~~this is zek here and this is the only chapter of the sequel I have (in original condition) and probably the only one I will ever have because this is already like a year old. there won't be any other chapters unless you want something completely satirical written by me. excuse for the wait and snide pm replies.~~

Don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me…*hiding in a corner chanting this repeatedly*

I WOULD'VE STARTED WRITING SOONER, I SWEAR! But…Hetalia has taken over my life again ever since I started watching HetaOni in January…

And bought seasons 1-3 on DVD…I just lost interest in Naruto for a while…

NOT COMPETELY! I still like this show, even if it's not my main obsession right now, so I will still write the fic! But not as often, probably…again, I am SO sorry for the wait. And I'm also scared because of the death threats I started receiving…the way of communication Zek and I have is getting a bit more difficult…and things are just kind of hectic. X_X *rant over*

ANYWAY! To all the new readers, this is a SEQUEL fanfiction, so read the original first…and to my old readers…I LOVE YOU ALL SO FREAKING MUCH. I REALLY DO. Over 400 reviews?! OH MY KAMI!

TAKE NOTE: Over the 6-month Timeskip, the girls all had their birthdays, so they'll be referred to by different ages. Also note that it was half that time in the Naruto world, during which the Hidan and Kakuzu arc went down without a hitch. Asuma, Hidan, and Kakuzu are all alive.

There will also be some other OCs in this fic, though no more paired with Akatsuki members. JSYK.


Third Person POV, The Akatsuki base

"Yes…yes…finally…" Konan whispered the words to herself, grinning ear to ear as she ran through the hallway of the base, clutching a scroll to her chest.

She had a huge smile across her face, which after the past three months, was very unusual to see. Most of the time she'd remained as serious and quiet as ever.

"I've finally got it figured out…!"

The jutsu Pain had given her permission to work on…

The jutsu that would snap four of their members back to reality…

It was finally complete!

"We'll get to see those girls again in no time!"

She'd gotten sick of how for the past three months, the members hadn't been the same as before. They hadn't gotten better at all.

Sasori still hadn't spoken…

Itachi was as cold as ever…

Tobi didn't annoy anyone or even act like Tobi…

And Deidara's temper had been extinguished, replaced with a quiet man who sat in his room all day to stare at a lump of clay he wouldn't shape.

None of them had recovered.

But she could fix that.

When she got to the large, empty training room, She started setting up. Closing and locking the doors so she wouldn't be disturbed, lest she accidentally messed up from getting startled.

The next move was copying the various symbols on the scroll into two circles: One that she'd stand in, and the one connected to it where the girls would appear.

And with that, she pulled out the scroll and began her steady chant, moving her hands as she did.

"Tora, tora, I, ne, saru, hitsuji, u, tatsu. Tora, tora, I, ne, saru, hitsuji, u, tatsu…" (J/N Tiger, tiger, boar, rat, ram, hare, dragon. I just picked random signs for this.)

And then, all she had to do was wait for it to work…

Yume's POV

"…but if there's a pill to help me forget, God knows I haven't found it yet. But I'm dying to, god I'm trying to, cause trying not to love you, only goes so far…"

"Hey, Yume?"

"And trying not to need you, is tearing me apart. Can't see the silver lining, down here on the floor. And I just keep on trying, but I don't know what for…"


"Because trying not to love you…only makes me love you more. Only makes me love you mo-"


I nearly fell off my bed when I heard the shouting from my bedroom door, turning to glare at the offender as I shut off my iPod. I'd been listening to "Trying Not to Love You" by Nickelback…lately, it seemed to fit what I was going through.

"Dang it, Naomi, that is not necessary!" I snapped at the fourteen year old in the doorway.

Naomi, I think I mentioned her before. At the time I was talking to Dei-

Never mind.

Point is, she's my little sister. She's fourteen, but acts younger. She looks more like our mom than I do-honey-colored hair in little curls-but has the same mismatched eyes as I do. Her temper is sharp, she's slightly girly, and acts like a drama queen when she doesn't get her way.

And in the past six months, I'd been getting more and more fed up with her childish attitude.

She huffed, putting her hands on her hips.

"I just came upstairs to let you know that Kagami, Shizuka, and Haruka are here."

"This isn't more therapy, is it…?"

"Yes. Now mom says to get your ass downstairs, so come on!"

I grimace as I stood up, knowing full well our mom wouldn't have said it quite that bluntly, but it got the point across either way.

Now to sum it all up: I'm still not fully recovered from the Akatsuki leaving. Far from it. As you ought to know, I'm not usually this much of an ass unless I'm angry or depressed.

In this case, it was a mix of both. Angry at Pain for making them leave, and depressed because I know I won't be seeing them any time soon.

I didn't want to forget Deidara, regardless of what he'd told me. I wouldn't stop loving him either, even if only a few people really knew about that. Heck, anyone else would think that I'd gone insane!

You might also be wondering about the therapy I mentioned.

Well, all of our parents got together and decided it would be a genius idea if all four of us hung out together-which we always did-and just discussed what had made us depressed with each other and a therapist.

I guess I shouldn't be so rude to the therapist. I mean, he was nice. Just a normal guy in his mid-twenties who was just glad to finally have a job…

Plus he got paid even though we didn't improve much.

As I walked into the living room, I couldn't help but think about how much we had all really changed. Physically, not just emotionally.

Kagami had finally grown out her long blonde hair, but didn't ever tie it back anymore. She always looked sad, even when she laughed, which wasn't often.

Shizuka didn't look too different. She had a perpetual frown, though, and usually pulled her bangs back out of her face with a headband or hairclips. To show off the scar from her dead ex-boyfriend's psycho drive. She usually ran her fingers along it, lost in thought, which disturbed people.

Haruka had changed the most, though. She'd grown several inches taller, as well as curvier. Like, C-Cup curvier. And she used to be hardly even a B. THAT was impressive…she still dressed in dark colors most of the time, but even more dramatically now. She cried easily, but she'd also grown more mature and sarcastic.

She was almost cold at times…

And me? Well, not much had changed. I still wore my hair in braids, it was still purple, and I was no curvier. I HAD lost about ten pounds, though. It wasn't super noticeable unless you actually gave me a hug or something.

I wasn't anorexic or bulimic anything like that, I just didn't eat as much as I used to. So I lost weight.

Now, where was I? Oh, right, therapy. I might as well describe the guy, since…he's actually pretty cool. (J/N WARNING: My obsession with the Italians from Hetalia has influenced my thoughts. READ ON AT RISK)

Scipio Fortunato was a pretty nice guy. He was Italian, as you can guess by the name, which made him pretty fun.

Heck, if I wasn't still recovering from losing Deidara, I'd probably admit he was kind of cute.

He was nice enough, I guess. He had a mess of black hair that hung a bit past his ears, usually pulled back slightly (J/N Think of Len Kagamine) with bangs that fell into green-gold eyes with long eyelashes.

He insisted that we just call him "Skip," since Scipio or Mr. Fortunato were a bit fancy-schmancy.

He tried to act serious and concerned, but since we made him nervous with our dull stares, he tended to start panicking. And when he panicked, he spoke in Italian.

Like he was now.

"Ora, ascoltate, voi ragazze hanno bisogno di parlare con qualcuno dei tuoi problemi, ma se non mi dirà, allora non posso aiutarti-" (J/N Just use google translate, people)

"Um, Skip?" I raised an eyebrow as he started speaking in his language yet again. "You speak English. We don't speak Italian. Please calm down."

If anything, I think THIS guy needs therapy more than we do…

"Ah! Right, right…anyway, where were we?"

"You were telling us for the hundredth time how we need to at least say WHY we're so depressed." Shizuka said boredly.

Scipio swallowed and nodded his head.

"Right, so as I was saying, do you think you girls could at least try to describe this sudden change?"

It always worked out the same way every week when he came over: He'd beg us to give him a hint. We'd ignore him. Then he'd get flustered, and we'd calm him down. Rinse and repeat.

I guess I feel sorry for him, stuck with girls like us as his first clients. But if we told him the truth, we'd get shipped off to the loony bin.

Finally, he threw his hands up in the air. "Mio dio! You girls will never tell me anything! I am simply trying to help, but you always ignore me!...I need some coffee…"

He stood up, turned and walked out of the room, shoulder slumped.

All of a sudden, I had this weird feeling. It was like I was submerged in body-temperature water, like I just felt…nothing on my skin. And since the room was chilly from air conditioning, that was odd. I looked up to ask the others, when I noticed a red glow seemed to be around their bodies…and mine too!

Kagami noticed, and her eyes widened. "Guys…this is like…!"

"They might be coming back!" Haruka said, her eyes shining a red-violet hue from the lighting.

"Sasori-san…" Shizuka smiled slightly.

By now we'd all come to the conclusion that this was similar to when the Akatsuki had left. The weird glow that we'd seen then had matched this one closely.

So could it be possible…

But the glow was around us, not them.

And why did my head suddenly feel so fuzzy? Like, sore and dizzy like I'm…passing…out…?

The last thing I saw before blacking out was Scipio Fortunato walking back into the room, holding his coffee, which dropped to the floor as he started shouting in Italian once more, going white and looking like he might faint…

Once again, I feel sorry for this guy. Like we hadn't traumatized him enough by now…

Sorry, Skip.

Third Person POV

Konan's mouth was dry, her throat was hoarse, and she was weak from all the chakra it had taken.

But she still stared at the four unconscious girls on the ground in front of her, and couldn't help but smile.

"Well…at least it worked."

First chapter and I'm already being cruel! Don't you guys just love me? :D But yeah…short chapter because I couldn't think of a lot of stuff. This is more like a prologue than anything. Next chapter will be better.

Scipio was just a random OC of mine, BTW. As I mentioned: I love Hetalia a lot lately. So I make multi-cultured characters, and I'm currently obsessed with Romano, who is one of the Italians, so…:3

Another thing I should mention: This stories will have some OCs in it. More than just the girls. They won't be paired with Akatsuki members, and will have their own role in the plot. I love them to death, too. You can try to guess what their role will be. :3

Originally I was gonna turn the girls into kittens, but…I couldn't think of a very good way for that to work out for me…so I decided not to. xP

ALSO ALSO ALSO: MY good friend Bridge (Bridge7112 here, Thinker456 on DeviantART) offered to make *drumroll* AN AKATSUKITTIES DOUJINSHI. I'll let you know when more details are out on that, but I, personally, am PSYCHED.

Now, rather than a question every chapter, I will give a quote. This quote will be either from a video game, book, song, or anime. You have to try and guess what it's from, and if you can, the setting of it. Just for funsies. :3

Quote: "You said dragon demons were extinct!" "I said MOSTLY extinct." "Mostly extinct…IS NOT EXTINCT ENOUGH!"