Pairing: Damon (Stefan, Jeremy, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie in the background) possibly Damon/Elijah in the end
Genre: Angst, Friendship, Family, Romance
Rating: T
Chapters: 2/?
Status: Incomplete
Summary: After Alaric's death Damon withdrawn to himself, hurting in silence. Stefan's idea to do a memorial pushes him to the deepest end.

Disclaimer: Don't own TVD.

AN/ I'm back! Been away with my friends on an island and honestly, didn't had much inspiration for either this story, or IFYP, or few others that I intended to write. I spend my vacation with swimming and partying. So did my muse, apparently. *sheepish grin*

I hope that, when I return to work, (I work night shifts too) my muse will be back. Sorry if this is short. I really am. Thanks to all of you who put this story on their favorite list, and who is following it. Especially who is reviewing. It means a lot. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Five years has passed. Stefan heard no word of his brother. His phone was off, and he knew he throw it away. It was as if he disappeared from the face of the earth. Everything was now peaceful in Mystic Falls. Three years ago, they enrolled the college. Elena moved in with Stefan since he had a house nearby. Bonnie and Caroline declined his offer to move in with them wanting to experience the college life, so they shared a dorm room. Jeremy enrolled his drawing school a year ago, and he too, left Mystic Falls. Matt got a football scholarship. He was surprised at first, but took it anyway. He didn't know that Stefan paid for it. The Originals also moved away. Klaus and Elijah settled in New Orleans, Rebekah was somewhere in Europe, Kol and Finn somewhere in the world. Sure, Klaus came back a few times, only to stir trouble, but other than that, everything returned to a normal, boring life. Like it was before the vampires arrived.

Klaus was still in Tyler's body, since his own burned in a fire flame when Alaric pushed the white oak stake through his heart before he died. He was still chasing Caroline and she was slowly falling for him.

Alaric never again appeared in front of Jeremy. The day Damon turned his humanity off was the last time.

Elena, Caroline and Bonnie entered the house. Stefan was watching the news, frowning, since this was the day he had no classes.

"Anything interesting in the world?" Caroline smirked, seeing him in front of the television.

"As a matter of fact, there is something disturbing. They've been showing it for two days. Listen. It's starting again." Stefan answered and they all watched.

"For three whole days people all around the world started do die from some strange and unfamiliar disease. We still don't know what caused it, but it's very alarming. All of the sudden, the person who caught that disease, starts to breathe harder, and it looks like they run out of the blood in them. Then they vanish in a flame. So far, the reports show, at least one million people had died all over the world. We will keep informing you with fresh news." The reporter finished, standing on the site where another woman burst into a flame.

"You don't think…?" Caroline asked, looking at the stunned Elena and Bonnie and a thoughtful Stefan, who were sitting on the sofa beside her.

"It's Damon. I'm sure of it." Stefan said. "The question is which one of the Originals died. And what will they do about it."

"But the Original can be killed only with a white oak stake." Elena said.

"Alaric had the last one. The one that Esther spelled." Bonnie commented.

"And Damon was with Alaric when he died. He must've taken the stake with him." Stefan explained. "He has nothing to lose. It's him."

"You went out with Klaus last night." Bonnie said to Caroline. "He didn't mention anything regards his siblings?"

"No. the only thing he said is that Rebekah was in Europe, and Finn and Kol somewhere in the world. If Damon was killing one by one Original, do you think he will kill Klaus too? If he does, we'll die as well."

"I don't know what he thinks. But, if he is set on the revenge, and without his humanity…" Stefan answered, leaving the rest in the air, but they knew what he was thinking.

"Do you think they'll know it's Damon who is killing them?" Elena asked concerned.

"I don't know. But they'll know soon enough. I mean, we are the only ones who know the way to end them. Us four are here, Jeremy and Matt are in school. The only one who is missing is Damon. They'll figure it out." Stefan answered. "I really don't care what happens to them. My main concern is Damon. If they find him, who knows what they'll do to him."

Suddenly, Caroline's phone started ringing. Her eyes went wide seeing who it was.

"It's Klaus! God, how should I act? What will I say?" She asked in fear.

"Nothing." Bonnie said sternly. "Act natural. You know nothing."

Caroline nodded, and answered the call, putting him on the speakerphone.

"Hi, Klaus! Don't tell me you miss me already?" She asked, flirting over the phone, that caused both Elena and Bonnie rolling their eyes.

"Yes, I do miss you, but I have another reason why I'm calling."


"Where are you?"

"Actually, I'm here with Elena and Stefan, at their house. Why?" She asked, twirling her fingers. She was never good at lying, and for the first time, she wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible.

"Good. Elijah and I will arrive soon. Call your friend, the witch. Her presence is required too." Klaus said and ended the call.

"Caroline, stop with the hysterics." Bonnie said to the blonde when she started pacing around the room.

"How can you be this calm when everything is falling apart?" Caroline looked at Bonnie who was calmly sitting in the sofa.

"There is nothing we can do now but wait and see what they know." Bonnie answered.

"Bonnie is right." Stefan said. "When they arrive, act natural. We will get through this only if we don't panic."

"Don't panic." Caroline mumbled. "Yeah, right."


Klaus and Elijah arrived half an hour later, and Klaus went straight to the point.

"I imagine all of you saw the news."

"Yes, I was just showing them to the girls." Stefan answered, then added. "Before you start blaming us, I'll tell you myself. We didn't do it."

"Well, someone did. It is not a common knowledge how to kill an Original, now is it?" Klaus narrowed his eyes at him.

"Finn and Kol are dead and Rebekah is missing. We haven't heard from her in over a week, and you know her, she likes to keep in touch." Elijah spoke, interrupting the glare war between his brother and Stefan. "We had to check Jeremy and that Matt, but they're at school. That only leaves one person."

"Damon." Klaus stated, then asked. "Where is Damon, Stefan?"

"We don't know. Haven't seen him in five years." Caroline answered before Stefan could.

"Is this his usual behavior?" Elijah asked. "Not keeping in touch?"

"I thought he would be here, fighting with you over Elena?" Klaus smirked.

"Is there something we should know?" Elijah asked, noticing the eye exchange between Stefan and the girls.

"Tell them. They'll find out soon enough." Bonnie said to Stefan.

"Tell us what?" Klaus asked.

"Five years ago, Damon turned his humanity off, and we haven't seen him since. Or heard a word. And believe me, I've looked." Stefan sighed.

"Oh? Why? I mean, Elena is a vampire now, he has an eternity to win her over. No offence, mate!" Klaus laughed, enjoying his own words and Stefan's and Elena's sour expression.

"Is there something we're missing?" Elijah asked, reading from them that there is more.

"Damon and Alaric were together." Elena finally said what everyone was avoiding.

"Alaric? You mean the teacher that my dear mother turned into a vampire hunter? Someone who had the last white oak stake capable of killing us? That Alaric?" Klaus asked surprised, but they could also hear the hint of a threat in his voice. His smile fell as soon he put the two and two together.

"Yes. That Alaric. When your sister Rebekah killed Elena, Alaric died, because your mother spelled their lives together. Few days later, Damon turned his emotions and humanity off."

"So basically, you're saying that Damon, who has no humanity and is full of rage and revenge against our family, has the white oak stake?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah, that's pretty much the sum of things." Caroline answered, giving him a weak smile.

"Can you locate him?" Elijah asked Bonnie.

"I can try again, but the last time I did it, I couldn't find him.

"Don't just try. Find him!" Klaus ordered, but Bonnie was unfazed by his fuming.

"Stefan, find me a map and I'll need a few drops of your blood."

Stefan placed the map on the big table and Bonnie started chanting after mixing Stefan's blood with a few drops of her own. Nothing happened, and Bonnie opened her eyes.

"I can't find him. Apparently, he has a hiding spell around him."

"Great! Just great!" Klaus yelled and stormed out of Stefan's house.

"Thank you for the information." Elijah said. "And for you trying to locate him." Then he turned and left after his brother. He was on the porch, when Stefan yelled and came after him.

"Wait! What now?"

"We'll find him. Make no mistake of that." Elijah said calmly, in his usual way.

"I know that. But, what will you do to him? He is my brother…"

"Is he?" Elijah interrupted him, and raised one eyebrow at the younger Salvatore. "We both know what a revenge does to a vampire. You don't honestly think he will stop, do you? If he chooses, he will try to kill all of us, and I don't think he cares, he will also be killing you, his own brother, in the process."

Stefan was left alone on the porch of his house, thinking about what Elijah said. It was true. Damon will try to kill Klaus, no matter that if he succeeds, he will die too. Alaric, the man he loved is dead, so his own, or his brother's life, or Elena's, doesn't mean anything to Damon. Not anymore. The only thing Damon now wanted, is to revenge the death of his lover.

Stefan was worried for his brother. If he somehow succeed and kills Klaus, he will die too, and if he attempts and fails, Klaus will kill him slowly and painfully. Either way, his brother was doomed.


Rebekah stirred and opened her eyes. In instant, she noticed she was in some strange room. She tried to move, and her eyes went wide when she noticed she couldn't. She was tied up to a wall, with chains soaked in vervain. The dress she wore to a party was torn, but covering her private parts. She didn't remember how she got here or who managed to surprise her. Or how many days had passed.

"Well, well, well. The sleeping beauty has finally awaked." A hard voice that sent chills through her body spoke from the dark corner, then that person stepped into the small amount of light, and she breathed out a familiar name.


AN/ What a cliffhanger! So, Damon has Rebekah, and he already killed Finn and Kol. Next chapter will be about Damon. What has he been up to since he left Mystic Falls five years ago. What he will do to Rebekah…

Truth is, I'm not quite satisfied with this chapter, but hopefully the next one will be better. Fingers crossed. Prepare for the angst, blood, and more blood.