Everyone woke up early the next morning. Christmas had come, and the children were all anxious to open gifts. The light was barely shining through the windows when they all came downstairs. It was nice to have everyone together for the holiday.

They had not been opening presents very long when someone knocked on the door. "I'll get it," Tootie said laughing as she watched Noah try to skate around the room on the roller skates he had just unwrapped. She walked to the door. Standing in the doorway was the best Christmas present she could have imagined. "Jeff!" she shouted. Jeff was standing in the doorway holding a baby boy, their son. "What are you doing…How…I mean what is going on?" Tootie was stumbling over her words.

"Ms. Mulligan called me yesterday and said we could pick him up," Jeff explained. "I told her you had been called out of town, but she said it would be alright for me to pick him up. Then I decided our family could not be apart on our son's first holiday with us. So here we are."

Tootie took the little boy from Jeff. She held him close to her and kissed his cheek. The baby smiled at her.

"Attention everyone," Tootie announced. Everyone turned to look at Tootie and her family. "I would like you all to meet my son, Ontario Ramsey Williams." Tootie was beaming with pride as she introduced her friends to her new son.

"Oh, he's so cute," Blair said. "Look at those chubby little cheeks."

"Hi there little sweetie pie," Edna cooed over the baby. "Welcome to our family."

"Tootie he is darling," Beverly Ann added. Andy walked over to Jeff and shook his hand to congratulate him on his new son.

"I am really happy for you Tootie," Jo smiled. "He is lucky to have you for a mom."

The phone began to ring and Edna went to answer it. All of the children were gathering around the baby.

"Congratulations Tootie," Natalie said to her friend. "I know you and Jeff will be great parents." Now she and Tootie both had sons. She felt that made them even closer. "Can I ask you something though? Did I hear you wrong, or did you say his name is Ontario?"

"Yes Natalie. His name is Ontario. I know it is a little unusual, but it is his birth name. He's fourteen months old. We couldn't change his first name now. Besides, I like it. It is special and unique, just like he is." Tootie kissed the baby again.

"Well I like it," Jo said. "It suits him perfectly."

Natalie laughed a little, "It does kind of grow on you."

Mrs. G. came back to the happy group. "Jo, the phone is for you. It's Rick. He wanted to tell the girls Merry Christmas."

"I'll take it in the kitchen," Jo said. She walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone.

"Hello," she said.

"How's everything there?" Rick asked her, his disappointment still apparent in his voice.

"Everything's fine," Jo answered. "Rick, I have to tell you something, about the accident. I know Danny was driving the car. It wasn't your fault and you didn't deserve all that happened because of it. He had a drug problem and that is what caused the accident. I'm so sorry I ever doubted you...I blamed you and that was wrong. I'm so sorry..."

"How did you find this out?" Rick was shocked by what Jo had said. He knew she had blamed him, but he didn't think she would ever admit it.

"Blair told me," Jo answered. "It was all in Danny's suicide note."

"Oh," was the only response he could muster. He was still in shock. He'd known the truth all along and no one had believed him. He'd been so angry for so long that he wasn't sure how to react now.

"There is one more thing," Jo said. Her voice was shaky. "I know you're not going to like this, but Rick...I want to have this baby."

He wasn't surprised, but he wasn't happy either. They'd made a decision together about how to deal with this pregnancy and she'd changed her mind without even consulting him. "Jo, we've been over this. We don't have the money..."Rick tried to stay calm.

"It's not about the money," Jo insisted. "It's about our child. I know you don't let yourself think about it that way, and I can't blame you for that. It's easier not to. But Rick, I can't pretend this isn't our baby. I've tried. But I keep throwing up and my bra's too tight and I feel tired and bloated...and I know I'm pregnant. And every other time I've been pregnant, it's been a baby...our little baby...and I can't just turn off those feelings this time."

She started to cry and Rick closed his eyes and sighed. He knew she was right. He'd known it all along, but he didn't want to admit it. "They told you to have the baby, didn't they?" he asked. "Your friends...they made this decision for you."

"They don't even know I'm pregnant." Jo cried. "I made this decision on my own. I know you don't want me to, and I don't know how I'll be able to afford another child, but I've made up my mind. I couldn't live with myself otherwise. I hope you can understand that."

"I guess I'll have to," Rick said. He did understand, but he was scared because he knew he hadn't been the best father since the divorce and he didn't want to keep letting Jo and the kids down. One more mouth to feed wasn't going to make things any better. "Can I talk to the girls? I want to tell them Merry Christmas."

Jo went back to the living room. She told the girls their dad was on the phone. All four of them rushed to the kitchen to talk to him. They loved him so much. Maybe he had not been such a bad father to them. Jo knew he loved them too.

"Well," Blair said. "We still have presents to open." She picked up the green and gold box she had placed under the tree. She handed it to Jo.

"What is this?" Jo asked.

"Open it and see," Blair answered.

Jo opened the box. Inside was a white piece sheet of paper. Printed on the top were the words "Eastland School Contract of Employment."

"I don't understand," Jo looked confused. "What is this?"

"Well," Blair said. "I need to replace the counselor at Eastland and you just lost your job as an SRS counselor. So, I figured this would take care of both of our problems at once."

"You want me to work at Eastland?" Jo was still questioning what Blair had said.

"That is a great idea!" Tootie said.

"And I bet Jo could help you come up with ideas to recruit more students," Natalie said. "Then they would not close the school. Maybe I'll use Eastland in my new book. The publicity should help enrollment."

"Wait a minute," Jo said. She was beginning to like the idea herself, but there were still some problems. "Even if I take this job, the girls and I will have to move here. I don't know if I can find a place in Peekskill I can afford."

"Simple," Blair said. "You can all move in with me."

"I don't know," Jo replied.

"My house is huge and empty," Blair tried to convince Jo. "It needs people in it. And you and I lived together for years. We can do it again. I would love to have you and the girls there."

"Before you commit yourself, I need to tell you something." Jo looked at everyone. "I'm going to have a baby." She expected everyone to gasp from shock, but they didn't. They all seemed to think it was happy news.

"Well then, you see," Blair said. "You really do need this job. What do you say?"

Just then the girls walked in from the kitchen. They were anxious to see what the commotion was about.

"How would you girls like to move to Peekskill?" Blair asked.

"Where would we live?" Ricki asked.

"You and your mom could stay with me in my house," Blair answered. "It would be great."

"Could Daddy come and see us?" Charli asked. Jo looked at Blair. Blair nodded at Jo.

"Yes," Jo answered. "Your dad could come and visit you."

"I think it would be neat," Jordyn said. The response seemed to be unanimous.

"Alright," Jo said. "I guess we're moving to Peekskill."

Everyone was happy. Mrs. G., who just days earlier had contemplated the meaning of her life, now saw the difference she had made. Tootie and Jeff were sitting on the couch playing with little Ontario. Natalie was helping Noah around the room on his roller skates. Blair was watching as Jo signed her name to the Eastland Contract of Employment. Andy was helping Katie play a board game with Ricki, Jordyn, and Charli. Beverly Ann sat down at the piano. She began to play a Christmas carol. Everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered around the piano. They were together again, together forever.

The End...

I hope everyone enjoyed this story. As I mentioned before, it was my first ever fanfic written way back in 2000. There is a sequel to it, and if people are interested I will try to post it soon. Thanks again for reading!