"You're going to hurt your neck." John commented as he walked up to Devon, who stood near the Rail in camp.
"Hmm?" Devon asked turning to look at the mechanic.
"They'll come back when they're ready and in their own time."
"Julia and Alonzo. Don't even try to deny that's who you are looking out for."
"What if Julia leaves?" Devon asked, voicing one of her concerns.
"She won't."
"How can you be so sure?"
"She's being driven by guilt and responsibility. Both of them will compel her to stay. Failing that Alonzo will."
"And if he doesn't?"
"He will."
"If he doesn't he'll leave as well."
"I know, but he won't fail." John assured her. Seeing Devon was about to say something else he sighed and added. "But if they did leave we'd do what we always do. Survive."
"That simple?"
"It has to be. But as I said they're not going anywhere." He was about to walk away when he sensed something else was bothering Devon. So he stopped and waited for the leader of Eden Advance to speak. Finally she said.
"I never considered how much danger Julia would be in by turning her back on the Council. I was so angry at what she had done I never considered her side. To me it was black and white, simple."
"It was for all of us." John agreed. "Especially as we thought the Council were twenty years away."
"Julia's always going to have their threat hanging over her." Devon said sadly.
"True, but Julia knew that when she turned her back on them. We may not have realised what that decision meant, but she did."
"What happens when we get to New Pacifica? What if there are more spies, more Council operatives who come after her?"
"We'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen." John said, unable to come up with anything more comforting.
Turning to look at John Devon suddenly took in how stiffly he was moving.
"You okay?"
"I haven't felt this bad since day two of basic training. Every muscle burns. How Julia ran like this I don't know." Danziger said before adding. "But I'll be okay."
"Take it easy until you're fully recovered." Devon said. "Don't push yourself too hard, I don't want you over doing it."
"Ha! That's rich coming from you." John chuckled before asking. "How's Uly?"
"Fine. I think. He seems so relaxed with the Terrians. He views his time with them as almost natural. All I want to do his keep him at my side and away from them. All he wants to do is play with True, he doesn't even understand why I'm concerned. To tell you the truth I'm scared."
"I can imagine. But try to view them as guardian angels. They seem to be concerned for him."
Before Devon could respond Bess and Morgan approached. Stopping just short of Devon Morgan said. "I've managed to get into the logs."
As the sun was beginning to set Devon walked over to Danziger who immediately said.
"They have their gear. They'll call if there is a problem."
"What if there are more Council operatives out there and they can't call in?"
"Uly said the Terrians took all of them." John pointed out.
"Devon." John said, cutting her off. "Julia has been through hell. She needs time and probably space. Either she is up there resting or she is talking to Alonzo. Either way, it'll do her more good than being here. They'll come back when she's ready."
"And if they don't?"
"We really have to go through this again?" John asked as something gleamed in the distance. "Told you they'd be back." He added smugly nodding towards the approaching ATV. "And Adair, remember Julia is a private person."
"What's that meant to mean?"
"It means that if Julia wants to talk she will. Don't force the issue."
"I wouldn't-" Devon started to protest.
"Maybe not intentionally." John cut in. "But face it you are the type of person who needs to know things."
Any response Devon may have had was cut short by Alonzo bringing the ATV to a gentle stop in front of the pair.
"'bout time you showed it some respect." John commented quietly as Devon rushed over to Julia asking.
"How are you doing?"
"I'm okay." Julia replied, trying to crack half a smile.
"Really?" Devon probed.
"I will be." Julia replied as Alonzo took hold of her hand.
"With rest." The pilot added.
"Before then, you should know that Morgan got into the data logs." Devon said.
"From the ship?" Julia asked, involuntarily tensing.
"Yes. Morgan managed to hack into the database." Devon answered. "When you're ready we'll fill you in."
Three hours later as the camp was surrounded in darkness Julia sat close to the fire, her back pressed against the pilot's chest, waiting for the others to arrive.
When a smaller than expected group of four arrived Julia's confusion showed.
"We thought you'd prefer to hear this separately from the rest of the group." Devon said explaining the small number sitting near Julia. "So far it is only us four who know. We can fill the others in later." She went on indicating Danziger, Morgan and Bess. She then nodded to Morgan to start.
"Okay. The Council routinely sends a ship to G889 once a year. The ships carry a mix of supplies, scientists, special ops and prisoners. All ships dock at the orbital station before the occupants come down to the planet. Whilst on the station they get updated orders from Reilly. Apparently none of them have any problem with taking orders from a hologram. Anyway the group we just came across was the special ops contingent of the latest arrival. Normally, their mission is to keep an eye on prisoners, track down the ZEDs and keep the scientists in line. This time obviously their orders were changed." He paused before saying. "The scientists are placed in various research labs that have been set up round the planet. They stay for a year, then those who survive head back to the stations, replaced by the new arrivals."
"How many don't survive?" Alonzo asked.
"Ninety percent. I don't know why." Morgan said. He paused and let the number sink in before going on. "As far as I can work out there are five labs currently in operation. None of which we will come across."
"So what you're saying is we're safe for now, but in a year we go through this again when the next ship arrives?" Alonzo asked, angry and frustrated.
"Pretty much. But I do have some good news." Morgan offered. "I have uncovered enough dirt on the Council, which if leaked to the news channels would seriously undermine the Council."
"So your plan is to start blackmailing them, which will take at least 20 years to work, during which time we have no protection?" Alonzo asked unimpressed.
"It sounded better until you phrased it like that." Morgan said sounding slightly defeated before going on. "It also turns out they do send regular data bursts back to Earth. However, due to the distance and the time lag it is unclear how many messages actually get through. But you should know that the last data burst was sent this morning. It included all recent events." He paused again before looking at Julia and saying. "I also saw what they did to you and well I'm sorry." He paused again as if finished only to add. "And your family is nuts."
"Morgan!" Bess chastised.
"What? It's true. Having seen her mother I will never complain about your father again."
"There was nothing wrong with my father." Bess said. "He was kind and caring."
"To you maybe." Morgan muttered, realising he was entering a fight he couldn't win.
"So what do we do?" Alonzo asked trying to bring the conversation back on track.
"There's nothing we can do." Julia said matter of factly as Alonzo protectively wrapped his arms round her midriff.
"That's not true." Devon cut in. "If they do come again we'll be prepared and we'll protect you." After leaving a few moments for the statement to sink in Devon added. "It wasn't really your mother."
"Perhaps not physically, but the actions were the same as she would have done." Julia replied.
"You don't mean that." Devon said, still unable to comprehend how any mother could inflict pain on her child.
"I do." Julia said, starting to look uncomfortable. Seeing Julia's expression Danziger cut in, looking at Devon.
"Don't you think Julia's been put enough with out your inquisition?" Not giving Devon a chance to respond he stiffly got to his feet. "It's getting late and we have a long trek tomorrow. We should all get some rest. That includes you too Adair. Don't add your health to Julia's concerns."
"I'm going." Devon said as she too stood. She then walked towards Julia and said. "If you ever need to talk, I'm always here for you."
"I know. Thank you." Julia responded as Devon turned to say goodnight to the Martins, only to find they had already, quietly snuck off.
As the others left Alonzo watched Julia stare at the fire. Guessing she needed time to think he sat silently waiting. When he noticed she was beginning to drift off he asked. "You ready to go back to the tent?"
"No. Hurts too much to move." She said sleepily. "Can we just stay here?"
"Anything you want." He replied as he kissed the top of her head. "Anything you want."
"Julia, Danziger, in the Rail." Devon ordered the following morning. "Walman, Baines take the ATV and scout the trail. Yale, take the kids in the 'Rover."
"What about you? You are still meant to be taking it easy." Julia protested.
"I'm fine." Devon assured her, happy that Julia was outwardly, at least, showing some signs of normalcy.
"Fine enough to nag the rest of us, that's for sure." John muttered as he lifted True onto the back of the Rover. Grimacing in pain as he did so.
"You okay Dad?" True asked.
"I'm fine." John assured her. When his daughter raised a sceptical eyebrow at him he added. "You need to stop spending time with Devon and Julia. That's turning into a scary glare." He then leaned in and kissed her forehead saying. "Call me over Gear if you need anything."
"I'm not the one who's injured." True pointed out.
"I'm not injured, just stiff. Besides I'm riding with the doc." Ruffling her hair he turned and gingerly made his way to the Rail where Alonzo was getting Julia sorted.
"You okay?" He asked climbing in. "Don't bother answering that, it was a dumb question. You ready?"
"I am." Julia said, pleased to be moving on.
-Voice of Morgan Martin
This planet continues to throw obstacles in our path. Whether they are born of this planet or humanities' darkside they will continue to plague us. Despite that the group fights on, overcoming the difficulties. We came close to losing our doctor and our friend, and maybe our lives. Yet we survived. Whether or not the Terrians will request something in return for their help is unclear, but for now we can take heart from the fact that as a group we continue to fight our way towards New Pacifica and as a family we continue to grow stronger. We also now know that the Terrians will fight along side us.
-The End
A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing. I hope you enjoyed it.