Both Danny and Jazz smiled eagerly as the Fenton RV pulled up to their home. Danny peered out the window next to his seat, and was for once in his life greatly for the gaudy, chrome sign that read "Fenton Works."

Jack pulled the RV to a stop, and parked it in front of their red brick home. "Alright!" he exclaimed. "Everyone out."

"And help unpack!" Maddie added as her small pixie feet exited the RV. Danny and Jazz eventually came out, too, and they each held their suitcases as they moved them up the stairs and into the house.

Once Danny was back inside the house and finally managed to get away from his family, he rushed upstairs to his room. He quietly closed the door behind him, and cheered silently. Yes! He shouted in his mind. Solitude at last! He smiled into his long lost bed with his blue quilt and soft sheets. He never thought he would miss it this much, but a month away from home can definitely make a guy miss his bed.

He flipped onto his back, and laid, facing the ceiling. He crossed his hands over his stomach and let the sound of his own heartbeat soothe him. His parents were going to be okay. Jazz was going to be okay. He was going to be okay.

He concentrated on his breathing, and eventually closed his eyes. He could feel his heart with his hands.

Du-dub… du-dub… du-dub… du-knock, knock, knock!

Danny almost fell out of bed by the surprise. "Danny?" a familiar voice called out to him.

SAM! He smiled, and rushed to let her in, closely followed by Tucker.

"Hey guys!" He was so excited to see his long lost friends.

He gave them each a heartfelt hug, and smiled. "How've you been? Anything interesting happened while I was gone?"

Before answering, Tucker and Sam looked at each other, and shrugged.

"Not really," Tucker said, plainly.

"Just the usual," Sam agreed.

"What happened with you?" Tucker asked. Danny smiled.

"It's a long story, and I can't wait to tell you, but right now I'm starving! Wanna hit up Nasty Burger?"

Tucker and Sam nodded, so they all left Danny's house to eat lunch.

Once they had all ordered the fattiest, nastiest burger on the menu – except for Sam, who stuck with a simple coke – it was time for Tucker and Sam's questionnaire for Danny.

"So what happened?" She spoke up first. Danny smiled. "Well, the first three weeks were pretty normal – if you exclude almost getting shot down from my parents a few times. Anyways, it was the last week that things really turned around. My mom made Jazz go camping with my dad, and I went with my mom.

"I'll save you the boring details, but the important part, is now my entire family knows my secret," he finished, smiling at the thought of no longer keeping secrets.

"Wait," Tucker interrupted. "Which secret?"

"The secret, secret, or a small, unimportant secret, secret?" Sam continued Tucker's question.

Danny smiled at looked both his friends in the eye. "My ghost-power secret," he explained, his face radiating with enthusiasm.

Tucker and Sam returned the genuine smile, and Sam asked one more question. "What about that lab-ghost guy? The one I told you I researched?"

"Believe me, I took care of him. Or at least we – my family – did. There isn't a ghost in Amity Park that can beat the Fenton Family Ghost Hunting Team!"

Tucker laughed. "Good thing, because we've got company," he chuckled and pointed behind Danny.

On cue, Danny's ghost sense escaped him, and he saw the ghost Tucker had seen. Even if he hadn't seen him, he would've heard him, with that obnoxious, crackling voice.

"I am the Box Ghost!"

Danny snickered, and escaped under the table to transform. It was nice that his parents knew his secret, but he wasn't quite ready for the rest of the world.

Well I hope that everyone enjoyed this little FanFic! I certainly had a lot of fun with it. And don't forget to review!

On a different note, some of you all commented that a KP/DP FanFic sounded cool (and to clarify, Kim WILL NOT have ghost powers through out the entire story) and I'm happy to say that it is out now! Please go check it out! It's entitled Blind Trust and written by me (The Element of Air).

Too-da-loo, and don't forget to check it out!