"Darling! Come downstairs!" her parents yelled, standing by the door "We need to leave soon!"

"I still don't get why you're leaving so soon, we just got here!" she said walking down the stairs with a frown on her face.

"I've told you sweetie, this promotion we got is going to need a lot of time and dedication from both your mom and I" her dad said while pulling her in for a hug.

"I get it" she said sighing "But what am I supposed to do for 2 days? Unpack all by myself?"

Her mom just rolled her eyes "Musa we just moved to California and knowing you I'm pretty sure you'll make some friends to hang out soon, you won't be that bored" she said while winking at her daughter.

Musa couldn't help but to smile a little, knowing her mom was right.

"Well we better get going," her dad said while kissing her forehead. "Take care Musa"

Her mom hugged and kissed her goodbye. Musa waved at them from the doorframe as they left for their emergency meeting. She closed the door and looked around their new house; it was full of boxes which had just arrived all the way from New York.

"Well I guess I could unpack MY stuff" she muttered to herself.

She took the time to move all the boxes with her name up to her room, after all it was a hot summer day and she didn't feel like sweating. When they were all there she started opening some and trying to organize all the clothes and decorations that were inside. This was one of the moments were she regretted loving fashion so much. After unpacking more than half of her clothes she decided to take a shower and go out to get to know the city. She played her favorite playlist on her IPod and hopped on the shower trying to relax for a bit.

Musa stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around herself and walking into her room, singing along to the music. She was trying to find something to wear from her recently organized clothes when the doorbell rang.

"Shit, who could it be?" she hissed sticking her head out on the hallway. The doorbell rang again.

She looked at herself in the mirror wrapping her towel tightly around her body, combed her long midnight blue hair slightly, slipped on her flip flops and hurried downstairs. When Musa opened the door she was surprised to see a cute guy standing there.

The guy couldn't believe he was dreading coming to welcome the neighbors just a few minutes ago. He surely wasn't expecting to find a hot girl all wet and wearing nothing but a towel that didn't cover much. He couldn't help but let his eyes roam her body, looking her up and down.

Musa cleared her throat "Yes?" she asked him as soon as she realized he was checking her out. She put her arms around her chest making sure her towel wouldn't fall.

The boy's cheeks flushed a little "I'm sorry," he nervously said "I'm your next door neighbor and my mom made me come over to give this to you" he held up a tray of cookies as he spoke.

"Oh well, thank you." Musa said giving him a small smile. She looked at the tray and back at the boy "Would you mind putting them in the kitchen? I kind of have my hands busy"

"Not at all" he said with a goofy grin. Musa opened her door to let him in. As he was following her into the kitchen he couldn't help but to stare, as her hips moved from side to side making the towel rise about an inch.

"You can put them in the counter" Musa said interrupting his thoughts. He obeyed and put them in the counter. An awkward silence filled the air.

"So where did you move from? The guy asked breaking the ice.

"New York. It is pretty different from California" she said while looking around.

The guy just nodded "That's cool" he looked down not knowing what to do or say "I-

She suddenly cut him off "Hey could you show me around town or something? I don't really know anyone and you seem pretty cool" Musa said remembering her mother's word from earlier."Besides if I went out alone I would probably get lost"

He just chuckled "Sure, that'd be great"

"Awesome. Just let me get dressed and I'll be down in a few minutes. Is that alright with you?" she asked him with a flirty look on her face.

"Perfectly fine with me" he said returning the flirty look she was giving him.

Musa headed out of the kitchen but not before signaling the guy to follow her into the living room. When she reached the stairs she turned to him.

"You can wait here while I change and don't worry, it won't take me that long" Musa said while winking at him.

She slowly made her way up the stairs knowing the guy was still watching her. She decided to have a little fun with her neighbor's hormones by letting her towel hang a bit more loosely, revealing most of her bare back to the teenager standing who was still standing by the stairs. When she got to the top of the stairs she didn't bother to turn back and see his reaction, she knew it had worked.

The guy was still standing by the stairs shocked by all of what was happening. He had just come over to deliver some cookies and he had ended up somehow flirting with his new neighbor and now they were about to hang out. This day was full of surprises.

Musa got into her room and immediately knew what she wanted to wear. After all most of her clothes were not that summer-y. Good thing she remembered she had just bought this cute teal shorts. She paired them with a black loose tank top with a bright teal bandeau underneath and her favorite black combat boots. She didn't want her makeup to be that heavy so just applied some concealer, mascara and lip-gloss. Her hair went into a messy high ponytail which reached around her waist with her bangs pulled back. Her hair was definitely one of her favorite things about herself. After making sure she looked good, she grabbed her phone and keys and went downstairs.

When he heard footsteps coming down the stairs he stood from the couch he had just been sitting on for 10 minutes. He hadn't really brought his phone since he thought it wouldn't take him long. As Musa came down the stairs he couldn't help but to check her out once again. Musa noticed this and just kept walking.

As she got to the bottom she noticed her new "friend" was still staring. "Are you done checking me out? Or should I go up the stairs again?" she asked him raising her brow.

The guy's cheeks reddened just a bit before he headed for the door, trying to ignore her comment "We should get going now...wait-" he turned around to face the girl that was following him "I still don't know your name."

"Musa" she said giving him a smile.

"I'm Brandon" he returned the smile. The two walked out of her house and she locked the door. "You can wait over there by my car" he said pointing to a black Mercedes parked in front of the house to the right. "I just have to get my phone and keys and I'll be right back."

She nodded and walked towards the car while Brandon went to his house. It didn't take him long to come back. They got in the car and before Musa could even say a word they were already speeding through the streets. She kept looking at the landscape before her, it was something she wasn't used to but she could easily adjust.

"So what school are you going to?" Brandon asked her, breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Sierra Canyon"

"I go there too," he winked at her "And what grade are you going into?" he asked with hope in his tone.

"I'm going to be a junior, you?" she replied.

"Same here. Guess we're going to see each other a lot." he said looking at her. He turned back to the road "So where do you want to go?"

She looked out the window taking everything in "Wherever you usually go to hang out"

"Alright are you fine with going to this little cafe? It is pretty cool and chill, it's by the beach"

"Yeah that's fine."

They chatted all the way to the beach. When they got out of the car Brandon guided her over to the boardwalk. There were some small shops here and there. It was all fascinating to Musa, being able to drive for a few minutes and arriving at the beach, how everyone was wearing either swimsuits or shorts and no one cared, the free spirit that seemed to flow around the new environment, she already loved it here. She came to a halt when she saw Brandon had stopped walking.

"We're here." he said as he opened the door for her.

"Thank you." She walked in and looked around the small but cozy cafe. It was pretty cool with an amazing view.

Brandon walked up to her "You can go and sit in a couch; I'll order something for both of us."

"Why are you so sure I'm going to like whatever you're getting me?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stuck her hip to the side.

"Believe me when I tell you this, no one has ever disliked their special frappucchino."

"Alright alright, I believe you." Musa said with a joking smile.

Musa went over to one of the little couches, sat down and looked out the window. Brandon went over to the counter where he got two special frappucchinos. He went back to Musa and handed her her frappe and sat in front of her. They started up casual conversation again. Brandon was learning a lot about her rather quickly. She had moved because her parents had gotten a promotion, she had just turned 17 years old, she was an only child, she loved to dance and sing, her favorite chocolate was cookies n' crème and she loved horror movies even if they scared her.

Musa had also learned a lot about him, he was also 17 years old and an only child, liked playing football and soccer, his favorite season was summer, and his love for comedy movies was almost as much as his love for orange soda.

"Why do you like it so much?" Musa asked while giggling, they had already finished their drinks and were now just chatting. She couldn't believe he actually drank more than 3 cans of orange soda a day.

"I don't know," said Brandon smiling "I just know that it is the best invention ever."

"Oh really? Well I guess I could take your cell phone then." she said reaching over the small table and quickly snatching it.

"Give it back." he said sitting up straighter. In that moment he couldn't remember if there was anything in there that she shouldn't see.

Musa obviously ignored him and unlocked it. His background picture was of him with a few other guys, they were at the beach with their swimsuits on.

Hot, she thought.

She swiped the screen and found the pictures, opened the folder and started flipping through them.

"What are you doing?" Brandon asked her with curiosity.

"Well..." Musa said dragging her words "I am going through your pictures."

A few seconds of silence went by when she spoke again.

"Who are they? They are in like every picture." she said while showing him his own phone.

"Oh those are-"

He was cut off by a voice coming from behind him.

"Brandon! I didn't know you were going to be here!"

Brandon turned around to see who it was; finding out it was none other than one of his best friends.

"Hey Sky!" he said while standing up. They pulled each other into a man hug. When they broke away from the hug he noticed Sky eyeing something, correction, someone behind him. He turned and saw Musa sitting there with a small smile on her face. "Oh let me introduce you, Sky this is Musa my new neighbor, and Musa this is Sky one of my best friends"

"Hey nice to meet you." Musa said, still with a smile on her face.

"Same here," Sky said to Musa smiling. He turned to Brandon "So I was actually about to call you, I'm having a party tonight at my house since my parents are going out."

"Great! The summer wouldn't be the same without one of your parties man." Brandon said while fist-pumping Sky.

"Oh and you can come too Musa," said Sky "Well I should be leaving, Bloom is waiting for me at the car" he said while pointing to a drink on his hand. "See you tonight!" He said while walking out of the cafe.

Brandon sat back down on the couch and went back to answering Musa's question "Well that was obviously Sky, one of my best friends. The other ones are Nabu and Helia" he said while pointing to the respective person on the picture. "We hang in a usual group. The others are Riven, Timmy, Tecna, Layla, Bloom, Flora and Stella"

"Wow, it sounds like a fun group" Musa said while remembering her friends back home.

"It does get pretty fun. I'm sure all of them are going to the party. Do you want to go?"

"Considering I know only two persons on this town, that I love parties, and that both of you are going, of course I want to go"

"I had a feeling you would say something like that," Brandon said while chuckling. "So are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, I still need to find something to wear for tonight" Musa said standing up and throwing away their empty cups.

"Let's get going then," They walked back to the car and got in "By the way, can I have my phone now?" Brandon turned to look at Musa.

"Hmmmm" Musa said while pretending to be thinking "Let me save my number"

After waiting a few seconds for her to be done, he insisted "Can I have it now?"

"There's still one thing we need to do" She took out his phone and flipped through the pages trying to find something.

"What are you looking for? Brandon said leaning over to see if he could help her.

"Aha! Found it," She tapped the screen and switched to the front camera "Selfie time!"

She heard Brandon groan but eventually scooted closer to her so they would both be in the frame. They took a few pictures, some smiling and others doing funny faces, she even got him to do the duck face. He leaned back on his seat and started driving when he saw Musa was done with the pictures, or so he thought. After pulling out of the parking lot he saw Musa out of the corner of his eye still taking pictures of herself. He couldn't help but shake his head while chuckling.

This girl was certainly something else.