Hello! This is my first fanfiction ever, but i'm really into it and i'm hoping all you readers will be too. So, enjoy!

The rain was pouring down hard outside, and all sports practices were moved inside. Elated, the cheerleading squad used the time they would be taking to get outside to stay in the locker room and gossip. The girls all formed a circle and a red haired girl jumped into the middle. "So, you guys will never guess what I did last night," she said excitedly, her cheeks growing a rosy pink under all her freckles. "Me and Kevin totally did it!" She squealed, all the other girls just giggled, before almost all of them said "Us too."

Kevin, the star athlete at Peach Creek High school, was never shy about how he did relationships. He didn't. He'd sleep with a girl and dump them, and had been that way since the beginning of high school. As a senior now, he'd basically hit up all of the dance team and the multitude of cheerleading squads.

Nazz, the captain of the cheerleading squad, and the best friend of the boy mentioned, spoke up. "Girls, let's not talk about your sexual experiences and go to practice instead," Nazz scoffed, picking up her pom-poms and strutting towards the door.
"Hey, Nazz..." one of the girls laughed. "What have you done with Kevin?" She asked, arching a slim eyebrow. Nazz's steps slowed to a halt. She looked back at her team. Nazz flitted her eyes down to her feet, one of which was kicking at the floor softly. "That's none of your business." She mumbled, shooting an icy glare as she met the eyes of the girl. The girl obviously took the hint, and after giving an uncomfortable look back at Nazz, she turned around to face the inner part of the circle again. Annoyed, Nazz threw one of her pom-poms towards the group. "We DO have cheerleading still, you know." She growled. The girls grumbled as they grabbed the rest of their belongings and headed out to the gym to begin their practice.

Nazz ambled slowly over to her thrown pom-pom and picked it up, waiting until the last girl was out of the locker room to lean against the wall and sigh. "Kevin.." She mumbled. Her thoughts were interrupted by the pitter-patter of feet running towards the locker room. Quickly, she broke into a jog and ran to practice. There was always time to think about this stuff later.

Kevin always hated stormy days. He shifted his hand, his elbow resting on a desk to be able to hold his head up. On the days the football team couldn't go outside, they always sat in a crowded little room behind the gym and watched plays from their previous games on a big projector. Grumbling, he shifted his body again, unable to find a comfortable position to sit in. 'Too much damn testosterone,' he thought, losing interest in the video being projected.

"Hey, coach." He shouted, coaxing out a bunch of looks from his teammates. The coach glanced over to him, pausing the video. "Yes, Barr?" he asked, obviously annoyed. Kevin grinned, his perfectly white teeth showing. "I've gotta go pee, so.." He slipped out of his desk, inching towards the door and escaping before his coach could protest. This always happened whenever they had an inside practice, and the team knew not to expect Kevin back anytime soon.

"One, two, three, four!" Kevin heard, glancing over to see Nazz on top of a pyramid. He grinned. 'She looks great in that outfit.' He thought. 'Maybe i'll go visit th-' Kevin shook his head. He decided against it, seeing as he'd have to approach all those one night stands, er, girls. Grimacing, he broke into a sprint to get out of the gym before anybody could catch him. He walked through the hallway, wondering what he could do to kill some time. Something caught his eye, a student that was particularly well dressed, except for the boy's signature black ski hat.

"Hey, Double Dee!" Kevin shouted, stopping the other male in his tracks. "Oh, Hello, Kevin!" Edd nervously answered, spinning around and running off quickly. Kevin hadn't been particularly kind to Edd for most of their lives. Kevin never had anything against Edd, but bullied him because of the friends he had. Kevin still wasn't particularly nice to anyone but his teammates and the couple friends he spent time with outside of school. Biting his lip lightly, he shrugged it off and headed towards the library. There was a study session for his Biology II class that night, and he decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some tutoring in before the big test on Monday.

Nazz snuck out of her house and over to Kevin's. They were best friends, closer than anyone. They had grown into a routine, two nights a week, they would get together for the night and fool around. They weren't a couple, and this always bothered Nazz. It wasn't so much that she couldn't stand being just friends with Kevin, she was fine with that. She always wanted a type of intimacy that Kevin couldn't give, no matter how good he made her feel in bed. Nazz wanted to have a boyfriend, someone to dote on her. Not someone who would sleep with her and then act like it never happened the rest of the time they spent together. She was determined to break this.. whatever this was, off tonight.

"Hey, Kevin?" Nazz asked, blanket covering her naked body. She turned to make eye contact Kevin. He rested a hand on her hip, "Hmm?" He inquired, wondering what she was going to say. Moving his hand off of her, Nazz reached to the side of the bed to pull a tank top on. "I know we've been doing this for years, and I just don't want to do this anymore if you don't want to be a thing." Hopping off the bed and pulling on her pair of athletic shorts, she glanced back at him sadly. "I'm fine with being friends, Kevin. I love you, more than you could ever understand." She gulped down hard. "But if you don't want the baggage that comes with a relationship, I don't want to be your call girl anymore. Either we're friends, or we're a couple. No in between, friends with benefits crap." Her heart fell to her stomach. What was Kevin going to say? What if he didn't even want to be her friend if she didn't have this to offer him? The butterflies in her stomach were so bad, she felt like she could vomit.

Kevin stood up, clad only in his boxer shorts, and pulled Nazz into a big hug. "Yeah, I understand." he sighed, offering a slight chuckle to hopefully lighten her mood. He had seen this coming, and thought about it himself. He was okay with sleeping with other girls, he didn't care how they felt. Nazz? She was his best friend, someone he cared about more than anything. "I want you to find someone that will love you for all you have to offer, and i'm not that guy." He pulled her closer to him. They had had many times like these, not really sure where they stood in their relationship. "It's not you, it's me." he groaned, realizing how stupid and cliche he sounded. "Really, I mean.." he ran a hand through her short blonde hair, slightly darker than when they were kids. "I've never had a girlfriend, and I don't really ever want one. You're the most intimate i've ever been with a girl, considering I care about you more than anyone. I just don't really wanna date anyone." He sighed.

Nazz snuggled further into his arms, and Kevin held her until the morning sun peaked over the trees. After all, it would be the last time they'd be close like this again. When morning finally arrived, Nazz scooted her way out of Kevin's arms, and grinned at him. "You know, we're still gonna be best friends, and instead of fooling around, we can have movie nights instead!" She shouted, covering her mouth and giggling when she realized that Kevin's dad didn't know she was over. Kevin grinned, his bright green eyes shining in the morning light. "Yeah Nazz, let's do that." he laughed.

The room was cold, open window allowing the cool morning air to fill his room. It was the beginning of fall, the football season, and a new chapter with his best friend. 'Change can't be so bad..' he pondered, watching Nazz take her leave out of the window in his room. It was a Saturday morning, and it was finally time to get some sleep, Kevin decided, setting his head down on his pillow and closing his eyes. This whole thing with Nazz got him thinking. What was wrong with him? Could he even fall in love? Kevin shook the thoughts off, and retired to sleep. Or, at least, attempted.

Edd sat ask his desk, happily scribbling away at some equations for his AP calculus class. He was close to finishing, when his phone vibrated. Giving it but a slight glance, he went back to finishing his homework. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. He raised an eyebrow in irritation, and bit the inside of his cheek. Buzz. Buzz. "Ugh, WHAT!?" He shouted, getting up from his desk and walking to retrieve his phone. Never one to be phone savvy, he struggled with it until he could open up the messages.


Edd opened up to a screen with the new messages.

[From NAZZ: Hey, double dee? I know you're probably busy, but I really need to talk to someone.]

[From NAZZ: Hello? Dude, you there?]

[From NAZZ: Oh, come on. I KNOW you're there..]

[From NAZZ: Okay, fine, I'll go talk to someone who CARES!]

[From Nazz: Okay, I didn't mean that.. Sorry... I'll just go do something else. Txt me when you can, Okay?]

Edd gulped down. He had never seen his friend so distraught. He quickly pulled up the last message, and began his reply.

[From DOUBLE DEE: Nazz? Are you alright? I'm quite concerned. You can come over if you want, I happen to have just finished the last of my homework for the weekend.]

Edd scratched the back of his neck. What could she be acting up about? It didn't make sense. She was fine when he talked to her last. Shrugging it off, Edd stood up and walked down the stairs and into his kitchen. "What could I eat?" he pondered, and eventually decided on a carton of raspberries. He washed them out in the sink, carefully making sure every single raspberry was rinsed properly. Just as he popped the first one in his mouth, his doorbell rang. 'Could that be Nazz? Oooh, she never messaged me back!' He walked quickly towards the door, looking out the peephole to check for who it was. He opened the door and a pretty young blonde rushed in and pulled Edd into a big embrace. "Um, Nazz?" He tapped her shoulder. Sure, he had hugged Ed and Eddy hundreds of times, but he wasn't really used to, or comfortable with, hugs from other people. Nazz pulled away from him.

"Sorry Double Dee. I'm just kind of out of it today."