Author's Note- I'd first like to say thank you to everyone for the continued interest in this story. When I first sat down to write it, I never could have imagined the amount of love and support it would receive. It is with that love and support in mind that I have re-read People are Strange and I have decided to not only continue it, but re-write it entirely. Don't worry, Mouse will still be the same, bubbly little member of the BPRD, she'll still love our favorite Ave Sapien and be besties to not only HB but Liz as well, but her story will be more flushed out, a little different, but I hope you still love her. We'll also be getting into her biological family which will be a lot of fun because I've already plotted a good portion of that out, so please bear with me as I re-write and update People Are Strange, and as always let me know how you feel about the changes.
