As usual I don't own Danny Phantom. I would've but Nickelodeon wouldn't sell it to me!
"Life is a fragile thing." – (I couldn't find the author)
He was lying in the snow, a numb feeling creeping up his spine. He'd stopped shivering a while ago. The snow around him was a growing stain of bright red, so different from the white shower that fell around him. Everything else he could see was white, with the exception of the tops of a few pines tree's in the distance, alive even in the deadly cold of winter. The white was kind of scary, in a way. There was no color, no life to it. It wasn't a peaceful color, like people said in the movies.
He was so cold, but there wasn't anything he could do but lie there, waiting for something, anything to to get away from the deafening quiet and the whiteness. The tension in the air was so thick he could cut it with a knife.
Blood ran down his arm, like some kind of grisly teardrop, turning the white into red as it dripped.
Danny couldn't figure out where the blood was coming from. It couldn't be from him. He refused to believe it. He felt fine, maybe even the beginning of peacefulness, besides the growing numbness in his body. In a way, the numbness was a blessing. Danny didn't want to feel right now. If he could, he knew he'd be in agony.
He watched the snow fall from the sky above him, some of it being caught on the branches, making the tops of the tree's white. It was hard to believe something as simple as a snowflake could be so beautiful. The flakes reminded him of feathers. A beautiful shower of dancing, white feathers raining down on the earth.
When did it start snowing? He wondered. Maybe it had been all along. He couldn't remember. All he remembered was him lying there, with time seemingly at a standstill, for hours. He wasn't even sure how he'd come to be there in the first place.
He was getting drowsy. All he wanted was to go to sleep. Just for a little while. Something in him told him not to but he didn't feel like listening to it. Couldn't he have just that one little thing?
Someone was walking in the snow nearby, heading in his direction, their footsteps crunching in the heavy snow, breaking the deafening silence like glass. He was curious about what they were doing way out here. He was curious about what he was doing here. He hated not remembering.
"Oh Daniel," a voice said sadly, now right over him.
Danny shivered, but not from the cold, when he recognized that voice. It brought fear into his heart.
"V-Vlad?" He managed to mutter. There was no response, just him being lifted off the ground by strong arms. He looked down and saw the red stain in the snow had become larger.
He quickly became the most alert he'd been in hours. He struggled weakly in Vlad's grip, to no avail. "Put me down!" he said as loudly as possible, which wasn't very.
"Daniel, stop that!" Vlad said to the squirming teen. "Just try and relax. Please." Vlad held something up to Danny's lips, tilting his head up. Danny tried to pull away but he'd already swallowed the liquid in the vial. It tasted sweet, almost like berries.
The falling snow slowly became to dim in his vision. The flakes seemed to change shape and blur. Their dance was coming to an end. Then everything went black.
You have no idea the time and thought that went into this chapter. That's how much I love you guys :) Will you review and keep reading? *puppy dog eyes *