Chapter 1

"C'mon, bud!" Toothless flapped his wings harder and took the lead over Stormfly. Hiccup turned in his seat to smile at Astrid. "This is hardly even a challenge for us, Astrid!"

She tightened her hands on Stormfly's reigns. "Let's take this into the woods then! Stormfly is much more nimble than any night fury, especially one ridden by you!"

"Sounds like someone hasn't seen what we can really do! You're on!" Both flew low into the trees. "First to the cove?"

Astrid smirked. "You're on. Hiya!" With a quick nudge Stormfly took off.

Hiccup shook his head. "C'mon, bud!" Toothless flew off after the nadder.

The two dragons and riders raced through the forest exchanging first place until Stormfly got caught in some vines and went tumbling to the ground. Toothless flew over the downed dragon and gave a short roar of delight. Hiccup laughed as the wind whipped his hair around his head. "C'mon, Toothless! Almost there!" The night fury poured on the speed and the forest passed by in a blur.

As Toothless got ready to flap his wings again for one last burst of speed, Hiccup noticed a group of changwings crowded around a pile of rocks. They were poking at a small opening and Hiccup noticed a small shape among the shadows before it retreated from sight. "Toothless!" Hiccup coaxed his dragon in the direction. Toothless's eyes narrowed and he roared, firing off a plasma blast that scattered the changewings. One changewing, royal blue in color, hissed at Toothless, refusing to leave. It started to prod the opening with one of its antennas, which resulted in Toothless releasing a growl in its direction. The changewing hissed in return and both dragons took an attack stance, their backs raising like a cat's, eyes narrowing, and teeth quickly being bared at the other.

"Whoa..." Hiccup patted Toothless's head. "Easy there, bud. Let's not start something." The night fury snorted, his demeanor becoming more relaxed, but not entirely. He got ready to fire another blast and the changeling regarded him for a moment, then the opening. With a soft hiss, it flapped and flew off toward the ocean.

Hiccup hopped off his dragon and patted Toothless. "Good job, Toothless..."
The dragon whined softly, looking out where the changewing had flown off towards. The young viking approached the rocks when he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Stormfly flapped and landed next to them. Astrid hopped off quickly and hurried over to Hiccup. Stormfly followed close behind.

"There's something in there." The small boy crouched to peer into the dark opening. He could barely make out two points of light that looked like eyes, before they retreated farther back, but it was too dark to tell.

Toothless bumped into Hiccup, knocking him down, as he looked into the pocket as well. "Could say excuse me, bud..." Hiccup dusted off his clothes and began to stand. Suddenly, Toothless's eyes widened and he made soft huffing noises, sticking his snout into the opening. Hiccup watched, confused. "Toothless? What are you...?"

The night fury steadily and slowly began to back up. The two teens gasped as they saw a much smaller navy colored snout against Toothless's snout. The night fury kept backing up, making Stormfly hop out of the way, with an irritated noise, until they saw a much smaller night fury emerge from the opening.

"What the...?" Astrid stared, amazed.

Hiccup watched as Toothless nuzzled the smaller night fury and whined softly. "Another night fury...? This is incredible!" The small dragon jumped at his outburst and Toothless immediately whined to the small dragon to calm it.

Astrid watched the exchange. "I...I think it's a baby night fury..."

The baby looked over at her, its pupils wide and innocent. It walked over to the pair, gazing up at them curiously. Hiccup reached forward. "Hey, little guy..." The tiny dragon sniffed his hand then nuzzled it happily. "He looks exactly like Toothless...except for the size and color."

"And tail." Astrid pointed out as she studied the dragon. "And, Hiccup? It's not a boy. It's a girl."

Hiccup looked at Astrid in excitement. "Do you know what this means? If there's a baby there must be a mother around somewhere! There may be other night furies!" The baby mewled at his excitement and scrambled up his chest to lick his cheek. "Easy, girl!" Hiccup laughed nudging her away. "C'mon." He scooped her up into his arms and walked over to Toothless, climbing on. "Astrid, let's go tell the others."

Astrid pet the tiny dragon's head then noticed something. "Hiccup, look at this." Around the tiny night fury's neck, was a slender rope with a stone hanging from it with something carved into it. "It says...Sliversky."

"Sliversky? Well, the name suits her. She's the color of the sky after all." He smiled down at the baby, petting her head, as she stared back curiously.

Astrid hurried over to her nadder and climbed up. "Let's go, Hiccup! Who knows what this might mean? We have to tell the others."

Hiccup nodded. "Right." Toothless whined and took off into the sky with Stormfly, headed toward Berk with their riders and their tiny mysterious dragon. She watched the ground fly by beneath them then looked over Hiccup's shoulder to her hiding place. A dragon flapped nearby and looked back at her. The dragon made a soft roar to the royal blue changewing that it returned. Then it turned and flew off toward the ocean, not coming back this time. The baby roared after it again and again. "Hey!" Hiccup looked down at her rubbed her back. "What's wrong?" He looked back to the rocks and didn't see anything. "You're safe now. No one is gonna hurt you..." The baby curled up on Toothless's back in front of Hiccup. Sliversky lay her tail over her face how usually did and dozed off as they headed to Berk.

Alrighty so my first How To Train Your Dragon Fanfiction. Hoped it was up to par! I always have short first chapters to see how people take to the story. I hope everyone likes it! Oh and by the way if there are any dragons in the book of dragons you want to see appear in the story just give me their name and powers etc. and I'll try to fit them in. Please read, review, and enjoy!