopes it's true. But they both know she won't make it.

"You don't have to lie. I know it is my time," she managed to make a weak smile.

"Why do have to get on the way? Love, this wouldn't happen if you didn't block the way!" Teardrops started to run down his face as he was shouting at Amy. His tears felt like scalding water on her cheeks.

"That is because I love you too much to risk my life over you." Ian was thinking about how she could be so calm at a time like this. Why was she always reasonable? Why does she care deeply for him? He doesn't even deserve it.

"Those are the exact words I wanted to hear from you, how you could possibly know what I was thinking?" she chuckled slightly and ended up coughing out blood.

"You shouldn't talk so much, love. Don't tire yourself, it will make everything worse as it is," he was trying to calm Amy and himself, but apparently it is not working. More tears flow down his magnificent face. Most of his tears found their way on Amy's face again.

Amy couldn't handle what she was seeing. Seeing Ian like this is breaking her heart. She started to wipe off her lover's tears. She started to speak, for she knows she is running out of time. "I know what I will end up being today. I am prepared for something like this to happen. But... Please promise me something."

Ian held the fragile hand of Amy which was still on his cheek. He held it tight like it was the last time he will cling to it. Like a drowning man with a floater. "Anything," he wanted to sound tough but the exact opposite came through. He whimpered the word with a tear coming out of his eye. Love is truly making the legendary Lucian Ian Kabra weak.

"Promise me, that you'll take care of Dan for me." Ian thinks that Amy was truly a caring person even at times like this. How could he deserve a girl like this?

"Of course, I'll even do that without you asking, love."

"Oh, I'm not done yet," she easily snapped. Ian was beginning to think that he will be missing that attitude of hers. The kind of attitude where she will change from shy to head strong.

"So speak it up, love," and with that Ian gave his signature smirk.

"Tell everyone and put this on your mind always, live up life. Never, ever, risk your life. Make sure nobody I care about, do the same thing as I did." She paused for a bit. She took a deep breath with a struggle. She was starting to have a difficulty in breathing.

Ian closed his eyes for a moment. He couldn't bear to see her like this. But after a few seconds, he realized that he needed to be strong for both the both of them because it was there last moment together. "Take it easy, love. If I am not mistaken there is still one request you still have for me," he smiled sadly at Amy.

It was the first time Amy saw Ian smiled. She kept in her mind that she will forever treasure this moment even in the afterlife.

"Please live a normal life after this." Now this is one request that Ian could not take lightly. He could never live like a peasant. Normally means peasant-ly, of course.

Amy could see the discomfort on Ian's face. It is rather funny. She wanted to laugh so badly but she rather not because she doesn't want to ruin the moment.

The grip on Ian's hand was held tighter by Amy. Ian took notice of his hand then on Amy's eyes. "Please," her voice was full plea. He could never say no after that and to those jade green eyes especially.

"Alright, but only in one condition." Amy was waiting for him to speak out his condition but it never came. She was caught in surprise that something warm and soft touched her lips. After some seconds, she just comprehended that Ian, her very own prince charming was kissing her. It was purely magical. The kiss was gentle but so full of passion. So this is what a real kiss feels. It was like fireworks exploding. The enjoyment was like riding a rollercoaster. The time seemed to stop at this very moment just for the both of them. Nothing bothers the both of them. Not even the physical pain that Amy was feeling. Not even the emotional pain that Ian was feeling.

Amy was contented with the things her life came out to be. She finally let go.

When Amy let go of the kiss, Ian started to panic more. He quickly notices that Amy wasn't breathing anymore. Ian quickly placed his hands on her shoulders and began to shake her gently but rapidly. He also noticed that Amy's eyes were now closed. "AMY, AMY, AMY, WAKE UP. PLEASE DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP ON ME!" He was shouting with all his might. And more tears were pouring down to his face. He never cried like this before, and he never showed this to anyone especially to the people or kids from the clue hunt. If he was back to his old self he would call himself pathetic but right now he doesn't care even one bit. The only thing that matters to him was to get Amy back.

The gauntlet was beginning to collapse and the Starlings, Alistair Oh, The Holts, his sister and Dan Cahill were running out of time. They need to leave the Gauntlet at this very moment or else they are dead as meat.

They have all notice this except for Ian Kabra who is still mourning terribly over Amy. As much as Dan wanted Ian dead, he must respect his sister's last wishes. He grabbed Ian's shoulder. "Cobra, we need to go or we might never make it out alive." His voice cracked at the oddest of places.

"That will be more than better! This is my fault on why- why-why..." Ian was now stuttering like Amy. He began to remember the times when Amy was stuttering like him right now and that made him more depressed.

"Ian, my sister is DEAD because she saved your LIFE! Don't waste your life! And remember what you promised HER!" Dan was scolding at him right now. He was pissed seeing him like this. He should be grateful that he is still alive today. Does he think losing a sister is not difficult? Sure he lost the love of his life, but Dan lost a sister, the only piece of his four-member family. His parents are gone. And now... "You're not the only one who lost somebody! I am her FREAKING BROTHER, idiot!" He was crying again. Like all those times when he lost a huge part of his life that he could never get back.

The others didn't know what to do. Not even smug, old Natalie. In fact she was just staring at the two of them, scared and on the verge of a breakdown.

Ian gave up, knowing that Dan is right. He should not waste the life that Amy saved.

The Cahills began to run out of the Gauntlet, leaving Amy's body behind, like leaving a huge chunk of your past.

Hey GUYS! I am actually editing this story... I am so sorry that it took so long. I just didnt have enough time. I'll try to make it up to you guys!