Pull the Trigger (Watch Me Break)

It was quarter past 11 at night when Regina carefully and quietly slid open her bedroom window. She looked back behind her at her closed bedroom door, silently praying to any God out there, that her mother did not catch her sneaking out. She swung one leg over her window sill, reaching it out to touch the less than sturdy branch reaching out to her window. She got her other leg out then and grabbed hold of an overhanging branch to keep her steady as she stood up.

Five minutes later she'd successfully scaled the large tree outside her window, something she'd been doing far more frequently in the month that she'd known Killian. Most people if they knew would say he was turning into a bad influence for her but she didn't see it that way at all. Sure she'd lied to her parents more times than ever before and snuck almost every night but it was only a little rebellion. Isn't that what being a teenager meant? Rebelling against your parents at some point?

Still she felt a little guilty about sneaking out all the time. Anything could happen to her and her parents would have no clue at all. Her worries however were quickly forgotten, as they always were, when she saw Killian's smirking face as he leant against the lamp post just outside her gate. She smiled somewhat shyly as she walked forward, heart fluttering at the sight of the older boy.

"Well come on then love," he greeted, grabbing her hand in his, pulling her closer only to wrap an arm securely around her shoulders.

Regina leaned into him as they walked, "Where are we going?" she asked, looking up at him with wide honey brown eyes.

Killian smirked as he looked back down at her. "I'm taking you to meet some friends of mine," he answered steering her towards the harbour where his boat was docked. It was where they spent most of their time unless he was sneaking her into the only nightclub in town, Kings. She was a little excited though; she hadn't met any of his friends yet and she hoped she'd make a good impression with them.

They walked for several minutes in silence before they finally started to near the harbour. Regina breathed deeply, loving the smell of the ocean; salty and fresh. They walked down the docks towards Killian's boat and she looked around the area, expecting to see his friends waiting for them but she saw no one. Walking on to the boat she tried not to jump in surprise when a tall, blonde figure appeared before them.

"Killian! Where have you been? Jeffy and I have been waiting on this damn boat for hours," she exclaimed in a husky, petulant voice.

"Mallie," Killian replied with a raised brow, "Come on. I've been gone half an hour. So you've probably just gotten here," he told her matter-of-factly, pushing past her to walk further onto his yacht. Regina followed him as the other girl, Mallie, looked her over curiously.

"And who is this?" Mallie asked mischievously as she followed the two brunettes down into the cabin of the boat.

Killian chose to ignore her for the moment as his gaze settled on the 19 year old lounging on his couch, drinking one of his beers. The younger boy smirked at him as he came in, eyeing Regina lasciviously when he caught sight of the brunette trailing behind Killian.

Seeing the way the other boy was looking at Regina caused jealousy to flood through him and he hit the other boy in the shoulder. "Oi! What are you doing drinking my alcohol hey?" he growled, glaring at him.

"Got bored waiting for you. Who's your lovely little lady friend?" the boy asked as Mallie came to sit beside him, looking up at Killian expectantly.

Regina stood behind them a little shyly, not really sure what to say. These two seemed as bad and abrasive as Killian yet there was something about Killian she couldn't help but feel was different from the other two. Of course she couldn't really be sure about that, they'd not actually been introduced yet and she'd barely interacted with them.

Killian finally turned towards Regina, pulling her to stand beside him as he smirked at his two friends. "Regina," he began, turning to address his pseudo girlfriend, "These are my friends; Malinda Drake and Jefferson Milner. They're crazy, don't hold it against them," he told her with a chuckle, gesturing to the two. "Mallie, Jeff, this is Regina Mills, my girl," he told them, turning to kiss her on the lips.

"Mills? As in Regina Mills the Mayor's daughter Regina Mills? Are you crazy Kill?" Jeff screeched, realising just where he recognised her from.

"Excuse me?" Regina asked huffing, not liking the implications about her in his voice.

"Look, your mother's crazy. Everybody knows that. Who says you aren't too? Crazy's genetic you know," Jefferson replied casually, taking a sip from his pilfered drink.

"You would know wouldn't you Jefferson," Killian growled, angry at him for calling his girl crazy.

Regina felt anger bubble up in her at the implication that she was anything like her mother. It horrified her to think that anyone could think that about her. Couldn't they see that Cora was a monster and she was just the monster's plaything? She marched forward, knocking the bottle straight from Jefferson's hand, pointing a threatening finger in his face.

"I am nothing like my mother," she growled dangerously, surprising everyone in the cabin including herself.

"Whoa, easy there," Jefferson gasped, jumping back from the enraged girl.

Killian was quick to grab at Regina, hauling her back so she was flush against his chest. He could feel her angered breathing and he was sure he could feel her heart pounding angrily. Wrapping one arm around her waist he glared at Jefferson as he and Mallie stood from their seats. He shoved a hand into his pocket, pulling out two small baggies and handing one over to them each.

"Make those last. William had a hard time coming by those this time. Don't waste them," he warned the two as they moved past him and up onto the deck.

He felt Regina struggle a little in his hold but he didn't let her go until her heard their footsteps step off the boat. As soon as he let her go, Regina whirled around to face him, eyes blazing and chest heaving angrily. She looked like a fiery goddess and it took everything in Killian not to crash their bodies and their lips together fervently.

"I'm nothing like my mother! How dare he say that?!" She ranted angrily, running a hand through her long dark hair. "I'm nothing like her," she practically cries, the tears pooling heavily in her eyes. She turns to look at him frantically, hoping he'll offer some sort of comfort that indeed she was not like Cora in anyway.

"Hey, hey, I know that. I know you're nothing like her," he says, pulling her into a hug, trying to soothe her.

Regina despite her best attempts starts to cry into his chest, clinging to his black leather jacket tightly. "The things she's done to me Killian," she sobs, "I would never…I'd never do them to someone. Let alone my child!" she exclaims, tears falling fast now. Killian just continues to hold her, not sure what to say or do at all. This was so far out of his comfort zone that he had no idea what to do about a crying girl in his arms.

"It's alright now Regina. You're here with me and as long as I'm around I'll always be here to help okay?" he told her, hating to see how upset she was and really not knowing how to calm her down.

"Thank you," she cries quietly, hugging him tightly, "You're the only one that is."

AN: So I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter so far and I even had to cut it in half. There was meant to be more. Also the first chapter we're introduced to young AU Maleficent and Jefferson.

Anyway, let me know what you think. Please review. :) LT.