Chapter 1

Sebastian Michaelis ran for his life. He didn't know how long he had been running, nor why, but the rain had already soaked him through and he felt his muscles losing their strength. The long bangs were glued to his forehead and made it hard to see forward, witch caused him to hit many of the branches on the dark forest. The soaked clothes made the movements harder and made all the wounds in his abdomen sting. His hand that he pressed against his left rib was soaked with blood and his movements were getting sluggish. He was in shock, the only thought of his mind being the yellow-eyed demon he most desperately wanted to see: Claude Faustus.

When he finally reached the Trancy mansion, he was out of breath, witch alone was very strange for a demon. He lifted his hand in order to press the doorbell, but the hard wood door was opened before he could reach it.

"I thought I smelled something bad", Claude Faustus said from the doorway and turned up his nose. He looked at the pitiful sight in front of him and crossed his arms. "What is your-"

"Claude! Help me!" Sebastian pleaded and tried to grab the butler's shirt but the demon bucked away. "You have to help me!"

"I believe I have to do nothing concerning you", Claude's voice was cold and made shivers run down Sebastian's spine.

"Please, I really need your help!" Sebastian said and tried to grab the butler again but his legs gave out, making him collapse to the ground. Claude eyed the younger demon and saw the blood coming from his body. "Claude, I have done something terrible!"

"You are a demon, I believe doing terrible deeds is part of your nature", Claude said coldly but kneeled in front of the suffering demon. Sebastian truly looked like he was in pain and Claude couldn't decide if the demon was faking it or not.

"It's different. I think I killed someone", Sebastian grabbed the front of his shirt, feeling his breathing come harder.

"You have killed ma-"

"I think I killed Ciel Phantomhive!"

The words seemed to echo in the doorway. Claude was dumbfounded. Sebastian Michaelis had killed his master? That couldn't be right. The demon had always done everything to protect the boy so why had he done something so out of his character.

"What do you mean you think?" Claude asked, trying to collect his thoughts. "And weren't you supposed to eat his soul anyway?"

"I can't remember anything", Sebastian grabbed his hair and started to shiver. Claude had never seen any demon behave like that. Maybe the raven was really suffering. "I have no memory what so ever. I… I just kind of woke up in my master's bloodied room and couldn't find anyone."

"How do I know you're not lying? This could be some kind of trick to get Alois Trancy", Claude eyed the demon suspiciously.

"Do I look like I'm lying?!" Sebastian grabbed Claude's shirt and pulled his face closer. "Claude, I can't remember anything! How can I be playing some kind of tricks to you in this state? Besides, I never lie."

Claude watched calmly at the demon's eyes that seemed to be sincere. Claude knew he shouldn't be trusting the other demon but thought he had no choice.

"Fine. I'll help you, but just this once", the spider demon offered his hand to Sebastian, trying to help him up from the ground. "Come."

"… I don't think I can move anymore", Sebastian said, his red eyes closing a bit. His body shivered as the blood was running through his fingers.

"Don't you dare to pass out on me", Claude said with a disgusted look on his face. He wasn't going to carry the man, no way in hell.

"Sorry", Sebastian's voice was quiet before he fell to his side on the floor. Claude watched the demon that now stained the doorway with his blood. He thought twice, but ended up lifting the limp body to his arms and carrying him inside the mansion.

Sebastian woke up in a dim, plain room and turned his head to get some kind of hint where he was. His eyes weren't focused and it made his head spin. The feeling was new to the demon who had never experienced any humanlike symptoms.

"You're awake?" he heard Claude's voice from the door and turned his eyes there. He could see that Claude was carrying something in his arms, judging by the smell it had to be hot water with disinfect medicine.

"..h", Sebastian couldn't get any voice out of his throat for it hurt so much. He tried to swallow and found it making his throat even more painful. He tried to move his hand to his mouth but noticed it being so heavy he couldn't do it. He tried to talk to Claude but could only make out high sound that meant nothing.

"It's alright, you don't have to talk right now", Claude said and Sebastian could feel a cool towel on his stomach, wiping off the blood. "You're burning up…"

Claude placed his hand on Sebastian's forehead and tugged it away immediately.

"I'll have to take off your wet clothes. You're having a fever and we can't let it go worse", Claude's voice was full of disgust and Sebastian surely didn't want the demon to see every nick of his body but had no other choice.

Claude sure wasn't gentle with him when he tugged the shirt and the shoes off as fast as he could. When the spider demon reached his pants, Sebastian tried to squirm a bit but the demon kept him still. When Claude touched his underpants, Sebastian lifted his heavy hand to stop him.

"I can assure you, I want this as little as you do, but I have to do this", the voice was not as disgusted as before but Sebastian could hear the demon meant every word he had just said. He relaxed his hand, allowing Claude to tug his pants off. When he felt the cold air hit his member, he shut his eyes closed, feeling his face burning from embarrassment.

Lucky for Claude, Sebastian had closed his eyes and didn't see the lustful gaze that accidentally flashed through his eyes. He had known Sebastian Michaelis was perfect in every way but still hadn't expected this. His abdomen was like a statue, his firm abs moving according to his breath. The long limps were slender and looked fragile, making Claude wonder how the man could be so powerful. For a small moment he wanted to touch the white skin+ all over and make the man gasp for pleasure but soon came back to his senses. He had to be careful around this demon.

Claude started to treat the wounds with expressionless face. He moved the towel all over Sebastian's torso, wiping off the blood and secretly enjoying the hard muscles under his hand. He had soon treated all the smaller wounds but the biggest one on the demon's abdomen was still dripping blood.

"Your wound isn't closing up, what do you want me to do to it?" Claude asked and looked at the pale face of the raven demon. Sebastian opened his eyes and tried to speak but could only get out small huffs. He then closed his eyes, thinking hard, and pointed out his tongue.

"You want me to lick it?" Claude asked, part of him screaming for joy and the other part gagging for disgust.

Sebastian nodded and Claude leaned closer to the wound, smelling the delicious blood oozing from the wound. He licked his lips and leaned even closer, his nose almost hitting the white flesh.

"Are you sure?" Claude asked and felt Sebastian nod. He took a deep breath and licked one drop of blood away. Ah, the taste was enchanting! Claude doubted he had ever tasted anything so delicious. He licked the wound all over, making it close when it came in contract with his saliva. Claude followed the edges of the firm muscles with his tongue and secretly enjoyed it. This was going to be the only time he ever did this and thought it was okay to enjoy it a bit more.

When he was done, he slowly pulled away, licking his lips from the traces of blood. He watched at Sebastian's face and noticed the demon being a bit more flushed. He worriedly touched the man's face but noticed the fever had already gone down.

"Are you done?" Sebastian's voice came out strong and normal, no traces of the throat pain was shown anymore. Sebastian sat up, covering his body with the blanket.

"That's my thanks?" Claude said and pushed the man back to the mattress. "You stay still or you reopen the wound. And I can assure you I'm not doing that again."

"I don't expect you to", Sebastian said and turned his back towards the spider.

"So, what caused that wound?" Clause asked and sat on his bed, the dip making Sebastian to slide against his leg. The touch made the red eyed demon gasp and he quickly covered his mouth.

"Does it still hurt?" Claude asked and turned the demon to his back. He noticed the demon was redder than before and frowned. Was something still wrong? He leaned over the demon's body and placed his leg between the other demon's legs. The demon shook his head and made Claude frown.

"I'm waiting for my reply. Who did it?" Claude said and grabbed Sebastian's hand that tried to push him away. "I believe I deserve at least an explanation."

"I don't know who did it", Sebastian answered truthfully, still not looking at the demon's eyes.

"Somehow I don't trust you", Claude said and leaned closer, his leg accidentally brushing over Sebastian's crotch. Hard crotch.

Claude looked at the other demon with disgusted face. He jumped off the bed, like he could get stained or something.

"You are sick", the yellow eyes reflected pure disgust and hatred. Sebastian's chest felt tight and he covered his proudly standing manhood.

"Claude, I'm-"

"Take care of that and leave", the yellow-eyed demon turned his back to Sebastian and walked to the door. "I go make sure your story is correct. If you go near Trancy, I will kill you with my own hands."


Sebastian's voice was shut off by a door and he was left alone to the plain room. Oh, how he hated himself right now.

He covered his head and thought for a moment. What was he going to do now? The wound was already healing, almost disappeared after it had received Claude's treatment, and nothing made him an excuse to stay. He sighted heavily and was reminded of his standing wood. What was he going to do about it?

Sebastian slowly grabbed his manhood with both hands and tightened his grip. He knew he shouldn't be doing it, at least not right here, but couldn't help himself. He remembered the touch of Claude's tongue running across his abdomen, following the firm muscles, and let out a pleasured sight. He started to move his hand slowly, imagining Claude's touch all over his body.

He wet two of his fingers and placed them over his nipple, imagining Claude's tongue exploring it thoroughly, nipping and biting it harshly. The tingling sensation rushed immediately to his crotch and he became even harder.

Sebastian turned to his stomach, making his bottom hang in the air. He brought the fingers again to his lips and lubricated them thoroughly, running his tongue across the long digits. When he assumed it was enough, he brought them to his entrance.

Sebastian felt his face flush, he had never done this, ever. Along all those years he had been a demon, he never thought he would be using his fingers to masturbate while thinking a certain yellow eyed demon.

He started to circle his fingers around his entrance and felt it twitch a little. Was that normal? He added the other finger too and moved them everywhere, imagining Claude's tongue there, doing it's magic. It felt so filthy and arousing at the same time, Sebastian couldn't figure out if he liked it or not.

Slowly, he pushed one finger inside, flinching a bit from the pain and odd sensation. He started to move it in peaceful movements, earning only painful sparks that ran through his body. He knew some people got plenty of pleasure from this action but couldn't see what was so good about it. If anything, it made him go limp. Sebastian tried to push his finger further but found it impossible for his hole being too tight. He grunted and pulled the finger out, a tingling sensation was left behind, that actually felt pretty good.

He started to fondle his member and let out soft moans. He was sure he wouldn't really want the spider demon inside him, never, but still imagined how wonderful it would possibly feel. He imagined Claude's flushed face, caused by Sebastian's hot body, how sweat would drip along his neck, how the sweaty hands would be wrapped around his legs, pulling them apart and making the demon go deeper. Sebastian fastened his movements, panting heavier and heavier. He could feel a familiar, mind filling feeling take over his mind and sped up his hand. He gasped out Claude's name, tweaking his nipples at the same time.

"Sebastian", he imagined Claude to whisper his name to his ear and soon came, repeating the other demon's name on his lips. He panted heavily and collapsed to the mattress, wrapping the sheets around his naked body.

Something was definitely wrong with him. All these years his feelings towards Claude had been only a mere crush, he had never imagined him and Claude together though. He had just thought the feelings were pure attraction, nothing more. Sebastian covered his eyes, rubbing his face roughly. Something had to be done, and quickly!

"Claude? I wanted to-" Alois' voice was heard from the door and Sebastian flinched, quickly covering his body more and trying to look as small as possible. Alois entered the room and stilled for a mere second before yelling from the bottom of his lounges.


Thank you for reading!

If you have anything to say about this chapter, good or bad, please review : )

Also, this story is just something I'm doing the same time while writing my other and is just meant to keep my flow up. I have just a small idea of where this story is going, but I think it will be semi-long. I'll try to upload as often as I can so please be patient!