
I'm sorry it took me so long to upload the second chapter but here it is now! Please enjoy and review(:

Musa was standing in front of her full-length mirror checking herself out. Brandon had dropped her off and told her he would pick her up so she wouldn't have to deal with finding Sky's house. It was around 7 when Musa decided to get up from her couch where she was watching TV; the party was at 9 so she took her time to get ready.

She had decided to wear something nice since there were going to be a lot of people from her new school, according to Brandon. She picked some gold sparkly shorts and a black sleeveless button blouse. She paired her outfit with some basic black suede pumps. Her messy ponytail turned into a sleek one with her bangs hanging out, her almost natural face turned into smokey eyes and slightly pink lips. Brandon had told her to text him when she was ready, and she had just done that. Now it was only time to wait for him to call her.

When Brandon got back home he saw his cell phone blinking. When he unlocked it he noticed Musa had changed his background picture to a picture of them from that afternoon. He just laughed it off and checked his notifications. He had several from Instagram and was confused since he didn't use it that often but when he opened it he realized why, Musa had uploaded one of her selfies by her own where she was making a kissy face, and it had the hashtags #Kisses4TheHaters #FunTimes #Xoxo. He noticed most of the likes were from guys and some were wondering who she was. He was slowly starting to realize that Musa was something he had never seen before.

He didn't need much dressing up, just some dark wash jeans and a white button-up shirt. He sprayed himself with some cologne and saw his phone lighting up, and it was none other than Musa. Sure, he had told her he'd pick her up so she wouldn't get lost but that wasn't his only reason. Even if he had just met her not that many hours ago, he felt some kind of attraction towards her.

Besides, my friends will be green with envy when they see me walk in there with her, He thought.

He had already parked his car in front of his house, so he dialed Musa's number while standing at her door, told her he was outside and waited.

Musa opened the door and was shocked to see Brandon standing there "I thought you were waiting in the car."

"That wouldn't show how much of a gentleman I am," he smiled at her. His eyes roamed her body, taking in her appearance. When he met with her eyes again she was smirking "You look really nice. Come on, lets go"

"I always do." Musa smiled and followed him to his car. As they got in, she realized she had forgotten to ask him something.

"Brandon," she said gaining his attention "Do you drink?"

"Well yeah, a little" he said confused. He didn't understand where she was coming from.

"And are you going to drink and drive?"

"Oh no, don't worry about that. A party at Sky's means that I can drink and sleep ov-" Brandon stopped mid-sentence as he realized his plan "Shit I didn't think about this."

"Don't worry about it Brandon, I'll just follow you," She replied reaching for the door handle.

"Wait!" Brandon said a little too quickly. He coughed "Its fine, I wasn't planning on drinking that much and besides, you wouldn't be able to remember your way back home at night"

"Are you sure that's alright? I don't want to be a bother"

"I'm sure," he said turning on the engine "And you would never be a bother"

"Really?" she asked with incredulity, this time turning her body to face him "Even if I got so drunk you'd have to take care of me for the whole party?"

"Should I be expecting something like this to happen?" he said laughing.

"Nah, I'm a big girl. I know how to handle my alcohol" she laughed too. "But it's been a while since I partied so no promises."

Ten minutes later they found themselves parked on a street full of cars and some people were just hanging outside.

"I'll introduce you to my friends as soon as we get there" Brandon said while they walked on the sidewalk. He had to park a bit farther away since there were already lots of cars around his friend's house.

As they got closer Musa could hear the music blasting loudly and noticed tons of people inside. Without realizing it, she wrapped her hand around Brandon's arm. Brandon looked down at her kind of confused by her sudden move.

She realized what she had just done and blushed a little "I'm sorry"

Before she could even pull her hand away he replied "Its fine, everyone is really friendly so don't worry about that"

Brandon walked through the door, with Musa clutching his arm by his side, and quickly scanned the house to find his friends. At the moment the song changed and Pound the Alarm was now booming though the house.

"Oh my God! I love this song," Musa squealed "Let's go dance!" she pulled ever so slightly on his arm.

"What about my friends?" Brandon asked unsure.

"Just one song I swear! Then we'll find them," Musa pleaded with puppy eyes "Please"

He sighed; he couldn't resist the puppy eyes. Besides, he'd find his friends later "Fine, but just one song"

She squealed again and led them both into the dance floor people had created in the living room. When they got to middle she stopped walking and started dancing. Brandon didn't enjoy dancing, not that he was bad it was just something he preferred not to do, but when he saw how freely Musa had started to dance he just pushed his thoughts away and enjoyed the moment.

"You know we getting hotter and hotter" Musa sang along while she swayed her hips to the music. Brandon couldn't help but think how sexy she looked.

Brandon was getting pushed by the all the people who suddenly went crazier as the chorus came on, and ended up being closer to Musa than he had planned. Musa noticed this and used it in her favor as she slightly brushed her bare leg with his, and her hands would find their way to his shoulders as she kept swaying and shaking her hips.

Suddenly Musa leaned toward him "I just want you tonight" she breathed the lyrics sensually in his ear, and then turned around making her back face him and kept on dancing, her hand now on the back of his neck, making them stand closer than ever.

Brandon started to wonder what had he done recently to deserve such an amazing reward. Just as these thoughts were going through his mind he felt Musa grinding against his body. He could see she had her eyes closed as the music moved her body. It took him less than a second to place his hand on her waist and unconsciously pulled her closer to him. The pair kept grinding against each other, blocking everyone else out, and letting loose.

The song was about to end which made Musa open her eyes. She was shocked to say the least when the first thing she saw was 5 girls staring at them, or rather, at her.

She turned to face Brandon with an amused look on her face "Um Brandon," she glanced back over her shoulder "Do you have a girlfriend or something?"

He frowned "Not that I'm aware of, why?" He didn't feel like removing his hand from her waist so he kept it there.

"Well let's just say that if looks could kill, I'd be dead by now" she glanced back again, only this time glaring at them.

Brandon followed her gaze and started laughing. Musa just looked confused now "What's so funny?"

"Those are my best friends," He managed to say between laughs "Come on, time for introductions"

He led Musa out of the dance floor and towards the group of friends. He could see how the girls started whispering things and the guys checked Musa out. He glanced at Musa to see how she reacted, but it seemed like that had just made her held her chin higher and walk more sensually, if that was even possible.

"Hey guys!" Brandon said as they stood in front of the group "This is Musa-"

"Is she your girlfriend?" A red head interrupted him glancing towards his hand.

He tried to pull his hand away when he realized he was still holding Musa's waist, but she quickly grabbed it and held it there "No Bloom, Musa is just my new neighbor and friend. This are my friends Bloom, well you already met Sky, Flora, Tecna, Timmy, Layla, Helia, Stella, Nabu and Riven" He said to Musa.

Musa looked at each of them as Brandon mentioned them and just smiled and waved, trying to memorize their names. When she looked at Riven she noticed him smirking at her "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked him with sassiness.

"Well maybe because I was actually enjoying the little show you put out there" He replied glancing at the dance floor and kept the smirk on his face.

"I'm flattered you enjoyed my dancing, and I'm sorry to disappoint you but that wasn't for you" She replied with a smug look on her face.

"It'll soon be for me baby. Just wait and see," Riven said with a wink.

"In your dreams," She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Of course you'll be in my dreams baby but you'll be much more naked."

She just looked at him in disgust and turned back to the rest of the group.

"So Musa tell us about yourself. When did you get here? And where are you from?" Flora asked her with a sweet voice that reminded her of a mother.

"Well I'm from New York and I actually just got here last night. I met Brandon today and well here I am," she shrugged.

"How did you meet Brandon?" Nabu asked curiously.

"Well," Musa started looking at Brandon "Let's just say it was a very interesting meeting," Brandon just blushed at her comment.

"How do you like California so far?" Tecna asked her while sipping her drink.

"So far so good" Musa replied while looking around "Where can I get something to drink?"

Riven raised an eyebrow "The kitchen, duh"

"Like I know where it is" She said glaring at him.

This time Riven sighed "Follow me," Musa raised her eyebrow "I need another drink" He added shaking his empty cup.

He walked toward the kitchen with Musa trailing close behind him. She looked around the party realizing it wasn't that different from the ones back in Alaska, except for the more revealing clothes girls used around here, probably because of the heat.

They reached the kitchen and Riven turned towards her "There is the fruity punch," He pointed over to a bowl containing a red liquid "Serve yourself" He added while he went over to the counter filled with various bottles.

Musa just stood there with her mouth hanging open. Did he seriously believe she was just going to take some shitty punch while he took the good stuff? Determination flashed on her face as she walked over to the bar and grabbed a shot glass.

"Whoa, what do you think you are doing?" said Riven as he noticed her standing beside him.

"Getting something to drink, duh" she mocked him while grabbing a bottle of tequila.

"Well," he took the bottle out of her hands pouring himself a shot "In case you didn't hear me, girls' drinks are over there."

She grabbed it back and poured herself a shot "That might be what girls from here drink, but girls like me like the real thing." She put the shot glass up to her lips, tilted her head back and let the liquor burn down her throat, leaving behind a sensation she growed to love.

Riven watched her take the shot, and was actually surprised when she didn't have any reaction to the alcohol, not a face or even sound, she had just drank it like it was water. He followed shortly after taking his own. He slammed the glass down on the counter and turned to her, only to find her looking through all the bottles as if she was searching for something.

"Looking for something specific?" Riven asked her amused.

"Actually yes," she said while still reading all the labels "I'm trying to find some ABSOLUT 100"

"Are you trying to get hammered by any chance? Because that's the only thing you'll get from drinking that."

She stopped looking at the bottles and took a step towards him "That only shows how much you don't know about me," she took another step closer to him, now only a few inches separating them "And how much I could teach you" she said as she gave him a flirty look.

Riven smirked at this "You know, I could teach you a thing or two too" he leaned closer to her ear "We could study each other in the bedroom sweetheart."

Before he made another move, Musa stepped back with a smile still on her face "I don't think that's going to happen Rivor, you're not really my type" She faced the bottles again and finally found her precious vodka.

"It's Riven," he corrected her "And what do you mean by "not your type"? I can be your type baby."

She just stood there preparing her drink, she could feel him staring at her but she ignored him. When she was done she turned to him again "You're hot, but it takes more than that to have me" With that she walked out of the kitchen with her new drink, leaving a confident but confused Riven standing there.

When she got back to where the group was she found them all sitting in the exact same spot as when she left. "What do you guys do at parties? Don't you dance or do something fun?"

"We're not the best dancers out there" Stella admitted "The only one that is good is Layla but she never wants to dance alone so she just stays with us."

"I call bullshit on that" Musa said. Flora's eyes widened at her foul language. "I mean anyone can shake their booty! Come on girls let's have some fun and give the guys a show!" She grabbed Flora's wrist and dragged her to the dance floor. The other girls just looked at each other and followed them.

Riven walked back to the group and found the guys staring at something with their mouths hanging open. "What got you guys so hooked?" He looked to where they were all looking and a smirk crept to his face at the sight in front of him.

The girls were on the dance floor with Musa, she had been able to get the girls to dance which was impressive on its own, but the fact that she had somehow convinced them to dirty dance with her was beyond words. Flora and Tecna looked a bit awkward trying to move their hips but they were still having fun. Bloom and Stella were still a little embarrassed since they knew the guys were watching them, but followed Musa's steps and were slightly grinding. Musa and Layla were the ones going all the way, they were facing each other with their legs intertwined and fully grinding against each other. They rolled their hips and shook their booties to the rhythm, throwing their head back from time to time.

"I don't care what you guys say but I'm recording this," Nabu said "It might never happen again" No one even opposed to the idea, so he took out his phone and started recording them.

A couple hours had passed and the party was slowly coming to an end. It was around 3 am when Brandon started looking for Musa, since he realized he didn't ask her if she had to get home at a certain hour. He looked around the dance floor, where he figured he'd find her, there were still a few couples lingering around but she wasn't there. He got to the kitchen where he found Flora and Bloom chatting, and went over to them.

"Hey guys have you seen Musa?" he asked.

"I haven't" Bloom told him.

"I think she said something about going upstairs with Riven, or something like that" Flora admitted shyly.

Brandon's face flashed with disappointment but quickly regained his composure "Thanks Flora, I'll go look for her" He said while walking away. He went up the stairs and found a few people hanging in the hallways. He spotted Andy, one of his classmates, and approached him.

"Hey Andy! Have you seen Riven around here?" He asked the spiked haired guy. He figured he wouldn't know who Musa was.

"Yeah, a few minutes ago he went into Sky's room with some chick, and damn! She was hot!"

"Thanks dude, I'll see you around" He walked over to Sky's room and stopped in front of the door. He knew there was a chance that he was about to interrupt something he didn't want to see, but strangely that didn't stop him from opening the door without knocking.

Inside he found Riven and Musa standing really close together, he was shirtless and she had taken her blouse off leaving her in her black bra. Brandon felt a pang of jealousy hit him in the gut, but tried to keep it cool.

"Oh sorry, am I interrupting something?" He asked the couple standing in front of him.

Musa looked up to him and smiled "Not at all. This stupid drunk girl spilled the whole punch bowl on us, so I asked Riven to help me clean my top. Now we're just waiting for our shirts to dry a little."

Brandon felt relieved that nothing had happened. Musa interrupted his thoughts "Did you need anything?"

"Oh yeah, I was wondering if you had a curfew or anything since I forgot to ask" he said remembering why he was looking for her in the first place.

Musa laughed making both guys look at her "My parents aren't even in town; they don't know I'm here."

"So you just kind of escaped?" Riven asked her.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like they care. As long as I don't end up in jail again" she muttered the last part.

"Again?!" Both guys asked this time.

"Sheez! It wasn't that big of a deal. I might tell you the story some other day." She walked over to where her shirt was and put it back on. She grabbed Riven's and threw it at him "They're already dry."

"Come on guys," Brandon said walking out the door "The games are about to start."

"What games?" Musa said following him with Riven trailing behind her.

"The traditional ones, you know Truth or Dare and Spin the bottle. We always wait till everyone leaves" Riven added.

"And why do you wait?" They were already down the stairs and noticed that everyone had left except for the group which was already sitting in a circle in the living room.

"Would you like kissing people you barely know? Cause I'm sure I don't" Brandon said while making a face.

"That's a shame, considering that you barely know me" She said while sighing sadly "Now I know I'm not an option for you in Spin the Bottle" With that she walked past both guys to go to the kitchen.

"Fuck" Brandon hissed. He was actually praying he would get her in the game, but he realized his good luck had run out.

"Come on dude" Riven said laughing at what just happened. They walked over to their friends and sat down.

"We were waiting for you guys. Where did Musa go?" Sky asked them.

"The kitchen," Riven said "She's probably getting her precious vodka"

"Vodka? Has she been drinking that all night?" Layla asked surprised "How come she's not drunk?"

"Maybe it's the fact that I know how to handle my alcohol" Musa said while coming out of the kitchen sipping her drink. She had a red cup in one hand and a half-empty bottle of peach flavored vodka on the other. She sat down on the spot they had left for her, which was besides Brandon and Flora. "So are you going to let me play? Or do I have to be part of your group for a while and all that?"

"You're already part of us Musa" Stella said winking at her. "Let's start with spin the bottle to make thing interesting. I'll go first!" She said excited and spun the bottle lying in the center of the circle. It landed on Timmy. Some girls giggled but Stella paid them no attention. She walked on her knees to where he was and planted a kiss on his lips. He kissed her back but kept the kiss plain. A few seconds later they pulled away and sat back down.

"So are there any rules or anything?" Musa asked while sipping her drink. She noticed all the girls had a cup full of the fruity punch and realized why they weren't drunk.

"Not really" Timmy said while pushing his glasses up "The kiss is supposed to last around 10 seconds, you can go from a clean kiss to a full make out session. Same sex, spin again" He spun the bottle and got Bloom. He went over and kissed her. The girls giggled again. Apparently they did that all the time.

After a few rounds, it was Nabu's turn. He spun the bottle and it slowly landed on Musa. By this time she was already drinking straight from the bottle and was a little tipsy. He went over to her and she got on her knees so he wouldn't hover over her, but they were instead at the same height. He leaned down and his lips met with hers. She responded the kiss while closing her eyes and licking his bottom lip. He was surprised but opened his mouth to let her in, his tongue battling hers while grabbing her by the waist to pull her closer to him. He bit her bottom lip and she let out a muffled sound, sounding like a moan. The guys started hollering and cheering which made them pull away from each other.

"Peachy" Nabu said with a smirk. Musa licked her lips and laughed. She reached over to the middle to grab the bottle.

"Look at Nabu guys! He's all red!" Sky said while pointing at his friend's face laughing. He was in fact very red, which made everyone else laugh. "Let's see who is going to be the next lucky one".

Musa spun the bottle and it landed on Helia. She went over to where he was sitting and just stood there on her knees observing him. He was sitting crossed leg so she was looking down at him. He had his long hair in a side ponytail which hid part of his face. His eyes were a beautiful blue color, almost like the ocean. He seemed so calm she relaxed just by watching him. He didn't even seem to be bothered by having her right in front of him just staring at him.

"What are you waiting for? Just kiss him!" Brandon said. He wanted this to be over as soon as possible.

Musa ignored the comment and reached her hand towards his hair elastic. She worked her fingers through his hair till it was finally off. Helia remained calmed but he was confused as in why was she letting his hair down. She simply smiled and ran her fingers though his hair before pressing her lips into his.

The kiss was nothing like the one she had just shared with Nabu. While the first one was hot and steamy, this was caring and passionate. Helia's lips seemed to be moving at the same rhythm as hers. She couldn't help but to run her hands on his silky locks pulling him closer to her. This time it was him who licked her lip asking for entrance, and she let him. It was a sweet kiss, and she liked that.

She pulled away slightly, with their foreheads still touching "I like your hair down better" she smiled, kissed his cheek and went back to her place.

The game went on for a few more turns. By the time the game was over, Musa was more than a bit tipsy and had ended up sitting in Riven's lap, giggling at everything everyone said.

"Guys how about we play truth or dare?" Stella asked excited "It is always so much fun!"

Musa groaned "Nooooooo" she said dragging her words "I don't know you all that well and I wouldn't know what to ask" she pouted while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Then what would you like to play sweetheart?" Riven asked her. He thought she looked so sexy when she pouted he just wanted to kiss her right in that moment. He had been stealing little pecks here and there, but if he could get a chance he would do so much more to her.

Suddenly her face brightened and a smile was on her face "Let's play Never have I e-ever! That way you ask everyone at the s-same time" She turned back to grin at Riven and gave him a quick peck on the lips which quickly turned into a deeper kiss.

"Yeah yeah, let's just play anything" Brandon muttered. He had been eyeing the new 'couple' with jealousy for a while. He thought he could finally get the girl, but of course the bad boy always gets the girls.

Sky went and gave everyone a filled cup of liquor that nobody could really identify, and gave Brandon and Timmy soda since they were both driving back.

"I'll start!" Bloom offered with a smile. When everyone nodded in approval she continued "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping" All the girls but Tecna took a sip from their cups.

"Never have I ever fucked someone!" Musa suddenly said while grinning and taking a gulp of her drink.

Everyone just stared at her for her sudden outburst, and then started laughing. Riven took Musa's cup and gulped down part of the liquor. The rest just looked at each other wondering if anybody else was going to drink up.

"Oh come on! If you don't tell I will" Riven warned to no one in particular.

Almost immediately Bloom, Sky, Nabu and Stella drank up. Riven smirked at the way they had all reacted and said "Never have I ever given or received a lap dance"

Nabu, Sky, Brandon and Riven sipped their cups without hesitation. Timmy and Helia slowly raised their cups to their lips. As in for the girls they all blushed a sipped their cups except for Musa.

"So you're telling me you've done 'it' but have never given a lap dance?" Layla questioned her with incredulity.

Musa quickly shook her head, hitting Riven hard in the face with her ponytail. Brandon noticed this and chuckled under his breath.

"I guess the moment never came"

"Now's the moment sweetheart," Riven said with a smug look on his face "You're on my lap, just dance"

Musa giggled while Brandon, and pretty much the rest of the guys, fumed with jealousy.

"But I have to start standing up!"

Musa quickly scrambled to her feet and got up, but as fast as she was up, she was down again. She laid there on the floor laughing at the way her ankle had twisted and how she was now in the middle of the circle of people.

"I guess this means it's time to go home" Brandon said smiling. He got up and helped Musa to her feet while securing an arm around her waist; he certainly didn't want her falling in the sidewalk.

"B-b-byee guys!" Musa slurred happily as she was dragged out by Brandon, who waved goodbye to his friends.

He parked outside his house and went to Musa's side to help her out. He had figured out she needed the most help she could get in walking, as she refused to take her heels off. They walked up her porch with his arm wrapped tightly around her waist, and Musa gave him her keys. He opened up and led her inside her own house.

Getting up the stairs was a bit of a challenge, but when they finally reached the top he was glad she had finally decided to take her shoes off and kick them into what he supposed was her room. He led her to her bed and she quickly climbed into it snuggling into her pillow.

"G'night Brandon" She whispered quietly as he turned off the light "Thank you"

"Night Musa" He said quietly. He shot her one more glance before shutting the door and walking out.

He had to do something before Riven did, and it had to be fast.