Fear struck me, causing me to stumble back into the wall. "What are you doing here?"

"I come in peace" he held up his hands defencelessly but his gleaming white teeth didn't do much to appease me.

"Elijah's downstairs. He'll come up-" I stammered while my eyes darted around the room in search for some kind of weapon. It was a stupid notion but maybe I could use something to blind side him. "You need to leave" I continued.

"Not without you" he replied, taking a step towards me.

His words spiralled and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Without offering an explanation, he began to ruffle through the closet and taking out clothes. "I can have on you on the first plane to Toronto" he whispered, stuffing the clothes into a suitcase.

"What?" I gasped, slowly realising what he was saying.

He continued on with his task, oblivious to my surprise. "If we pack your bags now, you can be in the air in half an hour" he casted a fleeting glance towards me…pleading and panicked.

"What?" I repeated, not finding it within me to form anything more intelligent.

Finally he turned to me and gave me an answer, only raising more questions. "I'm helping you" he said.

Finding a shred of courage, I took a tentative step towards him, silently gauging him as I urged. "Why?"

"I know how it feels to being trapped against your will" he revealed and I understood. "I know how it feels like to have everything ripped away from you" he added sadly and the forlorn expression saddened his scarlet eyes, giving me a view into his underlying humanity.

"Aro" I guessed and he nodded. "Then why don't you leave?" I challenged.

"Because he would hunt me down"

"That's the exact reason why I shouldn't go anywhere with you" I hissed.

However, his features hardened and his lips were drawn into a grim line. "It's more than that" he said pointedly with an accusatory glare. "I saw the way you were looking at him" he scoffed with disgust.

I grew defensive but bit my tongue from saying the wrong thing. Instead, I turned away from him and braced one hand on the bed post. "Don't"

"You can't stay here" he pleaded.

I spun around and crossed my hands over my chest. "What if I did go? My family would have to pay the price" I reminded him and myself. "What if it came out that you helped me? You too would suffer at their hands" I contemplated over the idea of more people dying on the account of my mistake.

His daunting blood red eyes calculated me as he silently mulled over my decision. After what felt an hour, he broke the silence. "I'll go, Isabella" he relented and dropped the suitcase onto my bed. Then he surprised me when blurring before me and taking my hands into his cold touch. "Warm…" he muttered and then brought his eyes up to meet mine. AN intense emotion was sparked and I frowned, not understanding what it meant. "If you need me…" he paused and released my hands, reaching into his pocket to retrieve something.

It was small and cold when he placed it in my hands. I looked down at the small cell phone. Before I could even form the words of gratitude, he had taken my hand and placed a kiss onto it. "I hope to hear from you" he breathed hopefully but we both knew I wouldn't take him up on his offer.

"Goodbye Demetri" I smiled and withdrew my hand, not wanting to further his hope any longer.

He smiled knowingly but sadly. "Goodnight Isabella" he pressed another kiss on my forehead and when I opened my eyes, he was gone.

As a result of the expected visitor, I slept longer than I usually did. It had taken a while for e to finally sleep as I was still rattled by his offer. Half the night had been spent berating myself for not accepting but also for the other reasons as to why I didn't. Though, I suppose I could also fault the soft silk and Egyptian cotton beddings. This explained why I was now waking up at eleven.

I would have jumped into the shower first but my rumbling stomach had me rolling off the bed. Then, I grabbed the white robe and threw it on as I made my way downstairs. Instantly my senses were delighted with delicious smells of pastries.

An idiotic smile now plastered on my face as I followed the smells into the kitchen. A word that I used lightly in regards to the large stainless room. It seemed like something that belonged in one of those cooking competitions with three ovens and a large dining table.

My gaping was interrupted when I felt heated breath tickle the nape of my neck. "Mmm…I like this century" a voice hummed and I turned to what I imagined a younger Elijah looked like. Unlike his brother, he was dressed into a black t-shirt and jeans. His dark eyes continued to roam over me as his lip darted out to his bottom lip.

"I'm guessing Elijah got all the class and charm…" I placed a hand on my hip.

He smirking at me. "And I got the looks" he winked and finally brought up his hand. "Kol Mikaelson" he introduced himself but I had already known who he was.

"Isabella Swan" I offered and accepted his hand.

"Pleasure is all mine" he mused, bringing my hand up to kiss it and I pondered over whether it was a vampire thing. "Isabella?" he pursed his lips, bringing his eyes back down to me. "Are you Italian?"

"Italian descendants"

He grinned mischievously and drew me further into the kitchen. "Do you speak Italian?" he asked, adorning a more flirtatious smile.

"L'ho preso per tre anni" (I took it for three years) I smirked, proud to have stunned him.

He appraised me and daringly hooked his arm around mine. "Beauty and brains" he peered down at me, still smiling, like the cat that captured the canary. "Now I feel bad for scaring you yesterday" he added but I knew he wasn't as the smile never fell.

"I wasn't scared" I persisted, pulling away from him but he simply scoffed.

"Good morning Isabella"

At the sound of his voice, I snapped my head around, surprised with how the large the kitchen was. It stretched through the next room where Elijah stood behind the island, holding a spatula. As always, he was dressed elegantly, only his coat was draped over the chair. His blue shirt unbuttoned with his sleeves rolled up, revealing his muscled arms. For once his brown locks were disarrayed and I appreciated the sight of him looking almost normal.

"Morning" I felt my cheeks flush with how I had blatantly checked him out. "Elijah" I breathed.

He grinned widely when I said his name. "I'm making pancakes" he announced, holding up the spatula.

"I see that" I noted, the corner of my lips lifting at the sight of his trousers covered in flour. "You should've worn an apron" I taunted.

"Where's Eva? I'm sure she could've taken on the task" Kol arched an eyebrow, slumping down on top of the dining table with his feet on the chair.

Elijah frowned disapprovingly at his brother. "It's Saturday. Her day off" he explained and walked around to admonish him, "We are vampires - not animals Kol, so please get off the dining table" he pulled out the chair, causing Kol's feet to land on the ground. It was amusing to watch their banter.

When I caught the stench of something burning, I nudged Elijah over with my hip. "Move over" I pushed and snatched the spatula from him. "It's nice knowing that there's something I can better you at" I grinned and he amusedly shook his head at me.

"I'm sure practice will perfect my culinary skills"

"Well you will need a lot of lessons" I teased, disposing of his burnt pancakes.

He placed a hand on the counter and eyed me with a wicked grin. "Are you mocking me?" he questioned and I shrugged in response. "Well then, I think retribution is in order" he muttered and my frown fell into understanding when he began to approach me with his arms wide.

Obviously I didn't get far before he wrapped his arms around me, thus dirtying me too. The floor and syrup now staining the pyjamas. "You are not a gentleman at all" I laughed and flickered some flour towards him.

A sly smirk and a lowered dangerously wanton gaze met me. "I never claimed to be"

We locked gazes while his shadowed. His pupils dilated and honeyed wisps in the hazel were shadowed with an almost lustful glaze. Before I could help it, I was biting my lip and leaning in towards him.

"Did I miss breakfast?"

The loud unexpected bellow was followed by the door slam, pulling us out of the trance. I snapped my eyes away from Elijah as a grin stretched across my lips. A laugh finally bubbling out at the sight of the figure approaching us.

"Luka!" I gasped and found myself running to him. He already dropped his bag before opening his arms for me. Instantly, he wrapped me in a friendly embrace and I smiled, surprised with how much I had missed him. "I didn't know you would be coming"

A distinct growl filtered through the room and I glanced towards the two brothers. Kol was staring amusedly at Elijah, who seemed terse with Luka's presence. "You're early" he noted.

"Caught an earlier flight" Luka shrugged with his arm still slung over my shoulders.

I turned to him, remembering his welcoming words. "Don't worry about breakfast" I assured him and cast Elijah a smug smile with the following words. "I've got that covered"

"I see that" he repeated my previous words when looking down at my flour covered pyjamas.

Placing my hands on my hips, I jutted out my chin towards Elijah. "That's his fault"

"Luka, why don't you go put your bags away?" Elijah dismissed him and I didn't appreciate his curt tone.

Darting a glare towards him, I patted Luka's arm. "I'll show you" I offered.

"I'll do it" Kol interjected and I caught the brief glance he sent his brother. He then approached Luka with narrowed speculative eyes. "You don't smell like a werewolf…" he drawled out and continued to study Luka.

"That's probably because I'm a warlock" Luka replied, unfazed.

Kol smirked, humoured. "Mazel Tov"

Once they disappeared, Elijah seemed more appeased. I decided to address a question that has plagued me, since last night. "Your brother is…" I trailed off, unable to find the right words to summarise him.

"I hope he hasn't offended you" Elijah stepped towards me.

I shook my head in assurance. "No, he seems harmless" I replied, knowing that I was probably fooling myself. "Actually, its nice meeting vampires that don't think they're doomed for life" I slipped around him and walked back towards the ingredients when preparing a new batter.

"Are you referring to that boy?" he arched an eyebrow.

I shrugged. "It's just nice being around people that are happy" I continued as it finally dawned onto me that I hadn't had a lot of that. "Though the amount of testosterone in the house is…discerning"

"Intimidated?" he challenged.

Ignoring his smile, I turned and discreetly muttered, "Does your brother know about Klaus?"

He nodded and stunned me with his explanation. "He wants to help"

"Help?" I asked as flashes of last night replaying and I suddenly had a raging headache.

A hand was now placed on mine. "I promised you that I would keep you safe"

"Oh yeah, the magic elixir that supposedly brings people back to life?" I scoffed and subtly removed my hand from his. "Have you even tested it?"

"I don't need to" he confidently answered and circled the island to stand beside me. "I got this from someone I can trust with my own life" he added with meaningful stare. There was something melancholy within his stare.

It was almost frustrating to get a straight answer son I straightened up. My fingers now pushing back the fallen tresses. "What about the logic behind this?!" I screeched.

"Science doesn't explain the supernatural, yet we exist" he contested but I still sighed. Understanding my irritation, he sauntered towards me. "Isabella, you're not in any danger" he promised and forced me to turn to him. "Trust me" he pleaded.

"The last time I trusted a vampire, I got my heart and my bones broken" I argued dryly.

Elijah observed me for a second. Something seemed to then humour him as a small smile rose. He closed in towards me, only inches away. "If you don't trust me, why didn't you leave with Demetri?"

A shocked gasp left me. "You were listening?"

"Vampire hearing" he reminded me and I wondered why I had forgotten that.

Crossing my arms, I peered up at him through narrowed eyes. "How did you know I wouldn't have left?"

"I didn't" he shrugged passively.

This perplexed me further. "But you didn't come in" I pointed out, unprepared for his answer.

"That's because I trust you"

A/N: Thoughts on the testosterone around the house. Pick a favourite; Kol? Luka? Demetri? Elijah?

Believe me it was not by choice to stay away from you. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you will understand this. I love being back in my seat, eating Ben n Jerry's as I work for you. I will continue updating this weekend and hopefully run into next week…if you're good. I have missed you all so so so much and I hope you welcome these updates. I will try and not keep you waiting as long as I have.

Also…Lady Mackenzie Luv would also like to apologise for not updating. She has had some login problems but she will be back. If you haven't read any of her stories please do. I have a lot of respect for her as both an author but also as an amazing friend.

Anyway, I hope you loved reading because I truly do love writing.