Hey my awesome readers, here's another fic for you!

This is set around the late DB/Very early DBZ time of Goku and Chichi's seconed anniversary. (No Gohan) this is my idea of when they conceive him.

This is a continuation of Moonlight lake for my BFF Sophie who loved it sooo much!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Dragonball or Dragonball Z all rights belong to their respective owners!


by Berryberrykix6

The cold wind rustled through the trees as Chichi leaned against the window-sill, looking out at the late sun in the sky. She sighed to herself and thought of the one person that she had playing in her mind all day…Goku…

"How could he train all day, surely he could've come home by now". She flatly stated. "Oh Goku, I gave you such a wonderful first, I thought you would make this one special for me"!

But all she could do was turn and look at the cold dark house.

Goku had finished training about an hour ago and was in West City with Bulma, trying to find a present for Chichi. He honestly had no idea where to start with this anniversary thing, so Bulma had offered to help.

"Well, what does she like"?

Goku just looked somewhat sheepish and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh come on Goku, you've been married two years now and you don't know what kind of perfume, jewellery or clothes she'd like"!

He lowered his head to the ground "I'm sorry Bulma, but I don't ask her about that stuff". He shrugged and she led the way to another jewellery shop shaking her head.

As they were making there way to the next flashy shop they walked past a dark, almost shabby looking place. Goku stopped and looked at it, everything in their seemed black. The paint on the walls, the carpet, the silk in the display windows and most of the items for sale. But something caught his eye on one of the yellowing mannequin heads, round it's neck on a slim silver chain was a piece of black onyx, cut into the shape of a key.

"Hey, that looks neat"! He exclaimed, pressing his face into the dusty window to get a better view.

Bulma looked up and her face creased with disgust. "Oh come on Goku, you can't buy Chi something from there…". But her moaning was unheard as he had disappeared into the gloomy shop.

"Well I'm not going in there"!

As he walked through the door it hit him, a musty, thick old smell, he wrinkled his nose before a voice startled him. An old woman appeared through a black door at the back of the shop, her grey hair was done up in a loose bun and her face, although very wrinkled seamed full of joy.

"Hello, how can I help you, seen something you like". She greeted him.

"Hi, um, how much is the onyx key necklace thingy in the window"?

"Awe, you like that, well it is special".

"Special"? He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh yes, it is said that when you give key pendants to loved ones you're giving them you're heart".

He looked at her puzzled as she slowly lifted it from the mannequin and wrapped it in some white tissue. She turned to him and handed him the item.

"That will be twenty five Zeni please".

He fumbled in his pocket for the money and handed her the cash. "Do you have a box I could put this in, only it's a gift?"

The old woman turned and walked back around the counter, looked underneath for a few seconds and pulled a tiny black box out with gold swirls on the lid and down the one side. He opened the box and placed the necklace inside.

"Thanks"! He smiled at her but just as he was walking out the door the old woman spoke.

"Don't give that to your wife unless you really love her".

He turned back to her but she was gone.

"How did she know I was marred…who is she"?

Then Bulma's agitated voice brought him back to reality and smiled at her.

"Where have you been; I thought you'd been kidnapped or something, this place creeps me out"!

"Hey Bulma, look"! He held up the box and she cocked an eyebrow. "Sooo Chichi's anniversary gift is in there"?


She smiled and shook her head. "Alright Goku, and I'm glad you picked it". She winked at him and they made there way out of the mall and back to Bulma's so Goku could get ready for the night.

Bulma had planned a great night for the two, while she helped Goku to pick a present she had called Chichi and told her to go to her father's Castle and get herself ready. After bashing Goku about his training she had complied. Bulma's grin grew, she had no idea what she and Goku were planning and now the house was empty, this meant she and Goku could prepare everything for their special night.

The sun was beginning to set as they arrived at the house. Goku stepped out of the car pulling at his collar.

"Leave it alone Goku, you'll ruin it." She snapped.

He reluctantly took his fingers away and pouted at her stern face. "But it's too tight!"

"Oh for the love of Kami, it's just one night, and not even that!"

"Huh"? He scratched the back of his head.

Bulma gave a smirk. "Well, when you to get busy neither of you will have any clothes in the way". She gave a wink and turned to the house leaving a brightly blushing Goku behind.

They worked all over the house. Starting from the lounge they threw petals all over the floor, leading into the kitchen, next they set a very large bouquet of Orchids, Lilies, Roses and Sweet Pea, with a small card. More petals were strooned up the stairs and into the bedroom where they placed some Roses on the bed along with a bottle of Champagne and the little black box. Then Bulma went over what Goku was meant to do when Chichi arrived.

"Ok, so when Chichi gets here…"

"I wait behind the wardrobe and when she sees the things on the bed, I say hey"?

"No Goku, you say hey baby, in a, husky, sexy voice".

"Oh, ok, ummm, hey baby".

Bulma beamed "Perfect, now I'm outta here, Chichi's gonna' arrive pretty soon".

He nodded and hugged her. "Thanks Bulma, she's gonna' love this"!

"You're both gonna' love it". She hugged back. "Remember, this is your night too"! She pulled away and gave him a thumbs-up before she hurried down the stairs and disappeared outside.

Hope you guys enjoyed this!

Ch2 coming soon ;)

But it won't be started until the 29th July because i'm on holiday next week :D sorry if that upsets you but we're having great weather here! gotta' make the most of it! Until then take care ;)