By: ZedXTReaTz

:::Puu Kisses…

Naruto does not belong to me.

And before I start~(guests) REVIEWS:

Theawesomereview: Thank you and I'll try to hehe:P I'm glad you like it, also, thank you for reviewing~I hope for more great and motivational reviews from you in the future :D

Guest: Haha yeah I wanted try something new~Thanks for reviewing!

Jessica : I know right! XD I thought that I was the only one thinking that ahahaha :3 Thanks for the awesome review! XD






Being the centre of attention was surely inexperienced for…well, the inexperienced pink haired girl.

All eyes studied her, all eyes never let her out of their sight, all eyes…displayed doubt towards her. They were all back at their meeting place which was behind the school building. And up to now, the teens were still flabbergasted.

Hidan had already awoken and learned the whole story. He was voted most likely to lose his marbles.

"Caterpillar my ass!" he clenched his teeth, "You really expect me to believe this bullcrap!?"

The fragile pinkette, who had just ceased her whimpering, began tearing up once more.

"Ah! Hidan-san!" Tobi rushed over to comfort the sobbing girl, "Don't scare her like that!"

Hidan huffed, vividly irritated.

"Believe it or not Hidan, it's the truth," Pein spoke with composure.

"So what should we do with her, yeah?" Deidara drearily questioned; his gaze never abandoning the girl, "We taking her back to her "rightful owner" or what?"

Their leader let out a deadbeat sigh, "Well that's obvious."

"I don't get it," Kisame spoke his thoughts, "How can a caterpillar…be transformed into a human girl with PINK hair?"

"You could get a lot of cash for something like that," Kakuzu drooled.

"…maybe the caterpillar was pink as well," Zetsu shrugged.

"Like I said," Pein intervened, "My brother loves to do crazy experiments."


A rough voice spoke up, "Why did I get dragged along with you idiots."

Everyone watched him with blank expressions.

"Oh, you're still here little brother?" Itachi (now wearing glasses; bought by Kakuzu) coldly asked.

"I WOULDN'T BE IF YOU RETARDS HADN'T TIED ME UP!" Sasuke roared as he squirmed around in the ropes.

Sasori stooped to his eye level, "If we asked, would you have come?"

"NO" Sasuke bluntly replied causing the redhead to tighten the ropes even more as he coughed in suffocation.

"As leader, I apologize for your inconvenience," Pein bowed his head, "However, because you too overheard this girl's situation-he gestured to her- you're now involved. Congratulations."

"Who said I wanted to be a part of this—"



As everyone received that boyish yelp, they instantly knew who it was.

"Tobi! What's wro—

Silence fell over the gang at what they were witnessing. Their stares grew into dinner plates at the unbelievable scene. Why hadn't they been paying much attention earlier?

That day…a wet, juicy kiss had blossomed between an abnormal pinkette and a childish (very stunned) masked youngster.

Oh lord.






"Well that escalated quickly," Kisame whispered to Itachi who sat beside him.

"Hn. Tsunade-sama is indeed a piece of work," his focus never broke away from the black board.

After a prolonged and irksome lecture from the Principal, Tsunade, who had caught the gang at their boycotting, they were all obliged to attend EVERY class for the rest of forever (her words exactly)

Pein and Tobi however managed to vanish before she spotted them. Thankfully, they took the pinkette along.

"I'm not talking about that," Kisame mumbled, "The other thing."

"You're referring to the ki—

"SHHHHHHHHH!" Kisame hastily blocked the poker-faced boy's trap with his immense azure hand. They sat at the rear of the classroom so no one seemed to hear. The fish-like teen shortly removed his hands, "Yeah the ki-…mouth intercourse…"

Itachi slowly elevated a narrow eyebrow at his shark buddy.

Kisame rested his chin in his palms, "I wonder where they took her though…"

Once again, Itachi's eyes met with the black board.







He tried hard and I mean EXTREMELY HARD at acting as normal as he could to evade thinking of that female's presence. Maybe…making conversation with his "precious" leader might distract him.

"Erm…Leader-sama?" his childlike intonation called out to the pierced young man sitting exactly across from him in the moving vehicle. Beside said lad sat the emerald-jade orbed caterpil-*ahem* girl staring out the shady tinted window in awe.

Pein's attention was yanked back to his orange masked comrade, "Yes?" his tone didn't waver one bit.

"Well…" Tobi avoided looking in the pink head's direction, though it was still pretty obvious, "Tobi still thinks we should've just taken a cab instead of calling for your dad's limo."

Leader simply scoffed, "Yes, but then it wouldn't feel like we're going on a top secret ninja mission, silly one."

'How is Tobi the silly one here!?' Tobi released a weak chuckle while taking another glance at the still distracted female on the left side across from him.

She really did seem like a defenceless and pure girl…so tiny…so pale and certainly odd, yet, there was something about her that made him want to…torment her?

Tobi had almost slapped himself.

T-Tor…ment? Nonononononononononononononononononononononononono nonononono! He wasn't some gruesome sadist like Hidan-san! DEFINITELY NOT. He couldn't be…right?

Tobi miserably sighed and decided to coyly take one last glimpse at her, only this time, there eyes had actually met(well in Tobi's case, "eye")

He had suddenly become as stationary as Itachi when he drops his dango, but the pinkette, however, only harmlessly blinked at the teen. Confused at why he was now daringly staring at her, the only option she naturally chose was to allow a small smile to dance upon her lips.

Tobi then instantly felt the blood rush to his head and straightaway whipped his head to the opposite side.

She watched him in question as he gradually lowered his head; tightly squeezing onto his currently over-heated mask.


God, don't do this to me.







A young man pulled the blinds of his window open as the rays of daylight rushed into the gloomy chamber.

His lavender ringed eyes winced at the blinding and irritating brightness hitting them. He then sluggishly combed through his maroon locks with a pale yet slender hand after hearing the sound of car doors slamming and leaned against the icy wall.

An exhalation filled with displeasure resonated throughout the confined room.

"Tch. You're timing's off as usual, brother."







Annnndd yet another chapter has been completed. Yes, yes, I know this chapter is extremely short as well but I PROMISE it'll be a lot longer in the next. However, it won't be updated right away since I'll be going on hiatus for a while (it's time for my vacation peeps! XD)

So I do hope for those of you who are reading this fanfic will continue to be awesome readers and reviewers even if it might take a while for me come back~ehe :P Thanks a lot reading; till next time!

Oh, and don't forget to REVIEW!

Puu will very much appreciate it!
