To shikatemaaddict I originally wasn't going to write a sequel to chapter 3. But after thinking about it for awhile some ideas popped up. So yes there will be a part 2! I don't know when though but it's definitely on my to do list!

Nice, Temari was going to have to be considering the idiot had paid more than anyone in the fancy decorated ballroom. Clanks and clinks were heard as the others wined and dined.

Not that she rather be in the place of the others who were won by ghastly people that were ready to devour their prize. Besides, that wasn't part of the deal. Supposing it could have been worst she goes back to glaring daggers at the person in front of her. It's not who she got stuck with that she minds; it's more that she's angry at the fact that she was forced into agreeing to such a ridiculous event.

"Not hungry?" he asks with a raised brow at the peculiar sight, Temari was never one to care about weight problems.

"Not really." She answers shortly only to take a sip of the dark purple wine.

It tasted disgusting, why people paid loads of money for the crappy liquid was beyond her.

Disinterestedly he grabs one of the appetizers placed in the middle of their table and pops it in his mouth.

"Ino didn't brainwash you into getting in a diet did she? People agree to anything as long as it gets her to shut up."

Concluding that giving him silent treatment wasn't going to make the night any better she answers him, "I'll eat when our actual meal gets here."

"Suit yourself." Shikamaru tells her with his famous sluggish voice.

He pops in another piece into his mouth and then takes a swig of his wine.

"Ugh this taste like shit," A sour face forms his features, "you want water?"

Blocking out the part of her that wanted to smack him across the head she only nodded at him silently for reading her mind. He knew her and he knew her well.

Their food was served and wine replaced with water. She jabs into her pasta making it obviously clear that she is furious.

"I hate you."

"Like I haven't heard that one before. Troublesome woman." He mutters the last part.

"You're an idiot." She whispers harshly.

"Tch. Stop being troublesome and just eat your food." He goes back to his own, his nonchalance attitude never swaying.

She scrunches her eyebrows at him in anger, but she knows that no matter how much she pushed in the end it'll only be her arguing. He was too lazy, and said it was for girls. So she goes back to her meal but she is still not pleased.

"If you're going to be mad than you should take it out on someone else."

"Who else is at fault here!?" she exclaims.

"Your brother."

"Gaara had nothing to do-"

He cuts her off but not before giving an irritated sigh, quickly though he snaps back into his lazy composure.

"I didn't mean Gaara. I meant Kankuro. This is all his fault. I only did what I had to do." He grumbles and gives an annoyed look at his food.

Straightaway her eyes narrow down her stupid brother. In the mist of being so angry at Shikamaru for paying a ridiculous amount of money for this one late night dinner she forgot about whose fault this really was.

The culprit sat not too far from them, chatting up a pretty girl from the Land of Iron.

"I'm going to kill him." Temari says acidly.

"Good. Now eat your meal so we can enjoy the rest of the night peacefully."

She scowls at the calming aura that surrounds him that never seems to fade.

"I'm still mad at you."

"Yeah, yeah, you always are."

Temari goes back to eating her food. While the both of them are silent it is not awkward, it's how they always are. Still the idiot shouldn't have spent what she has estimated to be at least one-fourth of her untouched inheritance on just one dinner date.

She sighs in defeat, considering how much he wasted on her she might as well make the night for him a little bit easier. After all, it really wasn't his fault. She just wasn't expecting for him to take the bait from Kankuro as she thinks back on how she ended up in a way too tight dress and a fancy dinner with Shikamaru. A scene that was so unlike them.

"Idiot…" she murmurs under her breath.

A very angry Temari swings through the crowds of shinobi, samurai, and other important people. She's looking for the cause of her soon to be miserable day, and boy is he dead. Kankuro will pay.

Sometimes she wondered if he really was her brother. Maybe half brother? Sure he looked like dad but he was obnoxious, nothing like her or Gaara. Who was she kidding, they were attached by blood. Even if she did want to disown him every now and then. She figured he got his genes from their father. An ass whole.

It doesn't help that she's wearing six inch heels, getting to her target turned out more difficult than she thought. Not to mention the extremely red kimono that doesn't let her breathe because it's too tight around the waist. Golden crystallized flowers on at the side matching an obi to go with it. Her hair is neatly put away in an elegant braid. Surely she looked like a man's greatest treasure.

Temari huffs angrily as she thinks about the men who will be mentally x-raying her with their eyes.

When she finds him she bonks him with the cream colored fan that matches her kimono.

"Ow! Tem what the hell!?" Kankuro shouts in pain, soothing the top of his head.

"You will pay for this Kankuro!" Temari shakes a finger at him; her face almost matches the redness of her dress.

"Aw come on sis! It's for a beneficial cause!"

"This is the only reason why I gave in! Now if you'll excuse me I have to go to the stage." Temari gets closer to him and grabs him by the collar; a deadly vocal tune threatens him. "But when this is all over you my dear little brother will have hell to pay." And with that she pushes him away and makes her way, dreading the outcome.

Naturally when Kankuro made the suggestion Gaara interfered saying that it was up to me. The Kazekage knew better. Unfortunately as the date of the event got closer the more Kankuro tried to persuade the elders. It worked.

Eventually the elders talked it out with Temari and convinced her.

She was only doing it for her village.

The event? A bidding war of a late night dinner with the highest bidder. Whatever money was collected would be for the man or woman's village. The war had cost them a lot of casualties, and a lot of economic troubles.

Slight chances the Sand Village had into accumulating as much funds as possible. They really didn't have many people to choose from. So far they only had both her brothers. Yes even Gaara had agreed. He didn't mind making a new friend, he said, she was sure that being friends with her little brother would be the farthest thing from the winners mind.

She wouldn't be surprised if girls from her own village would try to out beat the others. As for Kankuro, he was not far off being as popular as her youngest brother.

But what would really bring in the gold was her. To have Temari actually accept a date, even if it was just one would bring in a goldmine. She's been asked out by so many men that she lost count long ago. Men from her village, and from all the other lands. She was known to be cruel, yet these men never gave up.

She makes her way to the line; standing there she recognizes a few faces. Hinata who shyly tries to stretch her dress, when she looks at her she gives her a sympathetic smile because she too is having trouble being tightly bounded by the waist. Ino and Sakura on the other hand look as excited as ever.

This is for the village remember, she thinks to herself, blowing wind to her face with her fan.

Her mind wanders off as the bidding wars begin, there's a long line ahead of her. The Leaf Village seems to have the most people, she being the only one from hers.

To her surprise as she is being forwarded to go next she sees Shino pass down the stairs as the winner goes to claim him. He didn't look like the type to enjoy this type of attention, but she was told that the auction was by choice. Who knew? The girl walks towards him; her light brown hair curls down to her shoulders, brown eyes smiling warmly. At least she was pretty.

Guy and Lee are the announcers, just her luck. The man was smiling at her misery.

"Up now is the beautiful and youthful Temari-san!" Lee yells out into the microphone. It was already loud there was no need for the extra shouting.

"So who wants to start the bidding, come on people who's going take this young fine lady for a youthful dinner tonight!" Guy shouts even louder!

She gets dizzy by the amounts she is hearing. The people were out of their minds and at least three-fourths of the crowd was bidding. The only ones not being the women among the men.

She then hears a familiar slothful voice that is the first time she actually hears him scream. His voice intensifies as other men yell out furiously trying to outbid him. Temari's anger disappears as shock takes over. The lazy ass has gone insane!

Eventually the bids get so outrageously high that even the Feudal Lords can't beat the price. And so he wins.

"Sold! To Shikamaru Nara!" Lee happily announces gesturing to the lazy nin. A very irritated Temari marches away from the way too happy ninjas in search of that stupid boy so that she can give him a piece of her mind.

She places her hands under her chin and gives him a grin.

"What?" he asks, obviously confused by her change of character.

"Not the jealous type, huh?" remembering his denial.

"Tch. Whatever I did you a favor. Those men were after you like dogs after a piece of meat." He tells her annoyingly, but when he bows his head down to concentrate on his food she can see a tinge of red on his cheeks.

She laughs kindheartedly at his previous actions.

"Troublesome." he looks away from her, not wanting to show the obvious proof in front of her.

She tangles her leg around his under the table; the white table cloth is long enough that it reaches the floor. He paid his dues; she might as well make it worth it.

He perks up quickly and gives her a sly look. His foot caressing her now exposed thigh.

She can't help it though, she laughs again, remembering how determined he looked as he tried to out bid the others.

"Idiot." She calls him, but this time he smiles at her instead. Wide and sincere, reserved for her.

They opt to make the best of the rest of the night. After all it was their first time out having a fancy dinner. They liked to keep themselves private and spend late nights in his home at the Nara's land. Still she found his actions absurd; he could just have made her dinner back at his home and at a lesser cost. After all, that was the advantage of being her boyfriend.