Hello all! Sorry for the long update I had a lot this previous spring; I just got back from Japan, and still have a lot on my plate in the future. But here is a long awaited chapter.

A: Oh gosh, another hard question. Personally I am torn. One side recognizes it as a fantastic story and just such beautiful art! The other is just 'the fuck' so I think it's so-so for people who like things like vampires and possessive boys.

Yuki stared up at canopy above her bed with vacant eyes. Her eyes traced down to the foot of the bed, where her ankles were bound tightly with white bandage and elevated. Even though that man had claimed to 'love' her, he was very quick to twisting her ankles in directions never pushed.

'Consider this your punishment, for trying to leave me.' His words rang in her ears, and since then had been bed ridden.

Yet that's not the worst part. She thought, inhaling deeply to ignore the pain. The sound of the door opening alerted her, and she looked over to see him standing there. His lips were curled upward in a satisfied smile as the door closed behind him.

"Good evening Yuki." He murmured softly, walking over to the bed. In his hand, he clenched a paper bag that he placed on the bedside table. He sat beside her on the side of the bed. She glared up to him in agitation, while his burgundy eyes showed no sign of emotion he felt with in, and held a cool collective expression.

"What do you want?" She sighed turning her head away. He raised a brow before catching her chin between his fingers to turn her to face him.

"I came to check on my fiancée." He replied, a frown deepening on his face. While his hand trailed upward to cup her cheek. "You are starting to have a temperature."

"That's normal; I haven't been able to move from this bed." She sighed. "Why do you do this to me?"

"It's your punishment, but if you be a good girl, then I'll heal your injuries." He replied, reaching into the bag and taking out a syringe or a rusty burgundy liquid. Yuki thrashed at the sight though Kaname moved his hand to pin her down.

"What is that?" She gasped.

"It's something that will help your progression in accepting your place Yuki." He replied calmly before pricking her in the joint of the neck. Yuki froze up as the liquid entered her blood system for some reason freezing her muscles. "That's a good girl Yuki."

He chuckled and moved away towards the end of the bed. Yuki was helpless to move much to his delight that was clearly displayed on his face.

"Now this shall help very much indeed Yuki…it will be no time at all until you recognize where you belong." He smiled dropping to his knees by her feet. "But while you've been up here, it has been a miracle that this house has been able to get wedding planning done."

Her mouth fell open in response while he only chuckled at her expression.

"Yes, our wedding has already been set in motion. On the next red moon, a fortnight from now." He smiled again and gently took one of her ankles with in his hand to slowly unravel the fabric. Yuki bit her lip at the movement but couldn't move any farther.

What has he done to me? She wondered when she felt a warm tingling sensation on her ankle. Kaname had pressed his lips on the joint that connected the bone to the rest of her leg, a small purple glow surrounding it as the pain slowly eroded away and the limb felt moveable.

"I only have last minute arrangements to make but by tomorrow evening, you and I can spend plenty of time getting to know each other before the wedding." He moved onto the other leg and paused from unrevealing the bandage to look up at her, a mischievous look appearing in his eyes. "It's a shame you can't always behave like this though, it would make everything so much easier. Oh! Such a mean and spiteful glare, do you disagree?"

He laughed again and gently placed his lips on the other joint. Yuki couldn't deny that it felt nice to finally be fully healed, when on his other visits he would do little to help her injury. A numbing feeling pulled at the back of her mind, cutting off all sudden thoughts as a cold feeling overtook her. It must have shown through her body as Kaname looked up with an expected expression until a smile formed at his lips. That image alone sparked a flashed image of a younger boy. It scared her, and her brain began to go into frenzy as a delusional scent of blood flooded her mind.

'So this is her?' A voice asked. She couldn't see anything; there was nothing but dark figures overlooking her.

'This is my child.' A warm voice replied.

'But it is her." The voice said again, moving over. The shorter figure bent over to overlook her position. She felt them grab hold of her hand, specifically singling out a finger that appeared shorter than usual and brought it forth to their mouth. A small pinch occurred while a tongue lapped over her finger. 'Yes…it's her…my princess.'

"What?!" She screamed, returning control over her body and thrashing around. Kaname only stood calmly at the end of the bed with his arms crossed, no expression of concern or happiness on his face. Yuki immediately leapt up and ran over to him, clenching his shirt in her hands out of anger.

"What did you do to me?!" He only stared down at her blankly, aggravating her even more. "What was that liquid?! Some type of drug to give me hallucinations?!"

"You could say that." He stated calmly, bringing a finger to his lips. "Think of life as a puzzle Yuki." Slowly during your time here, you have been forming piece by piece of what vampire society is like. Me being king, no one ever wanting to disobey me. What I gave you will give you more pieces in due time, but this time of pieces of your role in society."

"So…does that mean I'm going to have sick and twisted hallucinations of being your obedient wife?" She gasped at the horror and dropped to her knees. "You gave me something to hypnotize me…"

"I haven't resorted that low." He replied casually but dropped to a knee before her, taking a strand of her hair to bring past his nose. "But it is possible that you'll have those two, but you have another role Yuki."

"What do you mean?"

Kaname ignored her and stood up, making way to the door.

"I'm going out, be good this time and don't plan a pointless escape."

Yuki glared at him until he left the room, before holding herself in a vulnerable position.

"That bastard…" She murmured shaking her head to clear the image of his face that appeared in her head. Standing up she went into the bathroom quickly showering away everything. Kaname did send in servants to help her bathe, but Ruka wasn't among them. As she stepped out she noticed the bed was already made again with clean sheets and a dress laid out for her.

"Well they seem to think that I can get dressed on my own."

"Good evening Yuki-sama." Two familiar voices said in unison. Yuki sighed and noticed the two maids bowing beside her, waiting patiently outside the bathroom door.

"You have lessons today with Aidou-sama." One replied, taking a brush through her already dried hair while the other retrieved the dress. It was a light yellow dress with a pleated skirt. She sighed heavily, knowing that despite her efforts for them to leave her alone, she would be nothing more but ignored.

"Here Yuki-sama." One replied holding out a pair of pin heels for her to wear.

"I can't," Yuki lied hoping to wear simple shoes. "My ankle-"

Ignoring her, the maid let out a small sigh before pulling her foot down into the shoe and quickly strapping it on to do the same on the other foot.

"Yuki-sama must look like a lady." They replied in unison. "Aidou-sama has made plenty of points to us that he doesn't want to disappoint Kaname-sama."

That's right…Ruka disobeyed Kuran…he must have done something to scare the others into not trusting me by myself. She reasoned. The two girls bowed and left the room with the nightgown and bed sheets.

"Yuki-sama?" A gruff voice asked before opening the door. Kain peaked his head inside and looked over to her with bored eyes. "Hanabusa is waiting for you downstairs."

"So you've come to escort me." She stated coldly, turning her head away. He came into the room and held his hand outward to beckon her to exit first.

"Yes, I've been told to always be with you when Kaname-sama isn't here." He replied. Yuki huffed in defiance but instead walked past him and down the hall. Despite the anger within her at hating to be in the manor, she was happy to be out walking again. She paused by one of the windows that had the curtains drawn back to reveal the night sky, the moon towering above them.

I would much rather be able to go outside…even with a guard. She thought when she felt Kain touch her shoulder to get her attention.

She was lead downstairs to the same study to see Aidou waiting in an arm chair while casually gazing out the window.

"Are you feeling better Yuki-sama?" He asked before shooting a cold look over to her. "We've heard nothing but how you were confined to your room with swollen ankles."

They know… she reasoned narrowing her eyes. Their 'king' breaks my ankles yet they dare not accuse him.

"Yes I made a miraculous recovery." She spat before being lead to her seat. Aidou sighed before rising from his seat over to his desk.

"Since Kaname-sama has limited your lessons with your injury." He picked up some parchment and ink before bringing them forward to her. "As well, Kaname-sama wished for me to go over the lines of the pureblood family. As I do, please do practice your greetings."

Yuki rolled her eyes and instead just scribbled on what she remembered of her Italian.

"To start, you already knew of the Kuran family. Oldest pureblood line and have been royalty until an ancestor passed the power to the Senate. Next is the Shirabuki clan, power hunger and has been chasing after the Kuran's power, but has recently been deceased. The Hio clan, was branded as the 'Mad blood' after their recent Shizuka-sama again recently deceased. The Toya clan, a smaller pureblood, has recently been deceased. Hamawari's a dormant clan that was recently deceased. The-"

"What is the point of going over the pureblood's if all of them are apparently deceased? If Kuran is the 'King' then there shouldn't be another family to rival him. And unfortunately not another of his kind to demand marriage."

"As right as you are," Aidou growled, flipping open a book. "There is one family he has requested me to specifically tell you. The Romof's…a clan, that is as far as we are aware, deceased. They were last seen twenty years ago but on a visit to the human world were killed by the early hunter association, presumably by the hunter known as Cross."

"Cross?" She perked up and looked to him. "A relative of mine?"

"A Kaien Cross, a hunter legend." The ink spilled over on the table while Yuki was shaking uncontrollably.

"K…Kaien?" She asked, Aidou raised a brow before setting the book aside.

"Yes…your last name is Cross…is he your relative?" He asked noticing the frozen look in her eye.

"My father…my father knew of vampires and never thought to warn me?" She hugged herself closely. "He could have warned me of their abilities, if I had known then the moment Kuran invaded my dreams I wouldn't have been so easily fooled."

"I haven't heard that the legendary hunter had married and had children…consider yourself fortunate, that you were secret so long. Cross has always been hated by us, and if we had none he was vulnerable we would have attacked and killed his kin as well." He blinked a moment before leaning forward. "However, you don't admit even a bit of an aura of a hunter, a child of a hunter would carry some aura."

"Even if I'm an illegitimate child…Cross-san still is my father…which means…" She stopped and looked up with a happy smile. "Which means I will soon be free here?"

"That's impossible! You've eaten of this world which makes you bound here…and besides that Yuki-sama, you belong to Kaname-sama now. There's nothing Cross could do to help you especially if he comes after the wedding."

"Why after the wedding?" Yuki raised a brow when Aidou looked away.

"Enough of this bothersome gossip, you are a future queen and have much to learn." He babbled on more to her lessons concerned with vampire society and took over the etiquette lessons Ruka used to teach.

Father…please hurry if you are the same Kaien Cross he speaks of. She thought nodding her head.

"Zero-kun, you know to stick to protocol…find where Yuki is, and come back alright?" Kaien repeated to the boy. Zero pulled up the collar of his black trench coat and looked back to the man that surveyed him carefully.

"I need to save her as soon as possible." He argued. Kaien only shook his head.

"I don't sleep at night with worry Zero. We will go separate ways once out of the portal to search, but we are no match to face a Kuran singly."

"You mean I'm not." Zero spat.

"Your pride doesn't matter." Kaien growled. "What matters is saving Yuki without any casualties. Understand? If not you won't be crossing that portal." Zero's eyes met his, before he let out a heavy sigh.

"I understand."

Kaien nodded and looked up to the president who was looking down to them. With another nod, the president pulled forth the leaver to open the portal. Two large doors slowly opened to reveal a blinding white light as the two hunters glanced at each other before going through.

Alright there's a chapter next I plan to make it pretty nice with some fluff. But I'm tired so I think it's time to do some reading and then bed. Please review!

Q: What do you think Kaname and Yuki would do for a date?