Four years, a failed marriage, and a little boy later, DaddyWard and MomElla live life in comfortable companionship for their son. It gets complicated when Edward realizes he wants more than a friend and ex-wife in Bella.

Back with a new story, hope you guys like it! I do love me a good DaddyWard… I have about half of this story written so far, and hope to do regular updates every couple of days.

"Miss Swan?" Aro's gritty voice summons over my cheap intercom. "Miss Swan?"

Taking a deep breath I hit the 'talk' button on the system. "Yes Mr. Volturi?"

"Have you finished sorting through the Royce King case?"


I hesitate. "N-Not yet, Mr. Volturi." My eyes shut involuntarily in anticipation of the tirade that is sure to come. "In fact…" I rustle through the mounds of papers piling up on my desk, "I'm working on it right now." I grin as my fingers grasp the manila folder. Silence on the other line. "Mr. Volturi?"

"Get it done, Miss Swan." The line clicks dead.

Fucking do it yourself Aro. Get off your fat ass and sort your own goddamn case.

"Hey Bella, if you wouldn't mind-" Angela, one of my closest friends and co-workers, stops in her tracks, eyeing my paper mountain. "Never mind."

"What'd ya need?" leaning back, my archaic chair lets out a groan. Yeah I know buddy, I'll lay off the Klondikes.

"Jasper's clients are here and I have no idea where he is." She straightens her glasses, looking frazzled. Angela truly is beautiful, in a 'sexy-librarian' kind of way with her lean body and long brown hair. She majored in accounting at UW, graduating three years ago. Her husband Ben absolutely adores her; in fact, it's quite sickening to watch the two of them together for any long period of time.

"Have you tried calling him?" I ask, rocking back in my squeaky chair.

She smirks. "Really, Bella? You think I haven't tried that?" She plops herself down on the edge of my desk. "I saw him talking to the new intern- you know, the blonde one? Anyway… I think he might be with her."

"Doing the hanky-panky?"

She shakes her head. "Well, she is nineteen."

"So, legal?" she nods. "Fucking Jasper. He's gonna get his ass fired if he keeps this up." Jasper Whitlock. Famous ladies man. That boy's been chasing tail since we were in kindergarten and he had a crush on Stacy Malik. Of course, his agenda has changed over the year. Stacy got a worm in her milk from him while the girls now… they get a snake in their cave, if you know what I'm saying.

My family moved to Forks when I was just four years old, and during the middle of the school year. Jazz was the first kid I saw when my dad dropped me off that first day. He sneezed on me and I kneed him in the balls.

Needless to say, we've been best friends ever since.

Anyway, point of the story being; when you can't find Jasper check dark corners and empty rooms. "I'll find him for you." I eye her carefully. "On one condition."

"You and your conditions." Her eyes narrow.

I hold Royce Kings file out to her. "Sort this out for Aro. You know how he likes his things… organized." I roll my eyes. What a joke- that man's office looks like Wal-Mart after black Friday. Ya' know… all messy and shit.

She snatches it out of my hand, flipping through it, her eyes widening at just how much is in it. Mr. Royce is a bad, bad boy. "Fine. When you do find him, tell him that Mr. and Mrs. Newton are here to discuss their divorce papers."

She gives me a quick hug, "See you tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it." I smile. It's her hubby's twenty-fifth, and he's getting a surprise party.

"Awesome. I hope he's excited… you know how he is." Yes I do. He's painfully shy. It took him three years to finally get the guts to say 'hi' to Angela. Or so I hear; they were married by the time I met them. Married at the tender age of nineteen.

"I'm sure he'll love it." I assure.

Another hug and I'm off on my wild goosed chase. Or should I say, wild Jazz chase. Ha, I can see him all dressed up as a goose- like he did for Esme and Carlisle's Halloween party a few years back- with me in SWAT gear hunting him down.

I approach his office quietly, Jaws music playing in a loop through my head. My head pokes around the corner, and… nothing. A quick glance to my right shows the blonde intern's desk vacant as well.

He did always have a thing for jailbait.

"Mrs. Cope, have you seen Jasper by any chance?" I ask out secretary as I pass.

"No, dear. I haven't." She frowns. "I haven't seen Stephanie in awhile either." Ah yes, that's the intern's name. Stephanie. "You need to get that friend of yours in check. He's a nice boy, but he needs to learn to control his urges. This is a professional environment."

I attempt a smile. Is there anyone in this office that doesn't know what a pig Jazz is? "I will tell him, Mrs. Cope."

It takes me close to twenty minutes to search the whole building. And let me tell you, I'm pissed. If I wanted to play hide-and-seek, I'd do it at home with Masen, not with a twenty-six year old lawyer.

"Miss Swan?"

I shut the storage room door with a bang, my cheeks on fire. "Aro- I mean, . What are you doing on third floor?" I smile, hoping I don't look guilty.

He smirks. "I could ask you the same thing."

I clear my throat, the sound reverberating in the tight hallway. "I was just…" I wrench open the storage room again, grabbing the first thing I touch. "Looking for more of this." I hold up my finding, looking at it for the first time.

"Toilet paper, Miss Swan?"

I blush scarlet. "Yeah, um, the restroom next to my office is out." I lie, in what I hope is a smooth way. Of all the office supplies in the closet, I had to grab ass tissue?

"Next time, just tell the cleaners." He cocks an eyebrow. "Get back to work Miss Swan, I need the King file on my desk before you leave tonight."

"Yes sir. Have a nice weekend." I call after him, glaring at his back. I grimace at the toilet paper and chuck it back into the supply room, satisfied when I hear it thunk against the wall.

Continuing in my search, I'm careful to avoid more unwanted confrontations. Thus, my current position hunched under a mahogany desk while Aro's brother, and co-owner of Volturi law, struts by me laughing with Melissa from marketing.

"Shit," I curse, rubbing the spot on my head where it hit the underside of the desk. A noise behind me startles me, and I jump out of my hiding place, figuring being caught in the meeting room would be better than being caught under the desk of the meeting room.

"Bella?" Jasper asks, squinting at me in the dim lighting. The giggling of his cohort ceases as she glances nervously between the two of us. "Bells, what are you doing-"

I blow out a breath, a snort rising in my chest. "What am I doing? What am I doing? What are you doing?" I jab my finger at his chest, "Jasper, you're going to get yourself fucking fired! Is that what you want? Five years of law school flushed down the tubes for… for a fucking intern?"

His smile is full of mirth. "Literally fucking intern." He snorts, throwing his arm around blondie- I mean Stephanie's- shoulders. "I won't get fired, because nobody'll know. Right sweetie?" She nods in acquiescence, starting slightly when Jasper pushes her toward the door. "Get back to work. And fix your hair." He watches her strut down the hall, a post-coital spring in her step, before shutting the meeting room door.

I slump back into one of the posh leather chairs that probably cost more than I make in a year, watching Jasper carefully. I can feel the disappointment radiating off of me; I wonder if he can too?

"You're upset," he prompts, breaking our silence.

"No shit, Sherlock."

He opens his arms, "What do you want me to do?"

"Stop fucking around with interns. This is the third one this month." He shrugs. "Jasper, it's only the second week of the month." I let out a breath.

"I'm sorry Bell-"

"You're not sorry, Japer. I just spent a half hour searching the building for you. Meanwhile your clients have been sitting in your office for close to forty five minutes!"

He blanches, "Shit, the Newtons." He lets out a string of curses and flings open the door, racing down the hall to the elevator.

"I'm not done with you!" I call after him, attracting the attention of some of the cubicle-dwellers on the floor. "Just tell me what goes through your mind." I demand, holding the elevator doors open as he tries to close them on me. "What are you thinking when you do shit like this?"

"I'm thinking that I'm a twenty-six year old man with a healthy sex drive. I'm thinking that I'm horny. Is that what you want to hear?"

The doors ding open, but I stop him with a hand on his stiff suit collar. "You worked so hard for this position. You're Aro's crowning jewel- his best lawyer- but you're not invincible. One day he's going to find out what you've been doing; who you've been doing, if he hasn't already. Don't dip your pen in company ink." I fight a smile as I say it, proud that I remembered that old saying at the perfect moment.

We're silent for a moment until he nods in understanding. "I'll try, Bella."

"You're my best friend, Jasper. I don't want you to be unhappy, and I know you will be if you lose this job."

He pulls me in for a hug and I inhale deeply. You know how sometimes you can feel comforted just by a certain scent? Jasper's my comfort scent. He smells like… sunshine on a cloudy day, water in a drought, flowers in a dumpster.

Okay, maybe the dumpster one is overdoing it.

Point is; he's always been there for me, and being in his arms, smelling him… Its home. "You know Swan; your obsession with sniffing people is a little unnerving." He mumbles against my hair.

I smirk. That's exactly what Edward used to say. "You love me." And that's exactly what I used to say.

"I do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a pair of very angry and sexually frustrated clients to attend to." And with a wink, he's gone.

Yeah, that's not what Edward used to say. He said… well, there usually wasn't much talking. He let his body and his scorching stares talk for him.

Fucking Edward. I almost went a whole hour without thinking of that bastard. Another of my best friends, but a bastard nonetheless.

I sit on the couch between Rosalie and Angela, caught in the middle of their debate; Jimmy Choo or Louboutin. Personally, I have no want or need for six hundred dollar heels that'll likely kill me with their five-inch spike.

Needless to say, I stay silent whilst sipping my Rum and Coke.

"Bella." Rose prompts, sipping her apple juice. "Opinion?" On the outside, Rose seems like a stuck up bitch. Between her ex-Victoria's-Secret-model looks and her expensive fashion taste; she's like the epitome of snooty and rich all rolled into one five foot seven package with mile long legs.

I must admit, the first time Emmett brought her around for the family to meet, I was quite intimidated. That is, until she beat Emmett in a belching contests after arm-wrestling with Carlisle.

She and I became fast friends.




"Oh, uh, right." I set down my drink, clearing my throat. "Well on one hand, you have a six hundred and eighty dollar Jimmy Choo. On the other hand, you have a Six hundred and eighty one dollar Louboutin." I say in my best serious voice. "Now, the Choo's have a slightly elongated heel, as opposed to its competition. If you're looking into the comfort factor-"

"Would you look at that," she deadpans. "My best friend's a fucking comedian." Angela lets out a snort, checking her phone.

She smiles brilliantly, standing up on the couch. "Okay everyone! We have two minutes until Ben gets home. Choose your hiding places!"

Rose and I kneel down behind the couch, out of view from the front door. "Jesus Christ." She groans. "I swear to god this baby is gonna be a fucking boxer." She hisses, rubbing her baby bump. Well, baby bump would be putting it lightly. More like baby mountain.

"How many kids you got in there, Ro? Looks like a whole tribe."

She punches me- not lightly, may I add- and glares. "I'm convinced its twins, but Doc says I've only got one little chica in there."

"Little?" I snort, shaking my head. "There is nothing little about that girl."

"What are we talking about?" Emmett whispers, nuzzling his wife's neck and rubbing her stomach. These two fight like cats and dogs, but I swear I've never seen a couple more in love. Well, maybe Em's parents Carlisle and Esme. They've been going strong for thirty seven years now, having married when Esme was just fifteen.

"You're little MMA fighter here." Ro tells him, kissing his cheek.

"That's my girl." He smiles toothily. "Where's my little buddy tonight?" He asks me.

"With Charlie and Sue." I start to say more, but stop when Ang dims the lights.

"One minute!" She whispers.

"Ben's gonna be so surprised." Em tells his, his voice barely audible. "It was killing me working next to him all day and not being able to say anything." Em and Ben work together at an electric company; Seattle Switches. "He asked if we wanted to go out for dinner tonight with him and Ang and I had to tell him we were busy. I almost spilled the beans right then, man." He shakes his head.

"Em, babe, be quiet." Rose demands as we hear the lock in the door.

We all stay quit as the door swings open, waiting for our cue as Angela and Ben greet each other at the door… rather passionately.

"Ben-" Angela pants as the kissy noises cease. "Ben, dear, I think-"

"I've been waiting all day for this, sweets." Ben groans. He moans and Ro and I stare at each other in shock, our mouths hanging open. "Baby, I want you." He adds, as the sound of a zipper being pulled down reverberates around the room.

"Ben-" Angela begs, no doubt trying to inform him of his fifty guests listening to him get it on with his wife. "B-"

"Later babe, I need this!" He growls.

"Should we say something?" I mouth to Rose.

She snorts quietly, "Are you kidding? Watching shy little Ben get his freak on? This shit is priceless." She tries to peek out around the edge of the sofa to get a better look, but is pulled back by Em.

"They're going at it in the foyer!" I hiss, my face probably an interesting shade of red.

"Kiss me, babe?" Ben's whispered plea just about kills me. I've known this man for over three years, and I've never heard him curse once, and now here he is asking Ang to kiss his dick. In his foyer. With the front door still open.

Who knew he had a kinky side?

"WHOA!" Emmett yells, jumping up from behind the couch. "Get it Bro!"

I glance at Ro quickly before we both jump up, along with the other guests yelling out a half-hearted 'surprise!'

I swear Ben's blush gives my own a run for its money. He just stands there, pressing Ang up against the wall with his fly down staring at us with his mouth dropped open.

"Watch it bro, you'll catch flies." Em teases, slapping his friend on the back. "You might want to zip the peen up, this is a family party." He motions to Ben and Ang's parents whispering amongst themselves by the bar.

Angela chuckles forcefully, rubbing her forehead. "I tried to tell you." She smiles tightly, "Surprise?" He pulls her in for a hug while someone restarts the music and turns all the lights back on revealing the decorations and gifts stacked high in the corner.

"I apologize." Ben announces, still flushed; whether from embarrassment or… arousal, I'm not certain. "Thank you everyone." He smiles for the first time of the night. "Thank you for this."

Ben squeezes Rose and I, thanking us and apologizing profusely.

"Don't worry about it, Benny. This is the most excitement I've had all week." Rose grins cheekily.

"She doesn't get out much." Em comments. "Not with my little MMA star in there. Our little Gina Joy Carano."

"Emmett, we are not naming our daughter after a fighter."


"No, Emmett." She gives him the look. You know, the look that says 'agree or I'll chop your balls off with a paring knife.' Yep, Rose has perfected that look in the past eight months. Although, she did have to best teacher; me.

Yep, I had quite the bitch-brow back in my day.

A few hours and much mingling later found Rose and I at the bar; her with a virgin margarita and me with a… not so virgin one. "What about him?" I point to a scruffy looking guy dressed in a sweater dress and cargo shorts.

Rose snorts. "He obviously lives with his mother." She rolls her eyes. "I'd say he's some kind of computer technician. Maybe he's one of those geeks for Best Buy."

"I nix that." Letting out a burp, I motion for the bartender- yes, Ang hired a bartender- to get me another round of… whatever was in my glass before I drained it. Don't judge, I hardly ever let my hair down anymore. I'm twenty six years old and my idea of a fun night is curling up on the couch and cuddling with my boy. "He's gay definitely."

We watch curiously as scruff-man in question is joined by a rather attractive, and much younger, red head. She makes herself at home on his lap and proceeds to shove her tongue down his throat.


"That's unexpected." Rose comments, eyeing the chick wearily. "Gold digger?"

"I'd say so."

"Now that isn't nice." A smooth voice comments from behind us. Any normal person would spin around to put a face to the voice before reacting.

But drunken Bella? She is no normal girl.

Oh, no. She doesn't think before she acts. Instead, she shrieks and takes a swing behind her, hitting her verbal assailant smack on the forehead,

"Fuck Bella." He groans, resting his head on my shoulder. "Every time."

I laugh when his familiar penny-colored hair rubs against my cheek softly. "Well, Edward, you should know by now not to sneak up on me. How long have we known each other?" I tease, proud of the red spot forming on his too-perfect forehead. I mean really, this man's facial features would make Michelangelo cry.

No one's jaw is that defined. Just… no.

"Eleven years." Rose throws in, cocking an eyebrow at us. "You met freshman year."

Edward lets out a long whistle, nodding his head. "Too long, Swan." I glare in response.

Rose lets out an unsatisfied moan. "Don't look now." She whispers in my ear. "Three O'clock. Satan approaching. Look alive." I glance to my right, following her line of vision and watch a beautiful- albeit very fake- strawberry blonde make her way over to us.

"Why is she staring at me? Do I know her?" It's true. She's glaring. Menacingly. I rack my brain trying to place her, but draw a blank as to where I know her from or what reason she has to look at me like I'm… well, scum.

"Not yet." Rose sighs as Fake tittie chick throws her arm around Edward and smiles at him. Fake teeth too, nobody's chompers are that white and pearly.

"Bella," Edward turns to me, distancing himself slightly from fake tits. Maybe her silicone is suffocating him? "Bella, this is my, uh, friend Tanya." Ouch. Rose rubs my back soothingly as I try to smile. "Tanya, this is my ex-wife Bella."

I stick my hand out, "Pleasure to meet you."

Thanks for reading! Drop me a line before ya go(: