Author's note: Blackstar48 requested that I do a Hook Queen story where Regina and Killian raise their children. First time writing Hook Queen. Blackstar48, hope this lives up to your expectations.

Baby Arrival

Two years into Regina and Killian's marriage, they found out they were pregnant. In fact, they were surprised to find out they were having twins. A boy and a girl. The parents couldn't have been more thrilled. These past 9 months flew by so quickly but they cherished every moment.

Regina laid in bed thinking about her children. A little Regina and a little Killian. Storybrooke was in for something. A pirate and a queen having children would sure spell disaster for someone in town. Regina chuckled quietly to herself as she thought of the townspeople. They could be fickle at times.

Suddenly a sharp pain ripped through her abdomen. She sat up and gritted her teeth until the pain subsided. She rubbed her belly trying to calm her kids. She relaxed when the pain subsided but it didn't last long. She shook Killian but he didn't wake up. She rolled her eyes. This man could nearly sleep through anything.

"Killian," she whispered shaking him.

"What?" he asked lazily not wanting to be disturbed.

"Killian, it's time," she said.

His mind was still foggy and he didn't understand what she meant. "Time for what Regina. Go back to sleep love."

"You idiot. I'm going into labor," she said as the pain shot through her body again. Killian's eyes snapped open and he rushed to get out of bed. He ran to her side.

"It's going to be alright love," he said. He helped her out of bed and grabbed her belongings.

Once they got inside the car, Killian wanted to break every speed limit. Even if he was pulled over, who was going to do something? Emma? David? They were no match for a pirate. Especially a pirate who was expecting the arrival of his twins.

He could hear Regina let out little whimpers trying not to let on how bad the pain was. "We're almost there," Killian said. He pulled up to the hospital and helped Regina out.

They got inside and the nurse took one look at Regina and hurried over. "Mayor Jones." Regina gave a brief nod. She felt a wave of pain about to come on and grabbed Killian's hand. He nearly screamed because of the pressure. "This woman has a grip."

"Sir, we're going to need you to fill out paperwork," the nurse said. He gave her a sideways glance and the woman flinched.

"It's okay. I'm fine," said Regina. She gave the nurse an apologetic smile for her husband's behavior. The nurse relaxed and took Regina on back.

Killian sat in the waiting room and looked at the paperwork. He tossed it aside and put his head in his hand. He pulled out his cell and called Snow.

Thirty minutes passed and Snow arrived with David, Henry, Emma and August. Even Belle and the crocodile showed up.

"How is she?" asked Snow.

"She's alright I guess. The nurse took her to the back. I have to fill out this ridiculous paperwork first," Killian said.

"Here, let me," said Snow. She took the clipboard and started to do the paperwork. She gave Killian a smile signaling him to go back there with Regina.

Killian walked into the room and smiled at his love. She was about to bear his children. She looked at him. "What are you grinning about?" she asked.

"You my love. We're about to give birth," he said.

"You mean I'm about to give birth," Regina retorted. She quieted down looking at her hands. "I'm scared," she whispered. "What if something goes wrong? What if I push too hard? What if I push at the wrong time?"

He walked over to her and kissed the top of her head. "Nothing is going to go wrong. I'm here and everyone else is too."

"You mean-

"Snow and the motley crew," he responded. Regina laughed but it was cut short by another contraction. She let out a scream and Killian held her hand taking the pain. Regina laid back against the pillow thankful it was over.

Three hours later, Regina felt her babies start to come. "Killian, get Dr. Whale!" He jumped up from the recliner and hurried out the door.

Dr. Whale came in and checked her. "It's time. Regina, I need you to prop your legs up and when I say push, you push." He turned to Killian. "Go put on a gown."

Killian came back in time for Regina to start pushing. She reached for him and he walked quickly by her side.

"Regina, on my count, push," Whale said. He counted down and Regina pushed. She gritted her teeth as the pain increased. They continued for a few more minutes until Whale announced their son came first. The new parents heard his cry. They laughed and cried at the same time.

Regina wanted to rest for a while. Whale looked again and it looked like the next baby was ready. "Regina, here comes baby number two."

"Can't I have a moment to rest?" asked Regina.

"Sorry but this little one wants to know her mommy and daddy," said Whale.

Regina pushed on her count but Whale told her to stop. Regina and Killian immediately knew something was wrong.

"Doctor?" asked Killian.

Whale didn't say anything for a while. He said, "The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck." Their hearts stopped and they looked at him for answers. "Regina, don't push. I know you may want to but don't do anything," he said.

Regina nodded and she looked up at her husband with tears in her eyes. "Killian…

"She's going to be just fine," he reassured her although he was just an anxious.

"I'm going to use clamps to cut the cord as soon as the opportunity presents itself," Whale said.

Regina and Killian nodded their heads. "Is our baby going to die?" Regina asked. She didn't want to entertain the possibility.

"No," Whale said.

"I can't do this," Regina whispered.

"Yes you can," Killian replied. She looked at him with such fear and it pained him. He decided to get Snow. "Be right back."

He rushed out and met Snow's gaze. She quickly got up and walked over. "Regina needs you," was all he said and he got her a gown and they went inside.

"Regina," Snow said.

Regina nearly broke. "I can't do it. Something might happen," Regina said crying.

Snow walked over and stroked her head. "We're right here. Nothing is going to happen to her." She glanced over and saw their son.

"Is that him?" Snow asked.

"Yes," Killian said. "And he's waiting for his baby sister," he said looking down at his wife.

Whale waited and saw now was the time to push. "Prop up Regina's legs closer to her chest. Regina, remember what I said."

He ordered her to push and she did briefly before Whale was able to cut the cord. Seconds later, they heard their daughter cry.

Regina was able to relax. She leaned back against the pillow and watched the nurses clean her little girl up. The nurse handed her the twins and Regina couldn't help but laugh quietly.

Snow left the room and announced mother and children were fine.

The couple admired their twins and nothing else mattered for a while. "They're beautiful," Regina whispered.

"What did you expect? They come from us," Killian joked.

Regina snorted. "Isn't your daddy modest?"

"I know one thing, our girl won't be dating until she is nearly 30," Killian said.

She looked at her daughter. "Tell daddy he's has a while to deal with that."

Killian picked up the twins and put them down to sleep. He sat back down on the recliner after watching Regina fall asleep. He smiled at seeing her. She was a lot stronger than he was. Every day, he was thankful for her. He knew their lives would change for the better.