Disclaimer: I do not own either the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise or Naruto series.

The New Master of Dragons

Chapter 2 - Arrival

After the entrance exams finished all the new students who passed were ushered into large helicopters organized by each student's test scores. The prep school students were in one first class copter, all the students who were already attending Duel Academy were in another, and everyone else was in business class. Naruto was the last one aboard because he was talking to the Kaiba Corp attendants who informed him that the chopper carrying the test applicants was fulled to capacity, meaning he was being moved up to first class more specifically with the prep school students. As he walked inside the first class copter he noticed that just about every seat was taken, all except for the one close to the front next to a blond girl who was staring out the window.

"Excuse me miss." he said getting her to look to him before getting a slight blush.

"Um yes? Can I help you?" The Obelisk asked with a nervous tone. The male blond scratched the back of his head.

"Is this seat taken?" Naruto asked while pointing to the seat next to the blonde beauty getting a more noticeable blush.

"No its not taken." She said before quickly looking out the window to hide her face as the whiskered teen plopped down on the seat.

'Come on Alexis! Don't act like a school girl with a helpless crush! Talk to him!' The Obelisk mentally yelled at herself before she turned back and found her fellow blond opening a panel on the floor revealing a flat surface. "What are you doing?"

Naruto was tapping this chin in an effort to remember something. "I think Dad said something about installing collapsible tables in front of all the seats in first class. Now how do I use this thing..." He said getting a confused look from Alexis.

He pushed down on the surface and it slid up using pistons to a level where the passenger could use it. "That's better. I didn't want to have modify my deck without a table, cards kinda get jumbled up. By the way I'm Naruto Uzumaki, its nice to meet you miss...?" The blond male asked while fading off at the end trying to get his fellow blond's name.

"Alexis Rhodes, and it nice to meet you too. I got to say for the step son of Seto Kaiba, you're not what not all I expected." Alexis said as Naruto placed his deck on the table and started rummaging through his backpack before pulling out a card box.

"I get that a lot. Everyone is always expecting me to be my dad with a different face." As he spread the deck in an ark across the table, Alexis was looking at the various Dragon-Type monsters that populated it.

"So you specialize in Dragons huh? I guess there's one thing you have in common with your dad." Naruto scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously before grabbing a stack of cards from his box and looking though them. "

Actually Dad never really had many dragons in his deck in the first place. It's just the fact he always had Blue-Eyes in his deck at all times that caused people to think that." He said as he pulled a Spell Card from his deck and placed it in the box and slid the replacement card into it's place.

As they sat there, Naruto adjusting his deck and Alexis was staring out the window trying to find a subject to talk about, Chazz was a few rows back sitting with his friends practically glaring holes into the back of the blond male's head. 'Who does he think he is? It should be me sitting with Alexis, not that bozo.' He scoffed before he looked out the window. 'Not like I care, soon she will be mine and I'll be the big dog on campus. After all, no one can beat Chazz Princeton.'

It has been a rather uneventful hour into the trip, Naruto has just finished adjusting his deck and slipped it back into the deck case on his belt. He also put his card box back into his bag almost anticipating an announcement of some kind. All the students around him were chattering among themselves, with quite a few of the males looking to Naruto with jealous faces. Alexis was one of the most popular girls back in prep school, but no one was man enough to walk up and just talk to her. Yet here's this johnny-come-lately who waltzes in, even though this is copter is reserved for prep school graduates only, and sits at the spot that they all coveted.

Unfortunately for them their glares when unnoticed as a man in a fake excited tone told them to look out the window. Out in the middle of the crystal clear sea water sat a heavily forested volcanic island with several dorm buildings and a huge building which stood in the center of it all. 'I got to hand it to dad. He sure knows how to overdo it right.' Naruto thought as the chopper quickly approached the island.

Three hours later, we find our hero walking out of the main school building wearing a slightly altered Ra Yellow uniform. The jacket and shoes were more a golden yellow, not the mustard yellow worn by most other students in Ra. The blazer also extended further past his waist and flared flared out forming a pseudo-cape (think of Jaden's jacket in season four), it was unbuttoned revealing a black shirt he wore underneath. He still wore blue jeans with his uniform as only the blazer and shoes were dress code required.

Naruto stretched his arms over his head and yawned as he walked over to Jaden and Syrus who were sitting on one of the school decorative carvings looking at the school issued PDAs. The brunette looked up to see the dragon duelist walk up. "Yo Naruto! Finally get done with your dorm assignments." Naruto sighed.

"You don't know the half of it, that took forever! All that fuss over colors. Glad they had my favorite shade of yellow cause there's no way in hell I'm wearing that ugly mustard yellow jacket?" This statement caused Syrus to sweatdrop at the blond's pickiness about color.

Jaden laughed at this statement as Bastion walked up to them in a regular Ra uniform. "It's nice to see you gents again." he said getting the trio's attention.

"Hey Bastion, you in Slifer too?" The brunette asked getting a odd look from Naruto

The black haired teen looked at his blazer. "I don't know, lets see: yellow shirt, yellow buttons. I'm afraid not..."

"Oh, that's why we're in red." The Hero user said with a look of revelation. Naruto sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Please don't tell me you didn't tell the difference, Jaden." he said as the brunette grinned.

"So what? Ever think that I may be color blind?" He asked getting a confused look from the three other boys.

Syrus decided asked the inevitable follow-up question. "Are you color-blind?"

Jaden placed his hand on the back of his head before laughing. "No, but I could have been. So I guess I'll see you guys at the dorms then?"

Naruto shook his head at the ignorance of the brunette who obviously hadn't read the student manual preloaded to their PDAs. "No Jay, we won't be in the same dorms. Our dorm is that way." He said before pointing to the southeast corner of the island where the Ra Yellow Dorm building was located.

Bastion then pointed to the southwest. "You dorm is over there. We need to get going, our belongings should have arrived by now" He said as the two Slifers got up and the quartet separated to their respective dorms.

After Naruto reached his room it to roughly about two hours to unpack, set up, and organize all of his stuff. His desktop computer alone took a full thirty minutes to set up and connect to the Ra Dorm's internet network. The whiskered teen decided to go on a walk around the island. Not far from the dorm Naruto came across a beautiful crystal clear lake surrounded by lush trees and on the opposite side a large blue and white building that was right at the water's edge. "What a view! This alone is worth the trip." The blond said as he stood at the lake's edge soaking in all of it's beauty.

Some time earlier in the building opposite Alexis was busy putting away all the things that the movers didn't, such as her casual clothes, unmentionables, and personal electronics. As she was refolding her clothes her thoughts were focused on her fellow blond student. 'Naruto is an amazing duelist. Probably the only one among the new students who performed an OTK at the exam duels.' The Blonde Obelisk picked up the last pile of clothes and place it into the drawer before she looked out the window of her dorm room to admire the sights.

"I wish I could of talked to him more. But no, I had to clam up like some common school girl sitting with her crush for the first time." Alexis muttered to herself. She then spotted a familiar sunny-blonde teen in a jacket that was a different shade of yellow then others in Ra walking along the edge of the lake. Alexis quickly grabbed her PDA and deck, then placed them into separate holders on her belt. The blonde ran out her door, making sure to lock it, to meet up with Naruto.

As Alexis exited the dorm building she saw the Ra student standing a little ways away staring out to the lake. "Hey Naruto!" She called out as she neared getting her fellow blonde's attention away from the lake that bordered their dorms.

"Fancy meeting you here. Didn't think I'd see you so soon." Naruto said as Alexis stopped next to him.

"Not exactly hard to meet like this, with our dorms being as close as they are." The Obelisk student responded followed by a chuckle when she saw her new friend scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Right. Kinda forgot about that. Hey I was about to go check out the school's duel field. Would you like to go with me?" Naruto asked as he pointed his thumb in the general direction of the main school building.

Alexis shrugged before answering. "Sure, why not? I was going to make sure that Chazz isn't late for the welcome dinner anyway. He's likely to be there marking his territory." She said as they began their trek. "So what's it like being the adopted son of one of the most powerful men in the world like?" The blonde girls asked.

Naruto placed his hands on the back of his head and looked up to the sky. "It was ok to say the least. Dad was busy most of the time, but when he had the time we would either duel each other with starter decks or go the Kaiba Land for a day. He didn't want to be hands off with me and hand me off the the maids 24/7." He said with a smile as the two blondes made there way into the main school building and to the duel field they over heard Jaden and Syrus talking to Chazz and his friends.

"This sure is a motley crew." Alexis crossed here arms as she and Naruto neared.

"Whoa! Who is that?!" Syrus asked.

"Hey Alexis. Have you come here to watch me mop the floor with my new little friend Jaden here? It'll be a short duel but an entertaining one for sure." Chazz spoke to the sole female in the group from his spot in the bleachers.

"I'm here to remind you of the Obelisk welcome dinner. Your late!" She said with a stern voice.

The black haired teen turned to leave. "Oh, yeah. Come on guys." As they passed the remaining four students, Chazz glanced at the sole Ra among them and received a glance in return. Time seemed to slow to a crawl for the two. 'You better watch yourself, poser. Alexis is mine and no second rate duelist is going to change that.' Chazz thought to himself.

'Better watch out for him, seems like the 'can't take no for an answer' type.' Naruto mentally noted to himself as the trio left the room.

Alexis sighed and turned to the Slifers. "Sorry if Chazz rubbed you the wrong way. All of us Obelisks aren't like that. He's just a jerk, especially to Slifers." She said with an annoyed look.

"Ah, it's no big deal." Jaden said getting both blonde's attention. "Thoses types don't bother me at all. Besides I could beat them in one turn!" He exclaimed as pointed to himself with the stupidest grin.

Naruto chuckled at this. "One turn, really? You seem quite sure of yourself there, Jaden."

"We're going to need to work on that overconfidence..." Syrus mustered under his breath while Alexis giggled.

"Ok two turns. Maybe two and a half. Oh yeah, hey Naruto you up for a duel?"Jaden asked before the blonde Ra shook his head.

"Sorry, but I was going to get back to the dorm after a short look around. The Ra welcome dinner will be starting soon as well." Alexis then remembered something.

"Oh yeah, the Slifer welcome dinner is about to start. If you hurry you might just make it." She said as she place her index finger on her chin.

Jaden and Syrus started to freak out and started to leave before the brunette turned around. "What was your name again?"

"Alexis, Alexis Rhodes. It's nice to meet you, Jaden." The lone Obelisk answered.

"Same here, see ya later. C'mon Sy!" The blunette took off after his friend.

"Why didn't you introduce me?!" He yelled as he left. Naruto walked to Alexis' side and chuckled.

"Lively bunch, aren't they?" He asked as his female companion nodded.

They stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before Naruto cleared his throat getting Alexis' attention. "So... would you be okay with me escorting you back your dorm?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

The Obelisk of the two blushed at this. "No thank you, I'll be fine." She responded before seeing her fellow blonde slightly deflate at her answer then realized her mistake.

"But maybe we could walk together until we have to split up." The whiskered teen grinned at this as they set out to their dorms, parting ways after they reached the lake.

One Week Later...

In the main school building, we find our gaggle of teens and a small group of the other freshmen scattered about in large room modeled after collage class rooms. Dr. Crowler had just asked Alexis to list all of the card types used in Duel Monsters, which she did perfectly. Naruto was in a row of Ra students in the left section of the room with his head rested on his left hand. The two blondes have become good friends over the course of the previous week, usually eating lunch together and solving Duel Puzzles at the Card Shack.

Naruto watched as Syrus was picked out of the Slifer Red students to answer the incredibly vague question, "What is the function of a Field Spell?". The poor boy was a studdering mess as he tried to piece together an answer as most of the students in Obelisk and a few in Ra snickered at his misery. The Blonde Ra sighed then decided cut the little guy a break, and rose his right hand speaking his mind. "Isn't that a trick question, Doc?"

This diverted Crowler's attention from Syrus to himself. "Ah Naruto, would you like to elaborate?"

The whiskered teen stood up from his seat signaling the Slifer to sit down with a grateful look. "Field Spells are Spell Cards that are placed in a specific designated zone. As for their function, there are many different Field Spells with varying effects. Meaning it's impossible to define their function as a whole." Naruto explained as Crowler was nodding nervously.

'I need to be careful with him around! One word to his father and I can kiss this job goodbye!' The flamboyant professor was panicking.

Over the past week whenever Dr. Crowler set his sights on humiliating Slifers, especially Jaden and his friend Syrus, Naruto would sometimes intervene by poking holes in the questions. The young blonde made it clear that he didn't enjoy the blatant favoritism his teacher showed to the students in the room that were wearing blue jackets. "Good. Very good. I'll keep that in mind next time." The doctor said before the bell rang for lunch causing all the students to rise from their seat and head for the door.

As Naruto walked out of the room, he find Alexis standing there next to the door. "Did I keep you waiting?" he asked.

"No. Not really. Let's go, I'm hungry." The Obelisk said with a smile. As they walked through the hallway, Alexis decided to call him out. "It was really sweet of you to stick up for Syrus back there."

Naruto sighed. "I couldn't just leave him standing there, making a fool of himself. Kid's got some serious self-confidence issues, and it didn't help the Crowler deliberately gave him an impossible to answer question." The blue eyed blonde sighed as they entered the Card Shack for lunch.

After classes were over for the day, gym class had just ended for Naruto. The Ra was in the first year boy's locker room changing back into his uniform when he overheard a voice. He walked over to the voice as be slipped into his t-shirt to see Syrus daydreaming with a letter in his hands. 'Don't tell me...' The blonde thought to himself as his blue haired friend bolted towards the door. As he passed Naruto, the Ra grabbed the collar of his jacket.

"Slow down there, Sy." The whiskered teen said as the blunette started to freak out.

"N-N-Naruto! P-Please let me go!" Naruto sighed before he grabbed the letter and put Syrus down. "Wait! Don't read that!" It was too late as the blonde was almost done reading the perfume scented "love" letter from 'Alexis'.

"Syrus, you really need to be more observant with things like this." With this the Slifer stopped his episode with a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Well for starters this letter isn't even addressed to you." After this Syrus had a heartbroken look. "That's not the only thing wrong here. Alexis' last name is misspelled, it's not in her hand writing, and finally she uses perfume that smells slightly of vanilla not this heavy rose scent." Naruto explained as he pointed to the letter then Syrus hung his head and cried.

"I can't even get a fake love letter." The whiskered teen sighed.

"Listen Sy. I'll clear this up with her tonight. Also I don't want you to mention this to Jaden." The blunette nodded sadly as he walked out of the locker room. Naruto sighed as he went back to his locker and grabbed his jacket. He pulled out his PDA to record a message for Alexis.

Later that night Alexis was in the open air bath at her dorm with her roommate, Mindy, along with her friend, Jasmine. The two friends were talking about their favorite subject, boys. "Did you see that blonde hottie in the Ra section? So handsome..." Mindy said followed by a deep sigh as she lathered shampoo into her black hair causing her breasts to juggle slightly.

"I guess he is, if you like wild looking men. I saw him at the Exams too. Hmmm, what was his name again?" Jasmine asked as she scrubbed her arm with a soap bar before switching arms.

The blonde Obelisk was just about to dump a small barrel of water over her head before stopping to answer her roommate's brown haired friend. "His name is Naruto Uzumaki." She said before continuing to soak her body with the bath's warm water. Both Mindy and Jasmine looked at her with surprised faces.

"You know him?" The currently sudsy haired teen with stars in her brown eyes asked.

The blonde nodded as she grabbed the scented soap to wash herself. "Yeah we met on the first day and started hanging out during lunch. Really cool guy."

Mindy tilted her head slightly. "Are you dating him?" She asked before getting a bar of soap to the forehead. On the other end Alexis' eye was twitching and she motioned Jasmine to hand her the soap she was using. "Ow! You could have said you not. You wouldn't mind if I..." The ditzy Obelisk started to ask before seeing the blonde start to pull her arm back to throw another bar of soap and she stopped.

Alexis put her arm down and continued to wash her ample chest. "Honestly if you going to do 'that', just keep that to yourself. He's a big boy." 'Plus I don't need to know that my roommate is thinking of sleeping with a good friend of mine.' She thought with a heavy blush, understandable given the situation. Its not everyday your roommate asks if its ok to go 'casual' with your new friend that you may have a crush on. After an awkward minute, Mindy then grabbed a barrel to rinse her hair out.

As Alexis rinsed herself off, her PDA rings to signal that she got a message. The blonde finished her bath and pulled herself out as grabbed her towel. She wrapped herself up and went to grab her PDA looking through her messages hoping that it wasn't her horny fanboys who asked for a date indirectly. To Alexis' relief it was from Naruto. She played it as she entered the dressing room and a video with Naruto popped up.

"Hey Alexis, I'm sorry for the late night message but I need to confirm that this fake love letter that was addressed to Jaden wasn't from you." The blonde in the recording said before he scratched the back of his head and looked to the side. "I also would like to have a duel with you, so meet me at our split off point. I'll see you there in an hour." Then the video cut out to reveal that Alexis was already at the designated spot with her Academy issued Duel Disk and dueling gloves when she decided to rewatch the message.

Crowler who was in the lake in a diving suit, followed her after realizing that Jaden wasn't taking the bait and saw Alexis walking out of the dorm with a Duel Disk. "Hey Alexis. Your early." Said a male voice said getting Alexis' and Crowler's attention. Naruto was walking towards his friend with a Duel Disk attached to his left arm and a folded letter in his right hand. 'Where did he get that?' The doctor was panicking as the Ra neared.

"I was intrigued by the audacity someone has using my name to try and trick Jaden. Can I see the letter?" Alexis asked holding her hand out.

The letter changed hands and the girl of the two skimmed through it. "Poor Syrus was to one who found that in his locker, nearly bolted to the girl's dorm immediately when I stopped him. Either the person who did this doesn't know where Jaden's locker is or Jaden put his shoes in Sy's." Naruto said as he picked up a flat stone and proceeded to skip it on the lake, not knowing that he clocked Crowler in the forehead.

Alexis nodded. "So other then the misspelled last name and wrong handwriting, what were the things you noticed?"

Naruto blushed and scratched the back his neck. "Well... first I noticed that it didn't smell like your perfume..." The Obelisk looked at him funny before hiding her quickly blushing face with the paper.

"Your quite observant. Just one week and you can already spot a letter from an impostor." She steadied her breathing to stop her blushing then crumpled the note into a ball and though it into the lake.

The whiskered teen cleared his throat and looked to his friend. "You ready to duel?" He said getting a nod before they moved to a reasonable distance away from each other and activated her Duel Disks.

"Duel!" They shouted simultaneously before drawing the opening hands.

Naruto's LP: 4000
Alexis' LP: 4000

Alexis' Hand: Etoile Cyber, Angel Blast, Doble Passe, Polmerization, Fusion Gate

"I'll go first if you don't mind." Alexis called out as she drew her first card.

Fusion Weapon

"First I summon Etoile Cyber in attack mode!" She called out as she placed one of her cards on her Duel Disk, then a red haired woman appeared in red, white, and yellow ballet tights and white ribbons around her wrists appeared doing a few ballet steps before getting into position.

Etoile Cyber ATK: 1200 DEF: 1600

"The I'll place two cards face down and end my turn." The Obelisk girl said as two hologram cards appeared in front of her. "Your up, big boy." Alexis said in a slightly flirty tone getting a chuckle from Naruto.

"Don't mind if I do!" He said as he drew.

Naruto's Hand: Trade-In, Felgrand Dragon, Monster Reincarnation, Totem Dragon, Disarmament, Golem Dragon

Naruto looked through his hand and starts thinking. 'Summoning a monster with less attack points then defense in attack mode? Seems like a set up. Gotta take this slow with a hand like this.' "First off I'll play the spell card Trade-In. By discarding a Level 8 monster I can draw two cards." He placed Felgrand Dragon into the Graveyard then draws the aforementioned cards.

Foolish Burial, Castle of Dragon Souls

"Then I activate Monster Reincarnation which allows me to discard one card to return one monster to my hand from the grave." The whiskered teen explained before switching Totem Dragon for Felgrand then grabbed another spell.

"On top of that I'll use the spell Foolish Burial! This allows me to send any monster from my deck to the graveyard." Naruto grabbed his deck from his Disk and searches for Blue-Eyes then places it into the Graveyard.

Alexis' mind was going a mile a minute at the string of moves her fellow blonde was making. 'So much set up. How will he use those card he deliberately placed in the graveyard. If the Exam duel is anything to go on I should watch out.' She thought as her opponent grabbed three more cards from his hand. "Finally I'll summon Golem Dragon in defense mode." He said as the familiar rock dragon appeared in it's crouching pose.

Golem Dragon ATK:200 DEF:2000

"Then I place two cards facedown and end my turn." The whiskered blonde said as two cards appeared. "My turn." Alexis drew her card.

Blade Skater

"From my hand I'll activate Polmerization from my hand to fuse Etoile Cyber with the Blade Skater from my hand." As she stated this a woman in a grey and purple leotard in ice skates with similar blades on her arms appeared next to Etoile Cyber and they performed a complex synchronized dance before intersecting into the same spot, causing a huge flash of light.

"Come forth! Cyber Blader!" Alexis yelled as stunning blue haired woman in a red and purple leotard and ice skate appeared as the light faded.

Cyber Blader ATK:2100 DEF:800

"Go Cyber Blader! Reduce that dragon to pebbles!" She said as her monster jumped up and drop kicked Naruto's dragon, shattering it into pixels. "That's all for now." The Obelisk said with a smirk.

Naruto chuckled as he drew his card and looked at it.

Exploder Dragon

"When I have no monsters on the field, I can special summon Totem Dragon from the Graveyard!" The Ra declared as Totem Dragon slid out from his Graveyard and he played it. A small odd looking turtle-like dragon with an really long neck appeared.

Totem Dragon ATK:400 DEF:200

Alexis realized that when he switched the cards from his hand and graveyard, he sent this monster in to replace the high level monster he sent there at first. "I sacrifice Totem Dragon to summon Felgrand Dragon!" He yelled as the small dragon faded away into sparkles and a huge flash of golden light blinding the other two blondes for a few seconds.

As Alexis and Crowler came to, they froze at the vicious dragon that appeared. It has gold and silver scales with sharp spikes all over it's body. It reared it's head up and roared, sending waves of pressure all around it, violently churning the water in the lake next to the Duelists.

Felgrand Dragon ATK:2800 DEF:2800

"How? That's a level 8 monster." The female duelist said as she stared at the huge dragon. Naruto closed his eyes as he started to explain.

"Totem Dragon, when sacrificed for the summoning of a Dragon-Type monster, counts as two monsters. Unfortunately when it is summoned by it's own effect, it is removed from play when it would be sent to the Graveyard." He slipped the card into the empty card holder on his belt.

Alexis gulped as she saw her friend point at her Cyber Blader. "Go Felgrand! Attack with Glorious Burst!" The dragon fired a golden beam of energy at the fusion monster, causing an explosion.

Alexis's LP: 3300

As the smoke cleared, Cyber Blader was still there but on one knee in front of her player. Crowler was launched to the other side of the lake where he was knocked out on a bed of soft grass. "Your monster must have a effect that prevents destruction, am I right?" Naruto said as Alexis smiled.

"You'd be right! When you control one monster, Cyber Blader can't be destroyed in battle."

Naruto let out a small laugh. "Okay then. Looks like I done." Prompting his friend to draw her card.

Fusion Weapon

"I equip Cyber Blader with Fusion Weapon! With this her ATK and DEF by 1500!" She said as Cyber Blader's right arm transformed into an odd contraption.

Cyber Blader ATK:3600 DEF:2300

'That's pretty powerful. I could Disarmament to get rid of Fusion Weapon, but one of Alexis' Traps could counter it. Or I could minimize the damage with my Castle Trap to boost Felgrand to 3500 and use this as a chance to use it's effect.' Naruto thought as he looked at his facedown cards, weighing his options.

"Cyber Blader, Attack!" Alexis yelled before her monster started charging her new weapon arm while aiming it a Felgrand Dragon.

'Fuck it! I'll wing it!' "I activate the Continuous Trap, Castle of Dragon Souls! By removing one Dragon from the Grave I can boost ATK of Felgrand by 700 ATK points!" The blonde teen said as a large castle appeared behind him. He pulled Golem Dragon from the Graveyard and placed it in his card holster.

Felgrande Dragon ATK:3500

The dancer monster fired it's weapon at the golden dragon and a large explosion occurs.

Naruto's LP: 3900

Naruto was standing there in a bracing position with a small smirk. "I gotta say. Your pretty good, Alexis. A bit basic, but good." Alexis chuckled at her friend's comment.

"Your pretty good yourself. Boosting the ATK of your dragon to shrink the damage, really clever." They stood there for a while staring at each other, before they started laughing. This continued for a good ten second before they steadily stopped.

"This has been the most fun duel I've had in a while." Naruto said as he looked at his opponent in the eyes.

Alexis smiled as she returned the glaze with an unnoticeable blush. "Same here. It's refreshing to duel a guy who isn't staring at something they shouldn't the entire time. Well my turn is over." The male blonde draw his card.

Pot of Greed

'This could be useful.' He thought with smirk that didn't slip past the Obelisk. 'Here we go' "First I activate the Spell Card, Pot of Greed! I think the effect is quite obvious." He said as he drew two cards.

Mystical Space Typhoon, Monster Reborn

"Very nice. I'll use Monster Reborn to bring back Felgrand from the Grave in attack mode." The golden dragon appeared in a flash of light. " When Felgrand is Special Summoned from the Graveyard, I can increase it's ATK points by the level of any monster in the Graveyard of my choice times 200. Since the only card in my Graveyard is Blue-Eyes White Dragon, who's level is 8, it gains 1600 ATK points!" Naruto yelled.

Felgrand Dragon ATK:4400

'Here it comes.' Alexis thought as a bead of sweat ran down the side of her face.

"Next I use my Trap Card, Disarmament! This card destroys all equip cards on the field!" Cyber Blader's arm mounted weapon burst into pixels revealing her normal arm and her's ATK returned to 2100. "Then I'll summon Exploder Dragon in attack mode!" A small blue dragon holding a football-shaped spiked bomb appeared.

Exploder Dragon ATK:1000 DEF:0

'He's planning to end this now, but I'm not done yet.' Alexis smirked as she thrust her hand forward. "Now that you have two monsters on the field, Cyber Blader's ATK is doubled."

Cyber Blader ATK:4200

"Looks like I'll survive this turn, Naruto." She said before crossing her arms underneath her impressive bust making it more pronounced.

Her Ra opponent chuckled as he shook his head. "Maybe. Maybe not. Exploder Dragon, attack Cyber Blader!" Alexis looked shocked at this.

"Wait! Isn't your monster weaker then mine?!" She asked as the small dragon charged at the dancer and exploded into pixels on contact, leaving it's explosive device floating in front of it's target. "Yes it is. But when it's destroyed in battle, no one receives damage and I can destroy the monster that destroyed it." Naruto exclaimed before the bomb started blinking red.

'Oh crap!' The Obelisk cursed in her head before pressing a button on her Duel Disk. "I activate Angel Blast! With this I can negate monster destruction effects!" The bomb dissolved into specks of light.

"Nice save there, Lexy. But I'm not done yet! I'll use my Castle Trap again, removing another Dragon-Type to boost Felgrand's ATK by 700!" The Ra said as he pulled Blue-Eyes out of the Graveyard and placed it into his card holder.

Felgrand Dragon ATK:5100

The whiskered blonde stood there waving the last card in his hand with a slight grin. "And now it's time for the final piece! I activate the Quick-Play Spell, Mystical Space Typhoon and destroy Castle of Dragon Souls!" He said as he held the card above his head and a large gust of wind started to whip around the aforementioned card, causing it to shatter. "When my Castle is destroyed I can Special Summon any Dragon-Type monster that was removed from play! I summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Naruto pulled Blue-Eyes back out and played it as the powerful dragon appeared and roared.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon ATK:3000 DEF:2500

Alexis was standing in her place with a nervous expression as the two dragons stared her and her monster down. "Well looks like I'm finished." She said as looked to her opponent.

"Don't fret, Alexis. In Dueling, losing can make you a stronger Duelist. You just need to increase the speed of your deck and you'll do just fine." The boy said before he pointed to Cyber Blader. "Felgrand, attack with Glorious Burst!" The outcome of this battle was completely different, Cyber Blader was properly destroyed this time.

Alexis' LP: 2100

The beautiful Obelisk had her arm covering her eyes from the resulting gale. 'He's a tactical genius, countering every move I make. He deserves this win.' She thought to herself as she admired Naruto who just stood there as the wind whipped his clothes and hair around.

"And now for the finale! Blue-Eyes, attack her directly!" The Dragon fired a white stream of energy at Alexis, engulfing her.

Alexis' LP: 0
Winner: Naruto

Alexis was sitting on the ground with a satisfied smile on her face. Naruto was walking to her with a similar smile. "The was a good Duel, we should make this a regular thing." He said as he held his hand out palm up for his friend.

She nodded as she took it and was gently helped up. "I would really enjoy that." The girl said as they stood there holding each other's hand, as if hesitating to let go.

The duo awkwardly looked away from each other before Alexis stepped forward and kissed Naruto's cheek. He froze for a few seconds after this, having never felt this before. It was a good ten seconds before the Obelisk slowly moved away, blushing and still holding the Ra's hand. "For being such a good friend. Not just to me but Syrus and Jaden too." She said answering his unspoken question, receiving a smile in return.

"Well I couldn't just let Jay or Sy get expelled for something stupid like blackmail. I didn't want you to be used like a tool either. Your the first real friend I've had in a long time." The blonde male said causing Alexis to look at him with a angelic smile.

"Thank you, Naruto." She said as she gave him another quick kiss on the cheek. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." The duo finally released each other's hand, turned to their respective dorms, and walked away. As Naruto walked away, a small ball of light appeared from thin air and lingered for a bit before following the Ra on his way to his room.


Now lets get some things out of the way.

I got a few questions about making it a harem story with both Mindy and Jasmine included. Not a bad idea, but I'll exclude Jasmine for the purpose of being a potential girlfriend for Jaden after a certain duel with man's cousin. I will have a harem for Naruto and girls in it either wouldn't know and/or care about the others in it. Other then Alexis and Mindy, there will be at least two others who will remain unknown at the moment. And no, there will be no clues.

As for Naruto's deck, it will eventually change to include more Blue-Eyes support that was released a year back. Also Synchro Summoning will be introduced to the GX-verse in the next chapter during the promotion exams. I didn't want to do it in the first chapter cause it would seem incredibly cliche to have Naruto reveal it in the exam duel with little to no build-up.

The delay was a combination of writer's block, a new job that when finished I have to take a 4-5 mile hike to get home, a bunch of games that I finally have access to, and sheer laziness. I promise that the next chapter won't take over a year to get out.

Well with that, see you all later.