Author's Note: Hope you like this conclusion! I wrote this baby in one day too. Ending is still super fluffy. Now I must walk Isis. Love you guys!

In Sickness and In Health

Anna leisurely made her way out of Mr. Bate's and her cottage. They had just moved in, after they had painted the walls and got rid of the slight mildew smell. The two of them had made the run-down cottage into a cozy little house.

Today it was Anna's half-day. She had the time to tidy up their home and visit the village. She had planned an appointment with Dr. Clarkson. She still had a bit of the flu, but Anna seemed to work fine. Anna commonly felt sick in the mornings, but she was able to stick it out through the day. Even so, Anna still couldn't keep down certain foods. She also wanted to ask if certain effects were, in fact, result of the flu. Anna wanted to bring up her minor back pain, and that she grew exhausted more easily than usual.

Anna also was curious as to how quickly she could get better. Mr. Bates' birthday was coming up, so Anna wanted to feel fighting fit so she could celebrate with him.

Anna walked slowly down the streets of Downton Village, dodging children who seemed to be playing an extravagant game of pirates. She smiled at the children as she strolled to the hospital door. Anna gently pushed the door open, and was almost immediately greeted by Dr. Clarkson. "Mrs. Bates," He welcomed her. "I'll see you in my office". Anna smiled a bit uneasily as Dr. Clarkson directed her to his small but purposeful office. She took a chair, and he sat at his broad desk. "Now," Dr. Clarkson began as he evaluated her current medical record, "What seems to be the problem?" Anna took a deep breath.

"Well, my husband's birthday is coming up…" She explained. "And I've had a bad case of the flu, so I was wondering when I may get healthy again."

"Mmhm" Dr. Clarkson mumbled. He looked directly at Anna. "What are your symptoms?"

"Symptoms?" Anna repeated and thought over her answer. "Well, I feel nauseous, especially in the morning, I can't keep certain foods down… I occasionally get a little light-headed, I tire quickly and, I feel some slight back pain, which is usually at the end of the day." She finished.

"How long have you had these symptoms?" Dr. Clarkson questioned. Anna paused for a moment.

"About… maybe two months" Anna answered hesitantly. Dr. Clarkson began writing, and then looked on intently.

"Forgive me for asking, but…" Dr. Clarkson said uneasily. "When did you last have your… your menstrual cycle?" Anna was slightly taken aback. She thought for a minute.

"Umm" She softly whispered. Anna spoke up gradually. "I… I can't remember…" She timidly finished. How had she not thought of this before? Maybe she didn't have the flu.

"That's what I thought" Dr. Clarkson said knowingly. "You see, Mrs. Bates, the symptoms you've given me are all symptoms of being pregnant. I think we should run some tests just to be undeniably sure." Pregnant… Anna mulled over the idea. She grabbed a stray lock of hair and spun it around her finger. Mr. Bates loved when she did that, so now Anna would do it instinctively. A small smile plastered itself on Anna's pale face.

Mr. Bates sat unaccompanied in the servant's hall, looking indolently at his Lordship's shirt collars. He felt unbearably lonesome; Anna insisted she take her half-day so he was to remain at Downton. He was almost overcome with complete boredom when Anna returned from her half-day and gaily strode into the servant's hall. Mr. Bates grinned broadly. He had seen so little of Anna at work. They were always together at their cottage, but work was so dull without Anna present to vivify his day. He couldn't help but notice she frequently excused herself to the bathroom, and she hadn't talked very much in the past weeks. O'Brien also warned him that his wife was growing tired of him. But he was happy to see her just the same. "My, my" Mr. Bates greeted her "What are you so pleased about?" Anna sat herself down lightly next to him. She placed a dainty hand on his thigh. She smiled up at him. Mr. Bates noticed her sapphire eyes shone with delight.

"Can't a wife be happy to see her husband?" She moved to give him a gentle peck on the cheek, but Mr. Bates moved his head marginally so Anna planted an indulgent kiss on his lips. Anna giggled cheerfully.

"Happy to hear it, Mrs. Bates. Is this about the trip?" Mr. Bates asked expectantly.

"Yes" Anna replied. "I had a great time" Mr. Bates played with her golden lock of hair that framed her face.

"What did you do?" Mr. Bates asked.

"Oh" Anna lied "I just tidied up the house and discovered something wonderful."

Mr. Bates birthday was today. Anna awoke from her bed and made sure not to rouse Mr. Bates as she nimbly stepped down the stairs. She quietly made her way into their quaint kitchen. Anna chuckled inwardly as she could hear Mr. Bates' snores even from downstairs. She crouched down to open the bottom drawer of their cabinets. With Mr. Bates' leg, he would never bother to open this drawer because to was too low for him to reach. Anna carefully reached in for a very small parcel wrapped in blue paper and tied with a thin string. She placed the parcel on their table and began Mr. Bates' birthday breakfast.

Not long after she finished up making breakfast, she heard Mr. Bates amble down the stairs, accompanied by the soft tap of his cane. He slowly rounded the corner, greeted by a fine-looking wife and breakfast. Anna wished him a happy birthday and kissed him on his cheek. Mr. Bates chuckled and took Anna's waist to bring her closer to him.

"It's my birthday, so I get to give my wife a proper kiss." Mr. Bates smiled. He received his birthday wish without hesitation.

Anna set the table for breakfast and the two sat down. Mr. Bates caught sight of the blue parcel in the middle of the table. "What's this?" He asked, reaching for the parcel. He looked inquiringly at Anna.

"Silly beggar, that's your birthday present!" She smiled. "Open it." Mr. Bates wondered what this tiny parcel could contain. He tugged lightly at the string tied around it. Mr. Bates glanced at Anna who looked quite eager to see his response to his present. He folded the blue wrapping paper open, only to reveal a little wooden pacifier.

Anna smiled. His face was the perfect image of confusion. Mr. Bates ran his big fingers through his hair like he always did when he was confused. Anna saw his revelation as understanding washed over him. "Y-You're…" He choked out, face full of surprise. "pregnant." Mr. Bates finished, looking Anna in the eyes and taking her hand from across the table. She smiled broadly.

"I saw Dr. Clarkson on my half-day. Turns out I didn't have the flu." Anna explained. "You are going to be a daddy." She said sweetly. Mr. Bates smiled; his warm brown eyes met her blue ones as his skin creased under them.

Mr. Bates stood up and hugged Anna. She saw him blink away joyful tears. "We're going to be parents" Mr. Bates whispered affectionately. Anna stroked his face as he brought her in for a gratified kiss. Anna definitely felt better now.


Thanks for reading! There is still tea and crumpets waiting for whoever reviews!