Ok this is another idea that came out of nowhere. Here Hermione is born 28 years earlier, in 1951. The same year as Bellatrix Black. It's a femmslash so if you don't like, don't read.

For those who had already read the first twelve chapters, know that I made some slight changes to the story… Mainly I corrected grammar.

But okay, let's start now!

Chapter 1

And for the sixth year I'm back on this train.

The Hogwarts Express had just left, another year was about to start finally! I wonder in how much trouble would we get this year. With friends like mine it was impossible not getting into some kind of trouble or worst, danger.

I was sitting in a compartment with said friends:

James Potter and Sirius Black, the troublemakers, who were already planning the jokes to do to the Slytherin. Some people never change, not that they weren't funny, watching guys run around covered in Dungbombs wasn't bad, but personally I think they should study a little more.

But I'm Hermione Granger, so I guess that my opinion about what is necessary to study doesn't count.

Then there were Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, with the first I went along really well, we often studied together and it was always with him that I confided. The second, however, was a bit sticky... I knew he had a crush on me since second year, but he really wasn't my type. I know that looks shouldn't be important in a relationship but c'mon, have you ever seen him? And, apart from the looks, I wanted someone with a backbone, not someone who followed you around doing what the others told them and never complaining.

The last person in the compartment was Lily Evans. I considered her my best friend, even if my confidant was Remus. We had a lot in common she and I, even the same blood. No, we weren't relatives, but we were both Muggle-born, Mudblood like the Slytherins liked to repeat over and over again.

There are also them of which I haven't spoken yet, the Slytherins. When I think of them the first person that comes to my mind is a girl of my own age, a witch gifted with great power and, of course, of the purest blood: Bellatrix Black.

My relationship with her was very complicated. At times I hated her with all my heart, like all the other Muggle-borns, other times ... I felt drawn to her, like two magnets. Yes, two magnets. I could feel her eyes on me while she looked at me while I was turned and then suddenly I'd meet her eyes, I could see the same light reflected in hers, she was as intrigued as I was. I didn't know how I felt about her, nor if this was right, maybe I had a crush on her, maybe not, but certainly it was a strong emotion. Of course, even Remus didn't know about this.

Bellatrix had also two sisters, Narcissa, who was a second year, was much more shy than Bellatrix but definitely had the same air of "I am a Black". Andromeda, who was attending the fourth year, was nice. Yes, I often met her at the library and you could see immediately that she was different from the other two, she was more like Sirius. Only she wasn't a troublemaker. It was Bellatrix who out of the three sisters liked to play pranks on the students of the other houses. She and her friends were feared and kind of controlled the school, but the Maraurders put up a great resistence.

But back to Andromeda, last year I talked a lot with her. We had also written a few letters this summer, but she, for how kind she may be, was not the Black I wanted to know better...

"Hermione?" I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't heard Lily call mt name several times.

"Um ... yes?"

"No nothing. I just wanted to check if you were okay, you know it's more than an hour that you don't speak a word... " was explaining the redhead.

"Maybe she was thinking of someone who she would really like to get to know better ... but that someone isn't very much worth it ..."

That wasn't the first time that Sirius gave me the impression to suspect something about my feelings. Every time someone asked me what I was thinking, he always arrived with similar sentences, spoken with his usual grin. He always seemed to allude to his cousin... But this wasn't possible, even if Sirius was intuitive it was impossible for him to suspect my feelings, at least not for Bellatrix. I mean, even I wasn't sure about what I felt so how could he know?

C'mon! If I told that to someone they would laugh at me, Bellatrix Black dating a Muggle-born? A female muggle-born? Bellatrix of all people who could have all the guys she wanted?

"Hermione! You're doing it again! Are you sure you're okay? "

I nodded immediately.

"Yes, I'm fine ... Now that I think about it I'm a bit hungry"

"No problem" said James " Wormtail come with me, let's go find the shopping cart"

"But I ..."

"Come on Peter, you wouldn't want your loved one to die of hunger! Think about it, if you bring her some chocolate frogs maybe you'll be her hero and she'll give you a kiss "

More or less all of the Gryffindor knew that Wormtail had a thing for me and James never missed an opportunity to mock him and make both of us embarrassed.

"James!" I hissed "Shut up"

Everyone except me and Peter laughed, then he and James went to find the shopping cart.

"Why don't you give him a chance, Hermione?" Sirius began with his mock serious tone.


"What is it? Maybe love blossoms ... you have to admit he has a certain charm, the way in which he paws around... "

Lily beside me burst out laughing.

"Lily, you too!"

Sirius laughed too and continued his speech about how fascinating Peter Pettigrew was.

"Or..." oh no, I knew that tone, now he was going to mention something that would make me uncomfortable. "Hermione prefers someone far more fascinating and mysterious. Someone who doesn't paw around but walk tall and look down on everyone "

No, he doesn't know. This cannot be...

I instantly looked out the window. Sirius had to refer to someone else, not her. I trembled at the thought of what my friends would do if they knew about my feelings toward her. Feelings that I myself had still to understand.

"Oh come on Hermione! I was just kidding, you know how I am " Sirius added quickly, probably noticing my troubled expression and misinterpreting it.

Feeling reassured I raised my head and smiled at him.

"We know Hermione" then he continued "that you'd never fall in love with the wrong person"

And there it was again. Another damn dig. Sometimes I just couldn't bear him.

Luckily at that moment James and Peter returned carrying lots of candy and the light atmosphere returned.

After the snack Sirius and James continued to plot against the Slytherin, Remus began to read a book and Lily and Peter were lost in a conversation I didn't really care about.

I was tired and had a slight headache, so I decided to take a nap during what was left of the travel.

I was at King's Cross station. It was my first year at Hogwarts and I was looking for a free compartment on the train, I was late and all were already occupied. I found one that inside had just a little girl of my age, her red hair in a ponytail and a kind expression on her face.

"Can I sit with you?" I asked, opening the door.

"Sure, come in" she said smiling.

"Hello, my name is Hermione. It's my first year ... "I introduced myself sitting down beside her.

"I'm Lily, for me is the first year too"

After the presentations we started to talk about our families and get to know each other better. We were both Muggle-borns. Shortly after, however, the compartment door opened again, and two kids of our age entered.

The boy had curly black hair that reached his shoulders and his black eyes sparkled with joy. He seemed a nice boy.

After him a young girl came in. She had the same black eyes, only that hers had a mysterious light. Her hair was curly and black too, but it was long and reached her mid back. She was very pretty.

I thought they had to be twins.

"Hello" said the boy and his voice reflected the joy of his eyes "Can we sit here with you? The rest of the train is full "

"Sure" I said pointing to the seats in front of me and Lily.

The two sat down.

"I'm Lily Evans and this is Hermione Granger" Lily began with presentations.

"Pleased to meet you. I am Sirius Black and this is ... "he pointed to the girl sitting next to him.

"My name is Bellatrix Black" said the girl. She had an air of superiority that somehow matched with the aura of mystery that surrounded her.

"Nice to meet you" I said "Are you twins or something? You look alike"

"We're cousins " Sirius replied "For me and Bella is the first year at Hogwarts"

"Even for us" cried Lily "This means that we will be in class together! In what house would you prefer be sorted in?" she asked looking at me.

"I would like Gryffindor" I answered promptly and I heard Bellatrix snort slightly "But even Ravenclaw wouldn't be bad"

"I hope Gryffindor too!" Lily said with enthusiasm, then turned to the Blacks "You?"

"Slytherin" this time it was Bellatrix who spoke first "Right Sirius?" The boy next to her nodded under the gaze of her cousin, but I noticed that the joy was gone from his eyes for a moment "Our family" she continued "Has been sorted in Slytherin for generations " she concluded with an air of superiority.

The train ride was fast and in no time the first year students were in the Great Hall in front of the Sorting Hat, waiting for their turn to be sorted.

Professor McGonagall was calling the pupils in alphabetical order, now it was up to B.

"Black Bellatrix"

The girl who was with me on the train pushed her way among the students and sat proudly on the stool.

The teacher put the hat over her thick curls and immediately it exclaimed:


The Slytherin table burst into applause and then the sorting continued.

"Black Sirius"

The cheerful little boy sat with his head down on the stool and McGonagall put the hat on him.

The room was silent for almost a minute before the hat spoke:


"Hermione, Hermione wake up" someone was shaking my shoulder.

"What-what is it?" I asked hiding a yawn.

"We are here" said Lily.

As we climbed on the cars I thought back to the dream I had had. It was the day of my sorting.

I smiled. I'll never forget the first time I came to Hogwarts.

Soon we were all in the Great Hall, but I wasn't paying attention to the sorting. My eyes were wandering around the room, around the Slytherin table more precisely.

I was beginning to think that she didn't come to dinner, when I finally saw her.

Bellatrix Black hadn't changed much during the summer. Her hair was slightly longer compared to how she brought them in the fifth year, but her unruly black curls were always unmistakable. Her eyes were fixed on a boy who had just been sorted into Hufflepuff and she was looking at him with her usual air of superiority.

Someone on her right smiled at me and I noticed only then that Andromeda Black was sitting next to her sister. I nodded at her, hoping with all my heart that she had not seen me stare at Bellatrix. What would she think?

Apart from that the dinner went normally and when the headmaster Dumbledore had finished giving his warnings everyone was allowed to return in the dorms.

The elves had already fixed all the trunks, so as soon as I entered the dorm I threw myself on the bed.

"Have you noticed," Lily began from the bed next to mine "How many kids have been sorted in Slytherin this year?"

"Mmhmm" I hadn't really noticed anything because I was lost in my thoughts all the evening

"You're getting sleepy Hermione?" Lily laughed "You slept the whole trip!"

"Tomorrow we have double Transfiguration. We need to be rested "

"As you wish. Goodnight "


And with that I fell asleep in the familiar scarlet sheets of the Gryffindor Tower.

However, always with the thoughts of a certain witch who wouldn't let me be at peace lately.


This is the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed. Leave some reviews and let me know what you think!