Summary: What if Kurt brought back a stray dog instead of a plush toy from the trip to Six Flags? Future AU: Kurt and Blaine are married at the age of 21 and lives in an apartment in New York, with a superdog.

"Kurt, it's your turn to take Thatcher out for a walk!"

Blaine calls out from kitchen, Thatcher at his heels.

"But Blaine, you always give longer walks than Kurt and besides, Kurt never stops at the Park, Bowser from across the street is always marking my territory," Thatcher whines,

"Don't let Kurt hear that, you'll break his heart." Blaine says, tipping his toes to reach up the top cabinet to retrieve Thatcher's dog food.

"Don't let me hear what?" Kurt walks into the shared kitchen, his eyes never leaving the article in the iPad.

"That Thatcher thinks you're a more awesome owner than me?" Blaine smiles innocently at his husband.

Kurt looks up from the tablet and gives him a little smile that means I know you are trying to gloss over something but I'll let you pass because I love you. Blaine can feel his heart flutter at how magnificent and glorious his boyfriend is now. In his loose sweat pants and worn out t-shirt that shows his broad shoulders and wide chest….

"Are you done giving each other googly eyes already? Because I am actually really hungry."

Blaine tears his gaze away from his boyfriend, now giving him a saucy wink and walks out of the kitchen with a little more sway than needed. Blaine can feel his throat growing a little tight as he swallows with more force necessary. He tries concentrating on taking the dog food out from the cabinet instead. But even on his tippy toes, he still can't reach the top cabinet.

Thatcher bounds to the counter top and flies up to the cabinet, pulling the sack out using his teeth. Slowly, Thatcher drops the unopened package on the ground.

"Thanks buddy," Blaine says, patting Thatcher's head. He tears open the packaging with relative ease and fills the doggy bowl with dry biscuits. He leaves Thatcher to gobble up his meal and begins on making pancakes for breakfast. He hears Kurt turning on the television in the room and soon he calls out,

"Blaine, Thatcher, you might want to come here and see this…"

Blaine frowns a little but turns off the gas stove and heads to the cramp little living room. Kurt was seated on the couch, staring intently at the cheap television that Blaine has gotten from a yard sale. His fingers were linked in front of him and his eyebrows were knitted. It was the morning news, a live coverage of the Bank of America in Brooklyn. Police cars surrounded the building and cops positioned themselves in front of the bank, which had the doors blast out. The news reports a bank heist and armed men in uniform inside the bank, hostages still within that building and FBI on the way. Even after four years of it, Blaine still can't help but worry for Thatcher, throwing a worried glance at the superdog. With a blink of his eye, Thatcher is already in his costume.

"I'm sorry, Kurt, the walk would have to wait." Thatcher announces, bouncing up on the arm chair next to the window.

"Be careful, Thatcher." Kurt and Blaine say in unison. Thatcher, now known as Ruff, gives the couple a sharp nod and zips out of the open window, heading straight to Montague Street.

A/N: whoop speed writing! it had been nagging at me for ages so why not write it down? Feel free to leave any comments and thanks 5ever for reading!