Chapter 7

Jack looked at Bunnymund. "So how do you typically get to the ghost zone?"

"Typically a portal, but the only two I can think of are my parent's and Vlad's, but they are so far away."

"Kid, you don't even know who you are." Bunnymund said. "You are the spirit of Halloween, you are a walking portal."


"The ghost zone is your new home. If you want to go there just focus and do what seems natural."

Jack nodded. "Just follow your instincts."

Danny trusted those two and close his eyes. He focused on the ghost zone and felt the need to lift his hand. Danny's hand glowed green and Jack awed.

Danny looked up and before him was a glowing green portal.

Jack whistled. "That's pretty cool."

Danny was nervous. He looked at Jack. "Can you come with me?"

"Of course." Jack grinned. "Does the spirt of adventure not want to go alone?"

Danny shook his head. "It's always more fun when you have a friend beside you."

"Well, let's go!" Jack cheered. "Beat you there." He challenged and jumped through the portal.

Danny laughed and followed close behind.


Danny and Jack stood in a castle.

"This is your new set up? Lucky!" Jack said, looking around. "All I got was a few glaciers."

Danny looked around. "This place seems so… familiar."

The Fright Knight walked into the room.

Danny jumped in front of Jack to defend him.

The Fright Knight approached the two and bowed before Danny. "My Leige."

Danny was thrown off. "Wh-what?"

"The spirit of Halloween. King of all ghosts. I bow before you, your majesty."

"What about the ghost king?"

"The Man in the Moon has retired our old king and has established us with a new and better king."

"Wait, I'm the new king?"

"Yes, my liege."

"You got a servant too!" Jack complained. "I need a new gig. Heck, I need my own holiday. I have Groundhog Day, but that is for my own enjoyment. Besides, I love scaring that smug little rodent back into his home."

Danny rolled his eyes.

"May I call a meeting my liege?"

"Yes. We are going to throw a great Halloween. Please assemble whoever I need to speak to, to make that happen."

"Of course my King." The Fright Knight bowed and left Danny and Jack alone.

"So… Want to explore?" Danny asked.

"I thought you were never going to ask." Jack smirked and led the way.