Sorry if the seasons seem a little backward… Therefore, sorry for no updates in a while, I've been busy with my Legend of the Guardians fanfics at the moment and stuff… So… Here's an update.
Chapter 5
Since three nights before, she has been pacing her room and she hasn't seen Kaname. Catherine remains worried as she sensed something; she has felt a disturbance and is unsure what it is. Takuma has been hanging around with Cecilia and Lady D'Amico, and they both have been watching her pace, wondering whether to disturb her. She has been up all day and nights and as it is the twelfth day, two days until a fortnight, of Kaname having her taking a timeout from school in the academy, staying in her room for the reason that he wants her to be safe.
The door opens and Takuma and Cecilia turn their heads suddenly, as Kaname enters. Lily, the Barn Owl pet of the Lady of Tuscany puts her head up from her food, as if she has noticed the guy whom she likes to often perch on who also is like a friend in some aspects, especially as he is the betrothed of her mistress and owner.
"Lord Kaname." Takuma utters, with anxious surprise as he stands from his seat
Kaname takes Catherine by her hand and she just hugs him, Takuma is surprised that she did it, as usually that is something that would really be out of the question, due to etiquette and otherwise the fact that he is pretty much the king of all the vampires, being a Kuran.
"There is nothing to worry about, Catherine." Kaname whispers to her
"What happened, Kaname?" Catherine asks, muffled slightly as her head is burrowed into his chest, "I have been worried as I sensed death and I sensed blood. Good God…"
"Takuma, Cecilia, if you may." Kaname simply says to the two extras in their presence
"Of course, Lord Kaname." Takuma answers, before tapping Cecilia on her shoulder and giving a head gesture for them to leave.
Takuma opens the door and the auburn-headed attendant of Lady Catherine follows the suit with him as they leave, closing the door ever so softly, barely making any sound except for the latch. The silence is just as familiar as twelve days he hasn't really graced her presence, as if anything, she doesn't know why she worried, though they are officially betrothed to be married when she comes of age. Catherine lets go, then Kaname takes a seat and she sits beside him.
"Catherine, you know what happened." Kaname says
"She was Shizuka Hio… And she has been destroyed. But…" Catherine mutters in answer, barely making a whisper, "What is going on?"
"Do not worry; it has nothing to do with you." He answers, before standing, "Do you wish to return to classes before holidays?"
"I am here to get an education, am I not?" She quips, softly laughing
She then wearily gets up and then stumbles on her feet, Kaname catching her in response. She then leans on his chest, the fatigue finally taking toll and he picks her up, holding her in his arms before sitting back down on the seat. He moves her fringe out of her face, revealing brown eyes from underneath, which eyelids close over.
"You worry me, Catherine." Kaname utters
"I'm sorry…" Catherine whispers
She has worried so much these nights, wanting confirmation as well as wondering if this could be a target on Purebloods or something. Takuma and Cecilia look in on them, through the crack in the door and Cecilia swoons as she thinks it is so sweet. Takuma is surprised he would have enough patience to have her fall asleep on him.
The next evening, Catherine awakes in her bed, before her alarm and watches as the screen of her iPhone lights up and her favourite song by One Direction plays, she changed to 'Best Song Ever' only a few nights earlier. She just lies there and the dead silence is disturbed by the sound of the door latch and footsteps of heels on the floor and the rolling of wheels. The darkness is perturbed by the opening the curtains to the ever darkening sunset. Catherine shields her eyes with her blanket
"Good evening, Catherine." Cecilia says, while opening the cage door and letting Lily loose, while refilling her food
"Did… Did I pass out in Kaname's arms?" Catherine promptly asks, sitting up with urgency feeling really embarrassed now
"You sorta did." The attendant answers, closing the cage and then going to the closet, "It was very cute and he would have stayed for hours, holding you close and just allowing you to sleep in the name of you getting a little shut eye. So considerate."
"Oh dear god…" Catherine says, falling back onto her pillow
Cecilia places her breakfast tray on the bed over her mistress lap before getting her clothes. The nightly routine has been gradually simplified so she will be ready for the changeover and even for heading out the gates to endure the girls who crowd around to get glimpses of these idolised students, whom they only believe are just the elite of the academy, unaware of the truth.
"Eat, eat, Catherine. Your mother would be upset if you're not being well maintained. And if anything, you're still a growing girl." Cecilia says to the sixteen year old who is having a crash of embarrassment after what happened
Catherine struggles with a moan, really not enjoying the feeling of utter embarrassment. She finds it very embarrassing that she fell asleep in the arms of Kaname Kuran, a prince and Pureblood king among vampire society. If anything, she finds it sorta… comforting. She has felt very insecure of things since coming here from her home in Italy, often falling homesick, but the fact that there is some one here who wants her hand in marriage, and treats her as if she is a queen (well… since she is a Pureblood, she is already treated as a princess and otherwise porcelain doll). And if anything, he treasures her company as there are many girls, especially those nobles who offer up their daughters, but he chose her because she is rare. She was born with emotion that she isn't afraid to express, unlike the expectation to maintain a monotone emotion, keeping a straight face.
Catherine eyes her food and mayn't feel like eating, but with Cecilia around making her point, she'd rather do so. She then finishes and gets up to go take a shower and Cecilia is getting her schoolbooks and iPad ready for to take to classes.
Catherine is in the shower, after washing her hair she just stands under the water, she started out with cold water to take her up, as she has been a bit drowsy since she woke up, bet yet she was wide awake, early enough to sit there and then watch her alarm come on. She then gets out of the shower and comes out into her bedroom and disappears behind the screen to get dressed. She then notices that she is missing a bra, and then notices it on the bed. She then looks around and Cecilia is nowhere to be seen. She then eyes Lily, who is walking on her drawers in front of the bed.
"Lily." Catherine calls, getting the Barn Owl to turn her head towards her, as if she understands, "Lily, fetch."
She points to the bra and throws a treat at it and as if she gets it, Lily flies over to it and eats the treat.
"Yeah, yeah. Fetch, Lily. Fetch. Come on. Fetch." Catherine orders
The Barn Owl picks up the bra, flies over to her mistress and then lands on top of the screen and Catherine gets another treat and gives it to her. They taught her well, often thinking that this little creature is quite the genius pet. She learns if they make sure they have a whole heap of treats around and because of practice.
"Good girl… Good girl." Catherine says to her pet, petting her, before finishing getting dressed.
Catherine finishes getting dressed, she then collects up her books and her iPad and she heads out of the room, into a slightly quiet hallway and the latch being the only noise heard, aside from her footsteps. She only can imagine where Cecilia has gone off to, gone off to flirt and chat with her boyfriend, Takuma before he heads off to school. Catherine heads down the stairs and Kaname is waiting for her there.
"How are you feeling?" Kaname asks, a little concerned
"I am fine, Kaname. I was able to get some sleep." Catherine replies, "But thank heavens that the holidays are only around the corner."
"Have you decided where you are going for the holidays?" He asks
"Kaname, I will take you on your offer. My father is in an irritable mood lately. Hell, my mother, my aunt and uncle, Lysander and my sister, Rosalie, are in France at the moment, good to get away on an annual holiday at this time. If I'm at home… well, you can tell I will cop shit from my father if I plan to sit in my spot." She replies, she feels that she doesn't have to hold back much about her family around Kaname, as he doesn't mind listening to what she has to say, "Cecilia however may be going to go to her father's, in Venice."
"I see, I'm sure you'll enjoy the trip." He says, before looking over to see, speak of the devil, Miss Danielle and also Ichijo being as lovers tend to be, "I guess it will be devastating for them both if she does decide to go to Venice."
"For some reason, I would pay to watch them have a teary goodbye." Catherine says, before walking to the door as the gates are about to open, "Best not to be gawking at those two all day. Shall we?"
Kaname then joins her as they start to head out the gates that open to the crowd of girls who mainly are here to see Hanabusa Aido, who will be disappointed when the winter holidays do come in a week to see one last glimpse of him and then have their fangirlish withdrawals. Of course, they already follow him on Facebook, but more commonly on Twitter, so really, he'll tweet a message or something, even a selfie and they'll be all right.
Catherine is in class and Kaname comes behind her and kisses her cheek before leaving the room. They are on study the first two periods, and for some reason, aside it is just study, most haven't turned up to class aside from her, Kaname (was here), Seiren (who has stayed, possibly by Kaname's command to watch over Catherine (Since Cecilia isn't here)), Rima and Senri. Attendance aside, Catherine is studying inventively, her eyes poised over a textbook for an assignment that she has to get done in the next few nights before end of the term, and by the looks of it, she may actually have it done now. She then hits the send on the email when she finally finishes it.
Catherine then turns off her iPad and then is about to open her book when something perturbs her senses, starting her greatly.
"Oh my word…" Catherine mutters, putting her hand over her mouth as she sits there, startled by what she does sense… the smell of blood
Catherine is finding it so hard to focus on her work, she gets a little off sorts when it comes to the smell of blood. There is a time when she lapses in her discipline in control against blood… She has been on those tablets for six years but then again, there is a time when she just can't stand it. She was acting like this three nights ago, but now… Unsure of it all that it would either fade off or grow worsen in time.
The early morning, the lesions end around that time and Catherine is walking back to the dorm, she hasn't seen Kaname since this evening and it worries her greatly, although she has to not worry. And since her weakening self-control episode earlier, which made her feel really awful, she'd rather have the holidays off than to sit another lesion. Healing powers aside from keeping away a headache which she has had all night, she still feels a little off-sorts again.
Catherine then walks into the courtyard of the Moon Dorm, she eyes a setting outside and she walks over, sussing it out as she places her schoolbooks and her iPad down on the table and then she looks up.
"Where have you been?" Catherine asks
"It has been a busy night, for all of us. Your attendant definitely is a little mad with the washing machine, but she'll have it sorted soon." Kaname says, as he then come outside and sits down at the chair
"That is why she would prefer hand washing my clothes if she could." Catherine quips
"I wouldn't blame her if she was having a bad time with electronics…" Kaname says, before getting out his phone, "Of course, my phone decided to not work on me tonight… right when I was about to answer a call."
Catherine moves follows suit, but as far as she can call this spontaneous morning tea a surprise, she's more concerned with this abrupt leaving her in the middle of the first two periods of class. If anything she does hate it when someone does something like that. If anything, her parents left her alone abruptly to attend one of their formal events things and she didn't get word otherwise until they came back and brand her a porcelain doll wearing a kimono. She thinks it was an early sign of what was to be, that she would be someday offered up to this Kuran as a future wife. She often wonders what goes through the minds of such Purebloods like them. From her parents, she learned that they have to be prim and proper, show no true emotion when they in the eye of their peers. –Some control Catherine does lack, which does worry her parents greatly. As she probably could have been set off with Lysander, her cousin if Kaname didn't enquire.
Catherine's lips are wrapped around nothing more than warmed milk, she prefers her coffee, something strong from being so used to when she was younger, having drunken her father's bitter coffee in the early evening in which she was usually up by. Oh, the little things that she likes influenced by her culture and just the little things her parents like, and in not just food and drink and then there are the things where she doesn't know where it comes from, but she likes it anyway. Like climbing trees, that she may have gotten from Lysander.
"Catherine, I do have a surprise for you." Kaname says, he then eyes Cecilia with a basket of washing walking past, "Cecilia, if you may."
"Of course." Cecilia answers
She then heads inside and Catherine gives Kaname a look, as she doesn't really expects to receive gifts, the least she wants is to be treated as his equal, being that they are both Purebloods and granted that he is a member of what was/pretty much still is the ruling family of the vampires, but still. Cecilia opens the door and out comes a finely dressed gentleman, wearing a mask, carrying something. She is looking closely, as she feels like she knows who this person. Wavy dark brown hair always has a fringe that moves over his dark chocolate eyes.
Unveiled from under the cloth, sitting on the pillow is a ring with a large ruby and surrounding it are some small diamonds.
"I yet have forgotten that you haven't an engagement ring... But that is not the surprise." Kaname says, taking the ring and placing it on her finger
Catherine gives him a look, "What possibly could be another surprise aside from what looks to be an overly expensive engagement ring?"
"How about a surprise visit?" The masked gentleman says, before taking the mask off to be… "Climbed any trees lately, Cath?"
"Lysander!" Catherine exclaims with shock, surprise and joy
"You look well…" Lysander says, before a bow, "…Future Lady Kuran."
"My god, it is so good to see you." She says hugging her cousin cheerfully, "But why do you pay me a visit when you were on vacation? On the other side of the world no less."
"Well… I decided to ditch them. I'm nineteen, and have my own ways of getting around. Mum's pissed, but you know her…" He shrugs, "But then again, Cecilia told me you're a little… losing it."
"I am not." She protests, "Ok, so it's been a wild few nights what with the whole Shizuka Hio thing, but still, I'm fine."
Lysander gives her a look, "Uncle is worried about you, so is Aunt."
Catherine shrugs it off, "Well… You know my parents. They're always worried, and yet they send me to a school on the other side of the world. That seems reasonable."
"Well, the made an exception with that…" Lysander says, before putting a smile, "I suppose enough of that. Sent Cecilia on a run to get pizza."
"Sweet." Catherine says before looking to her Night Class uniform, and being that sauce stains and the last thing she wants is to piss off Cecilia when she hates the washing machine right now, "Guess I'll get changed…"
"So, Kaname, what's happening nowadays?" Lysander asks
Catherine heads out of the room and goes up to her room without the lady in waiting around to tell her off, she decides on something very casual. She then just places on a red blouse and then a pair of jeans complete with flat shoes, silver studs and (to be nice) wearing her engagement ring that she just has. They announced their marriage two weeks ago and yet it has taken up to now to get her one… a little lacking on the timing on his part and yet he is a Kuran… -Tisk tisk, and yet she'll never get that boy and she has to marry him someday.
She then goes back to the courtyard to the sound of Lysander's chuckles of laughter. Like her, he seems more open to his emotions, showing them. –Guess it is just an D'Amico Pureblood thing, since two of this generation are quite rebellious in their own way and if anything, they are less likely to lose control and do something, such as break things, when they get pissed.
She stops in the hallway and then eyes Ruka Souen, who often has had this cold and disdainful thing about her since she first came to Cross Academy and now it has been five and a half months and yet she still remains cold toward her. Catherine avoids provoking whatever this hatred is about, simply by walking away, and making little eye contact. She then heads outside and sits down between her cousin and her fiancé.
"I adore the ring." Catherine says, running the thumb of her other hand over it
"You're welcome." Kaname answers
They then eye a certain maid of honour coming and she has Takuma carrying the boxes. They both went on the run and if anything, Cecilia having her licence wanted to drive her (occasionally) master's car through town here. Takuma came with, just to help if anything and he can't help but think that she would get hopelessly lost or something.
"You two better not have done something to or in my car." Lysander says, warning them if anything of what happens when his car is not how he likes it after someone borrows it
"Lysander… I don't know what to scold you for first…" Cecilia answers, she has been a companion to him and Catherine since their childhood, so being personal is the thing
"Well, maybe you can tell me why after I had something to eat." Lysander smirks cheekily, before being serious about it, "If anything it may be a private plane but Uncle could have least made sure the food tasted alright."
"Well, he's my dad, so… you know." Catherine says, getting the point across
Kaname watches as this is the first time in a while he has seen Catherine as happy as she is now, it has been hard in this first semester of schooling, and then there is the social life within the academy and the vampiric aristocracy and her otherwise regal birth worrying her as she is to be married someday… That and she have been having some very… unreal dreams and visions at the given moments, a recent thing since the other night. The cause is unknown, but there is a theory in the mind of the fiancé as to the trigger…
"And I say thank god you didn't trip up then…" Lysander says, referring back to what happened on her first day
"Hey, I was being presented to everyone. Although I was pretty much not doing well with you know what, but I managed it, I managed it." Catherine explains
"Well… You'll probably hate me for…" Kaname starts
"What for?" She asks, interrupting 'And you know as well as I do that I could never hate you."
"Gatherings and especially balls do happen often, but not too often." He informs her, gaining nothing more than a unappeased look, she isn't mad, of course, rather not impressed to a certain extent
"Cate, the least you have to put up with is an assignment, lucky on your part. You're not a nineteen year old who's really considering leaving home because your parents are really being a pain in the ass." Lysander says, "And your dad… He's in his mood…"
"Thought you said he's worried about me?" Catherine asks
"When he's not worried about your well-being and stuff like that." Lysander replies, "Should Skype your parents sometime."
"Maybe then I get around to it." Catherine snaps, getting a little pissed, "Besides, mum will just ask me to show of my engagement ring and shit… Worse, she'll make me come back to Italy in the holidays and I'm going elsewhere…"
"And haven't told your parents…" Cecilia adds
"I'm telling them, Miss Cecilia…" Kaname interjects, "with Catherine, but maybe just through her phone, not Skype."
"Oh…" Cecilia utters, feeling embarrassed now that she has just made a bit of an arse out of herself.
"Besides, I would hope that you'll come to Italy one day, Kaname. Much to see and it is my cousin's homeland." Lysander says, before getting a drink, "It'd be honour enough for my aunt to play dear hostess."
"I will be considering a trip someday when we get a suitable break long enough. Not that we can leave anytime, but Lady Catherine is here for her education." Kaname replies, taking Catherine's hand
Lysander leaves the following hour and Catherine is pleased to have had a visit from hm, as she often misses her family and sure as hell often misses the motherland. Cecilia is busy with cleaning up while she leaves her mistress, Lady D'Amico and Lord Kuran to themselves, as there are times where some want to have just time… just to sit outside a little longer before going inside as it's getting late, and light outside…
Sitting in front of her armoire, a hairbrush going through her hair. They prefer to use soft brushes with her hair, few hundred strokes per side of hair and time spent every evening to do so. Cecilia goes through the closet looking for something suitable… as the weather has majorly changed within these few weeks. The term is ending for the winter break and tonight they head off on their vacation. Cecilia is unfortunately going to Venice to be with her father and Takuma is actually going with her. Don't know how his uptight grandfather, being pretty much his legal Guardian while his parents are often god-knows-where, would approve, but Takuma is going.
"I don't know how she does this every evening…" Kaname mutters, as he wanted to take up the task of playing around with Catherine's rich, thick brown, with scarlet streak, hair. For some reason he wanted to do that. A hundred strokes to ensure her hair is neat, that is always what is done.
Catherine then looks in the corner of the mirror, before getting up and running over to the glass doors of her room and throwing them open to the sight of this weather change. –Snow, pure white snow falling from the sky, as the beginning of winter is surely here. Kaname comes beside her and takes her hand, as the winter has now come.
"Winter…" Catherine mutters, as she walks out onto the balcony
Cecilia watches as her mistress twirls around the balcony. Like her parents, she often wonders what that girl is thinking sometimes. A free spirit sometimes when the vampiric aristocracy is strict in their ways, but with youth comes freedom of spirit, though often not extended to the ladies of the higher honour. They do imagine she may someday come down, hoping she does if she is set to be Lady Catherine Kuran in the near, not too distant future. –And then again, one thing Miss Danielle cannot help is to eavesdrop on her mistress, a lot like that night where she and Takuma had peeked in on them.
"Do you think that this winter will last as long as I imagine?" Catherine asks
"Well, I assume it will last as long as normal…" Kaname answers, "Assuming that conditions are the same here as in back in Tuscany."
"Well, it's Italy, Lord Kuran." She mutters, looking out from the balcony
He softly chuckles, "Yes, so you tell me a deal of the time."
Cecilia often watches the simple flirtatious etiquette, often intrigued how they often take things with care to detail. They have less than two years; maybe only a year and a half until their marriage and the least they do is take things at a simple pace. She then comes across some winter outfits that Lysander had brought from Italy, newer ones that Lady Amarelle had bought for her daughter to wear. They have yet to leave for their little winter holidays adventure, remaining behind at the academy, like a few have.
"Do you think we can have a party?" Catherine asks, "I know I'm not the best with the social gatherings, but then again, i have to make a point now don't I."
"Yes… regrettably that since we're engaged, that just means more towards the social-wise formality as my fiancée." Kaname nods, taking her hand, "Of course, maybe in a better season. Winter is not the best time for this sort of thing."
Catherine nods, agreeing, as she knows what he means by that, "Say, mid-spring?"
With a simple nod, she guesses that she has to step up to this, as there is more to it than anything a proper way for her to pronounce her status as future wife of Lord Kuran. This means more work. Kaname heads downstairs and comes across Ruka, who had stayed behind like a few others as winter break had started. Seems that there is a hidden trove here, a library much. She sits by the fire with a hot chocolate by the side as she reads Pride and Prejudice. Insincerely a lady noble who has as fiery an attitude matching her peach orange hair and such a defined taste. –but it still not explains how she can be green with envy around any girl whom is near Kaname never the less one whom she assumes is romantically involved, but to an extent since Catherine is indeed a true Catholic.
"Well, the weather surely changed dramatically…" Ruka utters
"Yes, so it has. An early winter." Kaname says
"Why did you choose her, hm?" Ruka says, putting her bookmark in her book and placing it down, finally doing something, which she means to, "Why did you chose that… that immature, unladylike child to be your wife? There are more worthy and I… I.. don't get it."
"Ruka, you are blinded by the envy that perceives you. You call her unladylike when you yourself are acting that way with this petty jealousy." He says, still in this calm demeanour, "Set this aside, Ruka. I do ask you to do so."
"But not until you tell me why…" She quietly mutters
Kaname starts to head away and he stops at the doorway, "Change…"
He then heads away leaving her with some real wonder as to what in the heavens does that mean. Of course Kaname is a bit of a puzzle and only two are the ones who could ever work him out, but then again it is a challenge within itself. Kaname then heads to the stairs where he eyes Catherine sliding down them in a dark red dress that flatters her body well and Cecilia following close behind with a winter coat to come with. Her hair flowing effortlessly behind her shoulders surviving the trip down.
"Are you ready to go?" Kaname asks, getting the jacket of Cecilia and placing it on her shoulders
"More than anything I wanted to get out of here." Catherine answers, with a smile before giving her confidante a hug, "I'll see you in a few weeks, Cecilia. Give your father my regards."
"Yeah, i will. Have a good time." Cecilia replies
Cecilia then watches as the luggage is packed in the back of the car and her mistress and her fiancé get in and drive away. She often has to be the one who follows Catherine everywhere, but with this time, under some orders from Amarelle and Antonio, Catherine's parents, it's well needed time for them to have some bonding. It may be an arranged marriage, unable to break it off, but they have pretty much a year and a half to make this more than just arranged marriage of these Purebloods.
"We going to go soon, Cecile (pronounced Cee-sil-lee)" Takuma asks, coming beside her and kissing her cheek
"Yeah, yeah. Just had to wave goodbye to Cate." Cecilia answers
"Let me guess…" He says with a slight smirk, "You have separation anxiety because you are her close friend and confidante and you're letting her go off with her fiancé while you're pretty much going back to Italy for three weeks of the winter break."
"Well when you put it that way… Just get in the car. We'll miss our flight." She answers, pushing him toward the car