A/N: So this is just basically going to be a drabble dump for me. (: Sorry for my inactivity.

Drabble: 3-Sentence Fics

Prompt: Canon-ish setting where Vanitas actually ends up killing Ventus early on at their first battle.

just a game, only a game


It's unintentional, a defense instinct, you never meant for the keyblade to hit its mark, this was supposed to just be a funny game of tag; but now Ventus is it, he is it, and you fall to the ground with his dying body in your arms and your dying body in his.

It's funny, the pain isn't pain, and he is looking up at you and his eyes glimmer with something you can't fathom, but the two of you feel like you're coming home; and when the frailness of youth dying in the heat of war has shattered like glass, shaky lips press together and the lasting spark feels like something akin to true love, but true love can't save him and can't save you, and when you two pull to look at each other, there is something steely in his gaze and you understand because you two are finally together.

Together at last, what a poor sight you two must be, holding each other into the inevitable end because two children would never survive under any circumstance when thrust in the dark, two children who would never grow up because fate was against the two, two poor children who faded into shimmers because if one went, the other followed; but amongst it all: you and he were two self-destructive children who never meant to cause harm had played the game of fate and won.

Prompt: time loop; aka, time loop where time gets reset once one or both of them die.

record split


Things go grayscale most days, dying over and over, the game never-ending, the inevitability of fate, forced to watch as time takes its forever toll; things go the same way all the time, they fight, they die, they fight, they die, running around and around as they are just pawns in destiny's game of life.

There are the times in between where they get to stop fighting, where the game is stopped, where harmony can be taken into account because the gamer stopped playing; in those moments, they spend their time waiting, anticipating when they'll be asked to die again and again, waiting for the day they don't have to as they run around and around the record of pain, playing the song of their discord.

But they always do, the inevitability of being players in a game in which they've never lived to see the end of; and when the blonde walks up to him to tell him, "It's time -", he waits for the time where the record stops.