The End!

I know its sad but I think this story should come to an end. It has had a good run but I don't want to drag it out and just make up mindless things to happen in this story. But trust me I have been thinkin of a new Sesshomaru and Rin fic. I am thinkin of putting up a poll too see what kind of settin would be good. Well here is the last chapter of this amazing story that has been an honor to write for all of you. Enjoy!

11 Years Past

I was lying in bed waiting for what would be the worst night of my life. I started to count and before I made it to eight I heard the scream and I got up and went to the room the crying came from. I went to the crib and picked up J.J and rocked him back to sleep. But it was too late and I looked to find a very cranky Ayono rubbing her eyes.

"Mommy make him not cry." She said to me. I smiled and then before I knew it Sesshomaru came up behind her and picked her up. I smiled as she just rested against his neck. I put J.J back and then walked over to them and then she leaned over to me and I took her.

I sighed as I felt that she had barely gained any weight sense she was six. She looked like a six year old. Doctors said it was the demon and human blood in her and that her body would soon grow. But that was when we noticed she stopped growing five years ago.

I took Ayono to her room and then put her back to sleep and then went to the other bed in the room and checked on Mai, who was sound asleep unlike her big sister. I kissed her head and then left the room and went to the basement and seen that Kenji and three of his friends were up watching a movie. "Hey guys hows it going?" I asked them.

All four boys turned to look at me. "Ok. Hey mom I know its late an all but we were wondering if you loved us enough to make us a frozen pizza?" Kenji asked me. I smiled. "How about I bring it down for you guys and you can cook it yourselves?" I asked them. Three boys turned to look at Kenji and then gave me a look. "Please Mom! We can't handle another Kenji pizza." The three yelled at me. I laughed and then went back up and found Sesshomaru already putting the pizza in.

"I know boys and if they are anything like when we were in school then they want food as much as they can have it." He said to me. I kissed him and then got some soda for them all. "I just don't get why he doesn't want to use the theater room." I said to him. He shrugged and then helped me with the rest of the stuff.

Ayono came in and looked wide awake. "Seems like someones fever broke finally." I said as I checked to see if I was right. "I feel better I just wish J.J would stop crying at night." She said and then took the glass of water Sesshomaru handed her. She drank it all and then gave me the glass. "I feel hungry Mommy. Is that pizza I smell?" She asked. I laughed and then told her to ask her brother if he would mind sharing some pizza.


Ayono went down the stairs and then walked up to Kenji. "Yo what's up Ay?" He asked her. She smiled and then said hi to him and waved to his friends. "My fever broke finally." She said with a big smile. "Cool. Still feel sleepy?" He asked her. She shook her head no and then placed her hands behind her back and this tipped Kenji off that she had a question for her big brother.

"What you want Ay?" He asked her. "Mommy said I had to ask to for a piece of pizza." She said to him. "Ya sure your hungry enough to eat something like that? I'm not saying no I just want to make sure you feel good enough to eat it." He said to her. She nodded with out any hesitation. "Ok. Fine by me. Is J.J still crying up there?" He asked her.

Ayono nodded and then headed back up to tell her mom what Kenji said to her. She was almost half way up when Kenji came to the bottom of the stairs. "Hey if its cool with mom, you can join us down here. The guys don't mind and we are down here so we don't have to hear J.J either." He said to Ayono. She smiled and then finished her run up the stairs.


"Mommy! Kenji said I could go down to the basement with him if its ok with you. So can I?" She said to me. "Oh and he said I could have pizza." She added. I smiled and then looked at Sesshomaru who nodded and then pulled the pizzas out of the oven and then cut them. "YAY!" She called and then kissed me on the cheek and giggled.

I smiled at her and then grabbed the pizza platters and plates for the boys and Ayono. "Ay go get your blanket and pillow." Sesshomaru told her. She smiled and turned around quickly and then ran. "Wont be long and Kenji will have girlfriends and then want them to stay the night." I said to Sesshomaru. He sighed and then put the pizzas on the platters and then helped me carry the stuff down to them.

"Kenji watch Ay. I don't want you boys being mean to her." Sesshomaru told them. "Yeah like Kenji would be friends with anyone who messes with Ay. You should have seen this one kid..." That was enough to get Sesshomaru's attention and waited for the rest of the story. "So that was why you got the detention at school. Makes sense now." I said with out getting mad. Ayono arrived and we put her between Kenji and Ti on the hideaway. She covered up and then got handed her food.

"Kenji if she needs anything..." Sesshomaru was cut off. "Dad no offence but she's been my sister sense she was board I think I know how to take care of Ay." He said and then kissed me goodnight. An that cause a chain reaction with the boys wanting to give me kisses an hugs. Kenji had a knack for changing people. He volunteers at a child's orphanage and acting like a big brother. He then goes to a center for troubled kids and helps them.

In fact all these kids were always on the street causing trouble and Kenji changed them all. Ti and him are really close. Kenji met him when he took Ayono to the park. Ti tried to bully Ayono but he didn't get far when Kenji arrived and they got into a huge fight. Both boys had to do community work for a month for the damages they did to the park and then extra work around our house for the doctor bills we paid for to get them patched up.

But thanks to Kenji he was able to find a home for Ti, but half the time he is here. Sesshomaru doesn't like it and when he explained it to me I understood. Ti hangs out because of Ayono. In dog terms Ti is alpha of his little pack and Ayono is his counterpart. Meaning if my little girl ever grows up then they will most likely become mates.

Sesshomaru and I went back to our room and then sat on the bed cuddling. "Hey ya know J.J is nine months old tomorrow." I said to him. Sesshomaru smirked. "Let me guess four kids isn't enough for you?" He asked and I smiled and then climbed on top of him and started to kiss him deeply and then J.J started to cry. "Well send the kids away tomorrow and then start on baby number five." He said with a chuckle.

I smiled and went to sleep. That was the night I knew that after tonight I would be able to talk Sesshomaru into not only have another baby but adopt a child that didn't come from us. I fell asleep peacefully.

That's it for everythin. I hope you liked how things went and I have her a happy endin! YAY! Also what type of settin should I do? High school or back in time kind of thing? I will put a poll up for ya to vote! Thanks for all the reviews and for support. It means a lot to me.