Disclaimer: I have no intention to profit from this story. James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew belong to JK Rowling. I own Samuel and Holly Potter, Danielle Burke, and Madeleine Alcott.

Author's Notes: James Potter is heir to a huge fortune, the only catch is he has to find a suitable wife by December 25. The only problem is James doesn't have good luck with the ladies, so his friends decide to hold a contest for him, and he is to choose his wife.

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The ground is cold. And very hard, as James Potter realized when he'd been laying on it for a few hours. He looked up and rubbed his head, and realized he must of fallen out of the tree in his back yard. He had been thinking about his direction in life.

James' parents, Holly and Samuel, had passed away when he was 16, and James, being their only son, was the sole heir of their fortune. But the only catch was by his 20th birthday, which was on December 25, he had to have a wife in order to inherit the legacy of the Potters at all.

It wasn't that James wasn't good looking, for he was, with untamable hair and deep brown eyes that you could just get lost in. It was just that he was a tad conceited, okay so maybe that's an understatement, but he has many other good qualities, like he was a good quidditch player and he was tall and muscular. Did I mention rich?

So James turned to his friends for help.....

"Sirius, I really need your help?" James said while he was trying to fix his hair.

"With what?" Sirius asked, shoving James out of the way to check out his own hair. "Looking' good." The mirror complimented.

"With finding a wife. In order to get all the money my mum and dad left me, I have to be married by my 20th birthday." James said, as he was trying to wrestle Sirius for rights to the mirror.

"That's five months away. What's your rush?" Sirius asked, pinning James to the floor.

"My rush is that she has to be perfect. She has to be beautiful, talented, kind yet firm, and able to run this household." James stated, shoving Sirius off him and adjusting his oval glasses.

"Well then, hold a contest." Sirius told him, as he grabbed James' glasses from his face.

"A contest for what?" Their friend Remus Lupin questioned as he game in the door to the apartment he and Sirius shared.

"A contest to find a wife. Mr. Beautiful over here needs one."

"I am not Mr. Beautiful!" James cried indignantly.

"Oh." Remus mouthed. "I'm so not in this."

"Oh yes you are!" Sirius replied, grabbing his collar and yanking him back.

"Fine." he agreed.

"So it's set. We'll help set up a contest for Jamie to get a wife. I'll go call the newspaper."

** ** **

"Lily! Have you read the newspaper lately!" The voice of Danielle Burke rang out through the spacious apartment.

"Not lately. Why?" Lily asked, putting a coat of clear gloss on her rosebud lips.

"Because. I found the perfect contest for us to enter." Danielle replied, holding out the newspaper for Lily to read.

"Not another one."

"Just read it, please?"

"Fine, fine." Lily conceded, and took the paper from Danielle.

"To All Young Witches, 18-20. Multi-millionaire James Harold Potter, is searching for a wife. If you are interested in joining this world wide contest please fill out the form below or call 1-506-895-4849." Lily read.

"Isn't it exciting? I'm entering and so are you." Danielle exclaimed.

"I am?"

"Mmm. I entered both of us already." she nodded.

Lily narrowed her eyes, her bright green one burning. "Are you serious?"

Danielle nodded meekly. "Yes." Nobody wants to have Lily Evans mad at them.

"How could you be so stupid!"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to get over Mike." she said referring to Lily's ex.

"You're right." Lily agreed, silently counting to ten.

"I am?"

"Yes. I think it's a very good idea." Lily lied, gritting her teeth.

"Ok. Interviews a nine tomorrow. Be ready." Danielle bounced out of the room.

'How I get stuck with these people.' Lily moaned inwardly.

** ** **

"Miss Evans? We're ready for you." A slim woman in a cranberry suit said. Danielle pushed her towards the door and smiled.

Lily smoothed out the emerald skirt she wore today, and followed the lady.

"Miss Alcott will be with you in a minute." Lily sat down in a dark leather seat by a mahogany desk and waited.

A curvy blonde walked in.

"Lily Evans, right? I'm Madeleine Alcott. Please call me Maddie. Why do you think you would make a good wife for Mr. Potter?"

"Um, because I can do many things at once, once I start something I finish it, and I can manage many people." Lily finished.

Ten questions later, 'Maddie' stood up, and showed Lily out. Danielle was waiting for her. "We'll let you know if you made it into the top 100 next week." Cranberry woman told them, and practically threw them out the door.

"That was fun." Danielle said on the way out to the car.

"Yeah. I guess you could call it that."

** ** **

A few days later, the two girls received a phone call.

"Is Miss Evans, or Miss Burke there?" A womans' voice asked.

"This is Miss Burke." Dani said.

"This is Maddie Alcott, from the Eligible Bachelor's Contest."


"We would like to inform you that both you and Miss Evans have been accepted into the top 100."

"Really. Oh My God!" Dani screamed. "Thanks so much!"

"Yes, and we'll be in contact later. Goodbye." she hung up.

"Bye." Danielle said to herself.

"Lily! Lily! Lily! Guess what!" she screamed and ran to Lily.

"What? What? What?"

"We're in! We're both in the top 100."

"That sounds great, Dani." Lily said.

"You sound excited."

** ** **

"Mr. Potter. Here is the list you wanted."

"Thanks, Shelby." James said to the secretary.

James read over the list. It was a list of the hundred finalists in the contest, and behind them was a short bio. He stopped at Lillian Annaleise Evans. He looked at the picture and the bio.

Sirius walked in, and looked over his shoulder. "Who's that?" he asked.

"Lillian Annaleise Evans. A finalist in the contest you set up for me." James responded.

"Oh. Can I see the one after her." he asked.

"Sure." And he handed her Danielle's biography.

"She's hot!" he said, you can have the red head, and I'll take her."

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A/N: How was this, let me know.