HI! It's the pH Alchemist with my first Avengers story. If you want another sample of my work, just head on down to the Beyonders section under books.

As you can probably guess, this story was inspired by the song 'Dumb Ways to Die'. In no way do I mean this to be sadistic, this is just supposed to be funny in a slap-stick sort of way. No gory deaths here, sorry, just honest to goodness crack and other fandom references.

And on that note, I begin my story. There will be one chapter for each 'dumb way to die' featuring one of the Avengers. For laziness reasons, I am including Loki as one of the Avengers because he is in some chapters and writing 'The Avengers and Loki' is super tiring (wow, that was very tiring, I'm glad I don't have to write that down every time!)

This is 'set fire to your hair' and it involves Loki. Take one. Aaaannd ACTION!

Disclaimer: I don't own 'Dumb Ways to Die', nor do I know who does. WILL THE PERSON WHO OWNS 'DUMB WAYS TO DIE' PLEASE STAND UP? Also, I don't own the Avengers or Doctor Who

The Fourth of July was fast approaching. Tony and Bruce were holed up in their lab (honestly, when are they not?) working on some new high-tech fireworks.

"If we just mix the powder in the big ones with the powder in the whistle-ey ones, we can have a firework that is big and whistles!" Tony said enthusiastically as he mixed the two, strictly against Bruce's orders.

Loki was in the living room marathoning Doctor Who, after Tony, Bruce, and Clint literally tied him to the sofa and forced him to start watching it. The show was beginning to grow on him...

But before he could finish that thought, Tony and Bruce bounded across the room to his spot.

"Hey Lokes!" Tony said. "Ooo, you're on 'The Shakespeare Code'? Love that one."

"'Girl in the Fireplace' is better." Loki said, not missing a beat.

"Just wait until 'Blink'" Bruce muttered.

"Anyways, we need your assistance." Tony said.

Loki raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"We're making our own fireworks and were wondering if you could help, and by help I mean magically altering the chemical formula to make them the mother of all fireworks."

Loki sighed. "I will help, however, I can't do much whilst bound to the sofa."

After that was sorted, Tony and Bruce escorted Loki to the lab.

"Ok, we just need to mix this one and this one." Tony explained, pointing to the two canisters that were open on the lab bench.

Loki nodded and approached the canisters.

"Should we...I don't know...step back or something?" Bruce asked.

"I'm the God of Fire." Loki deadpanned, and raised his hands.

An hour later, Tony was still hearing a ringing noise and Bruce was rubbing black powder off his glasses.

And so, there you have it. These probably won't be super long, just enough to get the point across.

Hope you guys loved it.

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