Full Summary: When Kisuke Urahara asks you to test out one of his new inventions, just say no. Ichigo learned that the hard way. When one of his new inventions goes wrong, Ichigo is sent to a parallel universe were humans and monsters live in shaky peace. In this world, Ichigo meets new and familiar faces, as well as a mysterious figure known as Dark Ally, whose powers seem identical to Ichigo's. And of course, trouble always seems to find Ichigo.

July 12, 2013

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach. Bleach is the property of TV Tokoyo, Dentsu, and Studio Peirrot. I only own my Original Characters.

A/N: So I've been thinking about this story for a while now. The idea has floated around in my head for a couple of weeks and I finally decided to write it. Do I have a clear plot in mind? No, but I will work on that as this story goes. OC form is at the bottom of the page.

This story takes place after the Lost Substitute Arc and before my story, Bleach: Burning Soul Arc.

Edited Version

Chapter 1: You Sure This Is Safe?

Word of advice. If Kisuke Urahara ever asks you for a favor, or help test out one of his new inventions, just say no. The orange haired Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki, learned that the hard way.

"You sure this is safe?" Ichigo asked. He was currently siting in a chair in Urahara's shop. His trade mark scowl was glued on his face and on his wrist was a device that worked like one of those things used to measure blood pressure. Kisuke Urahara's latest creation.

"Ichigo, don't you trust me?" The former captain covered his grin with his fan. "I would never put you in a situation that might prove hazardous. If this master piece of mine messes up, losing your hand will be the worst possible injury."

Ichigo gulped. "You want to remind me why I'm doing this for you again? And what this thing is supposed to do?"

"Why? Think of it a repayment for all the times I've helped you." He muttered into his fan. "Your also the most expendable."

"What was that last thing?"

"Oh nothing. As for what it does, it is prototype teleporter. If I'm right, that device on your arm will teleport you to that chair on the other side of the room." He pointed to a wooden chair identical to the one Ichigo was sitting in.

Kisuke walked over to his computer. "I ready to start it up. You ready?"

Ichigo gave an irritated sigh and nodded. "I'm going to regret this."

"Don't worry Ichigo. Every thing will be fine." The blonde ex captain typed a few keyes and smiled. "It'll start in a few seconds."

Ichigo eyes widened as the device on his wrist glowed and he disappeared, leaving an empty chair behind.

"Yes! It worked!" Kisuke clapped. "He should reappear in a moment." The other chair remained empty. "Any moment now." A small breeze flew over the empty chair. "Oh crap..."

Some Where Else

Ichigo opened his eyes and shook his head. "Where the hell am I?" He was in a dark alley and as he looked around, he saw tall skyscrapers all around. "Dammit Urahara. Where the hell did you send me?"

A/N: Well Kisuke really screwed up this time. Using Ichigo as a guinea pig for a teleporter? Not a good idea.

In this parallel universe, there will be the doppelgänger of the people in Ichigo's world, but there will also be new characters. That's were the your OC's come in.

OC Form


Race: (Human (Fullbringer or Quincy), Soul Reaper, Monster (The four monster races are Vampires, Werewolves, Succubus, and Kitsune.)




Zanpakuto: (If your character is a Soul Reaper. Name, appearance in normal, Shikai, and/or Bankai form.)


Relationship with parallel world Ichigo: (Do they know him, how do they feel about him, etc.)


A/N: Just PM me your OC's and I'll start making head way with this story. You can sent two OC's if you want to. If you go to my profile, please vote on the poll.

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