Disclaimer: Nope don't own them .

The docking at the space station above Earth goes as planned. Jim leaves the ship in the capable hands of Scotty while he and Spock head to the transporter room to go straight to Starfleet Headquarters. Admiral Archer had been sending constant reminders to Uhura to make sure the pair came to him. Jim glances at Spock nervously, they're both in their dress uniform, as they walk to the offices. The lieutenant serving as Admiral Archer's assistant for the day motions them in.

"He's expecting you. Oh and sirs," she says causing them both to look at her, "he has a woman with him. I overheard that he is going to tear you both a new one. His words not mine."

"Thank you for the information," Spock says. Jim hits that call button on the door and the door opens at the sound of Archer's order to come in. The two officers step into the room and Jim is instantly slapped across the face followed by Spock.

"DAMN IT!" Jim yelps holding the side of his face with one hand as he doubles over holding his cover in the other hand.

"Agreed," Spock growls as he rubs his beating cheek.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED YOU TWO HAD ME?!" the panicked voice of Winona Kirk fills the air. "Do you? Lieutenant Uhura responded to Sam's message when he couldn't get ahold of Jim. Said the Captain had been adversely affected by something. I asked John about it and what do I get? I get a, 'I don't know Winona, but Commander Spock sure seemed shady the past few transmissions,' as an answer. Then I find out that my son had been turned into that nightmare ridden teenager Chris brought home to me and was in the care of his first officer? You're lucky I didn't get the Excelsior to bring me out to you! I'm good friends with the Captain."

"Mom," Jim says in a clear whine. "Was it necessary to hit me that hard? Or Spock for that matter?"

"Don't you start on me young man!" Winona is seething with anger and worry.

"Win," Johnathan Archer says calmly walking up next to her, "I think the boys learned their lesson. Didn't you boys?"

"Yes sir," they reply together.

"Good boys. Tell me the whole story from the beginning and this whole thing won't end up with you two demoted to ensigns." The two men relay the whole story to the two. Admiral Archer nods calmly taking all the information in.

"I did not want to risk Starfleet taking Jim away when, with time, we could likely bring him back," Spock replies. "I am sorry sir for my disobedience."

"Kirk would have done the same for you," Archer replies dryly. "All right boys, I won't make a big case over it but next time something like this happens tell me and we'll work around it. Now I believe I am keeping you from another appointment."

"Jim you and the rest of your little command crew are coming to the house for dinner. I already cleared it with John. You beam down to the shipyard and I'll have Sam and a few of his friends pick you up and I'm not taking no for an answer," Winona says glaring at him.

"Yes Mom. We'll be there at 1800." Winona pats him on the head and Archer dismisses them. Spock and Jim both take a deep breath when they get outside the room.

"Jim," Spock says slowly, "your mother scares me."

"I know the feeling," Jim mumbles as the pair head out and away from Headquarters as fast as possible.

The two Starfleet officers stroll up to a nice house outside of San Francisco. Spock comments on how it looks much like a Vulcan home in design. Jim pushes the call button and the door opens to reveal a young man about 9 there.

"How may I help you today?" he inquires. Jim notices that the boy is clearly Vulcan.

"You must be Sorik, Sunak's son," Jim comments with a smile.

"I am. Did you know my father?" Sorik inquires.

"Yes when we were quite young. Is T'Va here? I told her I wished to visit," Jim says with a general ease about him.

"Yes. She is in the back gardens. I will take you to her. I take it you are Jim and this is Mr. Spock?" Sorik asks motioning at the pair.

"Yes." The trio walk through the house to the back garden. The sunlight greets them as they walk out onto the patio. "Aunt T'Va," Sorik says and the woman looks up at them. She smiles much to the surprise of her nephew. The woman crosses the space between her and Jim quickly and hugs him firmly.

"Jim Kirk it is good to see you again," T'Va says as Jim hugs her back just as firmly. T'Va leans away smiling. "Oh look at you all grown up and the poster boy of Starfleet. Tommy messaged me after your ordeal, I was concerned."

"Well I have another Vulcan to keep me in check now," Jim chuckles and motions to Spock. "T'Va meet Spock son of Sarek. Spock this is T'Va."

Spock raises his hand in a Vulcan salute. "Dif-tor heh smusma, T'Va."

She copies the salute. "Sochya eh dif, Spock," she replies. "It is good to finally meet you. I have talked some with Jim over the years and when I found out he had a Vulcan for a first officer I was curious as to how he was handling it."

"Eh, Spock tries to keep me out of trouble," Jim replies with a grin.

"With you Jim, that is impossible," T'Va states with a raise of her eyebrow. "I see you have met Sorik."

"Yes," Jim says fondly looking at the boy. "He is so much like Sunak from what I have seen."

"My brother filled his head with tales of the great JT and Tommy scrounging for food," T'Va tells him. "The boy is not average. I have raised him on Earth, he has been with me since before the destruction of our home world."

"How are you taking that?" Jim inquires.

"Let us sit and talk Jim. Sorik fetch some drinks for us all. Perhaps the gentlemen will tell you a tale about space." The boy nods and heads into the house. T'Va motions to the patio set there and they take their seats. "I have taken it rough but I adjusted well. I spent little time on Vulcan after Tarsus. That place broke my control of my emotions. I have lived on Earth since. My father moved here at mine and Sunak's request. He understood. It still hurts to think of all the lives lost when Nero attacked. And you Spock, how do you handle it?"

"I fair well with the aid of my ko-kugalsu," Spock replies referring to Uhura. "She is quite understanding and comforts me."

"Please tell me you are not referring to T'Pring," T'Va says with extreme disdain.

"No. My ko'kugalsu is human," Spock replies. "T'Pring and I dissolved that marriage proposal before I went to the Academy."

"Good. T'Pring would not suit you," T'Va comments. "I had her as a schoolmate on Vulcan." T'Va turns to Jim. "What about you Jim? Still the notorious ladies' man?"

"No. I have toned it down to one lady. Carol loves me for who I am despite my flaws. With her I have happiness," Jim tells her. "Yourself?"

'There is a human man courting me," T'Va replies to which her male companions both raise an eyebrow. Sorik brings the drinks and sit down with them. "We work together and he knows a good deal about Vulcans. He was stationed at the Embassy for years on Vulcan but was on rotation out when it was destroyed."

"I have noted," Spock starts off, "that the elders of our species are objecting less and less to interspecies mating."

"They hope that by introducing some diversity and not confining the Vulcan race to those surviving that we may be able to grow in numbers again," T'Va tells him. "I spoke with my father about it."

"Mr. Kirk, sir?" Sorik says cautiously.

"Yes son?"

"Are you JT, sir?"

"I am."

"Wow. Can you tell me some of your stories from the Enterprise?" Sorik inquires.

"What do you think Spock?" Jim says with a grin. "How about the time I made you cry?"

"Captain," Spock protests.

"Come on Spock it's a good story," Jim protests. "Okay okay, how about the time I broke the Prime Directive to save your life?"

"That relates to the previous story," Spock says.

"Can you two pause for a moment," T'Va inquires. "Jim, how did you get Spock to cry?"

"I died," Jim replies. "He was with me when I died."

"I wish to hear this story," T'Va says with genuine interest.

"Very well," Spock says. "We shall start with Jim's breaking of the Prime Directive, it does start there."

Hours later, Jim, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov, McCoy, Carol, and, surprisingly, Kevin Riley show up at the Riverside ship yard transporter pad. They're greeted by the sight a few vehicles. Jim grins at the familiar face standing against the lead vehicle. Jim jumps off the pad and runs over throwing his arms around the man that looks a good deal like the Captain.

"Been a long time Sam," Jim breathes out holding his brother tightly.

"Same could be said to you Jimmy," he chuckles hugging back just as tightly. "When Mom told me she was going to rip you a new one, I was surprised you showed up."

"I remember the last time I told Mom I wasn't going to do something she wanted," Jim says with a shake of his head. "This is my little group, I'll introduce them at home, okay?"

"Yeah you got it." The group divides up into different transports and go to the Kirk family farm. They arrive with ease and Jim laughs as his mother hugs him.

"Hey Mom. Oh who's this?" Jim inquires motioning to the young woman and a small boy.

"Aurelan my wife," Sam replies, "and Peter our son."

"Pleasure to meet you," Jim says with a smile. "Let me introduce my little group. This is Commander Spock, Uhura and don't try to ask for her first name, Hikaru Sulu, Scotty, Pavel Chekov, Doctor McCoy, Kevin Riley and Carol Marcus. Carol and I are dating."

"Well it's nice to meet all of you," Winona says with a smile. "Come in come in."

Spock, in a voice low enough Winona would not hear, says, "Do not be fooled by her demeanor, that woman has a slap more powerful than one of the Captain's punches."

Sam laughs and elbows his brother saying, "I take it this isn't the first time he's met her."

"She slapped both me and Spock in Admiral Archer's office this morning," Jim replies.

"The hobgoblin is scared of little Winona Kirk?" Doctor McCoy laughs. The next second a cookie dough hits Doctor McCoy in the face. He wipes it off his face as everyone else laughs at him. Winona Kirk just smirks and whistles an innocent tune. "Jim."

"I believe that means welcome to the family," Jim tells McCoy. "Spock was welcomed in the morning." The dough lands on Jim's face and this time McCoy and Spock are the culprit both using the dough that had been tossed at McCoy.

"Boys no fighting," Winona, Uhura, and Carol says at the same time. Chekov, Sulu, and Scotty took ten minutes to get off the floor they were laughing so hard.

That is the last chapter folks.

On another note, this story came about as an idea passed on to me. I hope perhaps a few people might drop an idea or two for a story. I'm always up for trying to write something.

Reviews are appreciated.