I do not even want to address how long I have been gone, but I guess I have to. I honestly do not know how I have been gone so long. The time has just flown by and I haven't been writing. Writer's block has made a contribution to my delay in writing. I know how awful that sounds, writer's block after 4 chapters. Anyway, if you have any ideas or suggestions you would like to make to story, please do not be afraid to PM at ANY TIME. Ideas are not only welcome, but are recommended. Sorry for this short little ramble. On to the highly anticipated chapter. Also, I might think about getting a beta sometime soon. Lastly just so you don't have to catch up to what has been going on, they are still at the Grey's for dinner after Christian has gotten a little handsy with Ana under the table.

Chapter 5


We are all in the Grey's family room after dinner. Ethan has gotten all cleaned up form his little wine incident, and Christian still has yet to look at me after he made me come rather hard at his parents' dinner table. I am on a love seat with Elliot while Kate and Christian are on a big couch near ours. Ethan and Mia, who I think are getting along nicely, are on the floor in front of Christian and Kate, leaning their backs against their couch. Grace and Carrick are sitting in two small chairs separated by tiny table, holding hands. Lastly, Kate's parents are sitting on two stools facing away form the fireplace. Many of us are off into separate conversations. Of course the parents are talking away about God knows what. Elliot tries to start more conversation with me. Oh, boy. I really don't want another forced orgasm tonight.

"So, Ana, you go to school with Kate?"

"Yep, that's how we met. We're roommates, both studying Public Relations"

"Oh, so like media and stuff," I nod,"That's pretty cool I guess. Are you both gonna work at Kavanagh Media?" he asks me while also glancing over at Kate.

"I don't know, I might go off on my own after graduation," I say absentmindedly. Come to think of it, why did Kate even go to that Seattle Nooz interview that day I went to lunch with Christian if she can just work for her dad? Oh well, it's none of my business.

"Really, Ana? You're just gonna leave me?" Kate whines.

"You know, you could always come work for me," Christian says, looking at me for the first time after dinner,"I could always use some fresh meat in my Public Relations Department" he says with a smirk on his face.

"I don't know, I don't think I could handle all the scandal and buffoonery that gets thrown at Mr. Perfect all day, everyday. What if I get something that I can't handle like, I don't know, you cheating on your girlfriend, or something?" I reply.

"I'm sure you could handle it. You are a pretty strong girl," he says, not budging at my little comment.

"Yeah, Ana, you could do it! then I could have a reason to go to Christian's job every once in a while. Besides, it would be a nice change from all those bottle blondes in there," Kate says with a snarl.

"I'll think about it," I say unsure.

"Well we better head out if we wanna make it to the club anytime before 11," Christian says. Kate and I stand up and grab our clutches while saying our goodbyes.

"And why, exactly, wasn't I told about this little excursion?" Elliot questions, obviously trying to get into our group.

"To save the fight before it starts, just come on Ell," Christian sighs.

We all pile into Christian's car, Elliot and me in the back, and Kate and Christian in the two middle seats. All the while on the way to whatever club we are going to, Elliot continuously rubs his fingertips over my thigh and leans into me. Honestly, I am getting a little horny, but I am not going to sleep with him.

We get to some place called the Mile High Club. Sounds fantastic. I start walking towards the long line outside until I see Mr. Hotshot walking to the front of the line. Come to realize that he owns the place. Of course. We get let in immediately, and are escorted to a VIP table. In our seats, we can still see the liveliness of the club. Girls are grinding all over the dance floor and the club is in full effect. The strobe light are in vibrant blues, greens,and purples, but they aren't overbearing enough to trigger epilepsy.

"Hey guys, you ready to get on the dance floor and get off your asses?" Kate yells over the music.

"Ughhhhh! Fine," I whine,"Hey, Elliot," I say, while biting my lip,"You wanna dance with me?" He says nothing in response. He just stands up an arm around my waist and guides me to the dance floor. Kate and a frustrated Christian follow behind us.

It doesn't take too long for Kate to get the desire to head over to the bar. She is ordering herself a drink, and Elliot and I are on the dance floor while Christian is sitting next to Kate, waiting for her to get her drink. All the while, he is looking around the club. His eyes meet mine, and I get the urge to put on a show for him. Rihanna's S&M starts playing and I really start to get down. I push my hips back into Elliot, and I feel his erection. I grind against it and circle my hips while Rihanna is talking about how good it feels to be bad. I look into Christian's smoldering grey eyes and move down to the floor and all the way back up Elliot's body. Christian leans back and sits on a stool at the bar and he parts his legs slightly. My arms go up behind me, and I grab Elliot's full head of hair, imagining that he is Christian. I bite my lip and narrow my eyes at the man that this whole floor show is for. The only people in the room right now are me and him. I am unfortunately broken out of my trance when I hear Elliot moan in my ear and feel his hand gliding down my ass.

"Whoa there, buddy. Slow down. I'm gonna go get a drink," I say, trying to get away as fast as possible.

"So, you seemed to be having a fun time out there," Christian says as I approach him.

"I know, right. You and Elliot were really getting dirty out there," Kate says slyly.

"No we weren't," I respond shakily.

"Sure you were," Christian says with a smirk,"It was almost as if you were doing a little floor show for somebody,"

"Whatever," I roll my eyes, and I catch Christian narrow his angrily.

We have only been at the club for a little over an hour just dancing and drinking a little. Every once in a while, my eyes happen to drift over to Christian just to see his beautiful face, and each time I catch him already staring at me. While Christian and I have remained civil and are sticking to drinking water, Kate and Elliot are drinking like it's the end of the world. They have been on the dance floor and at the bar the entire time. I excuse myself from our table to go and sit at the bar alone for a bit. Unfortunately, Christian decides to follow me and sit right next to me. He slides his hand onto my thigh, only to have me slap it away instantly.

"I'm sorry, Anastasia," he sighs.

"What exactly are you sorry for, exactly? Telling me that I was just a simple fuck for you? Or better yet, sleeping with me, then not even hesitating to sleep with my best friend as soon as you woke up? Or is it because you walked in on me... pleasuring myself and deciding to go and act like a straight-up asshole and flatter yourself? Or is it because you went off on me about my dress, which is nothing for you to worry about? Or is it for sending me mixed fucking signals ALL DAMN DAY? Or is it for feeling me up and making me feel like the world's biggest whore at your family's dinner table? You know what it doesn't matter. I don't want to hear it anyway," I snap turning away from him.

"Ana, I know I'm an asshole and a douche bag and whatever else you would like to call me. You don't think I've gone through this in my head all day. First of all, this morning I was stupid and foolish and trying to save my own ass by telling you that it was just a fuck. That was the best sex I have had in a long damn time. The way you felt around me and looking into your beautiful blue eyes the entire time... God, I'm hard right now just thinking about it. Anastasia, you and I just connect in some crazy way. I can't deny it any longer and I know you feel it as well," he replies.

"You know what Christian, I do feel something for you, but I can't hurt Kate that way because I know she would never hurt me that way. So I think for the rest of your stay in our apartment, you should just steer clear of me. If you'll excuse me," I say while hopping off of my stool to go to the restroom.

"Ana wait," I heard Christian faintly behind me.

I walk into the beautiful opulent bathroom that just screams Christian Grey. I spot Kate drunkenly leaning over the sink, trying to touch up on her makeup. She turned her head and recognized me instantly.

"ANA! I feel like I haven't seen you all night," she slurs,"Hey, um...listen. I don't really think that you and Elliot...mesh. Don't you think he's a little too... i don't know. What's the word? Hot for you. He's like a 10, and you're like a 6. I think you should give Ethan another chance. He's more in your league. Wait, hold on..." she gets out before dashing into a stall to divest herself of whatever is in her stomach.

I leave the bathroom on a mission. That's it. I'm fucking her boyfriend tonight. Who is she to judge me? I was the shoulder she cried on when everyone called her a whore, and when her daddy cut her off last summer for spending too much on some new Versace heels, and when Christian turned her down the first twenty million times. God, the nerve of some people. I see Christian still sitting at the bar with a glass of water. I walk right up to him and whisper in his ear.

"Come to my room as soon as Kate falls asleep," he turns around with wide eyes as if he is questioning what I just said. I simply nod whilst licking my lip. "I'm ready to go. I'm getting pretty tired," I fake a yawn and look around for Elliot, only to find him sandwiched between two girls, dancing like a maniac to "Club Can't Even Handle Me Right Now". Christian jumps off of his stool, while Kate stumbles out of the bathroom looking a drunken mess. We haul everyone out to the car once we have collected our inebriated idiots. We take Elliot home then we head home so we can get Kate to bed and have our fun.

Hurriedly, I walk t o my room in preparation for my little "date". I slip on my black Agent Provocateur Zsi Zsi bra, briefs, and suspenders with criss-cross detailing over my hips and between my breasts. I put on my sheer black stockings and start to work on my makeup. I went with a subtle smokey eye tonight so I want to go for something nice and bold tonight for him. I go for a more natural eye with tons of mascara and a dark lip and I put my hair up in a bun in the back of my head but leave some pieces out for a messier sexy look. I spray myself with some perfume and I sit on my vast queen sized bed and wait for him to burst through my door so we can fuck the night away. And I wait. And I wait. And I wait...

I wake up and stare at my clock that reads 3:25 AM. I look down at my wardrobe and realize that Christian never came. I offered myself to him on a platter and he. never. came. I grab my black silk Victoria Secret robe, take off my makeup, take down my hair, without bothering to comb it, and I go to the kitchen to sit and think about how stupid I have been. I go straight to the freezer and get out my tub of Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra ice cream that I save for when I am in a horrible mood or if I just want to cheat on my diet. It is my refuge in this horrid time. Christian has only been here for three days but he is already tearing my friendship with, who I thought was, my best friend apart. Who am I kidding? I think Kate and I were only really friends out of convenience. I mean, really, she thinks I'm a 6. A fucking 6! Her boyfriend don't think so! Come to think of it, we never really had heart-to-heart conversations or went on fun road trips or did any of the mushy shit that best friends do in the movies. All we really did was watch movies together at times, and help each other with homework and tests. My wayward thoughts are interrupted by a guilty Christian coming into the kitchen. He is only wearing some flannel pajama pants that are hanging just high enough to be decent, showing off his happy trail and his defined v-shaped lower abdominal muscle thing that drives me wild.

"Um...hi, Anastasia,"he says treading carefully on my mood.

"Honestly, Christian, I don't even want to hear your excuse," I sigh,"I'm tired and horny and I just wanna eat my ice cream and go to bed."

"Wait, Ana," he pleads.

"No, not tonight,"I say as I put my ice cream back in the freezer,"I don't want to hear about how you had to make love to Kate a few ties first. Just go to bed and forget that I even offered myself to you" I walk back to my bedroom, but I am pulled back by Christian's strong hand pulling on my forearm and his dark eyes gazing into my soul.

"Just listen to me for one second before jumping to conclusions. First of all, I do not make love. Second, I was not fucking Katherine. Thirdly, I fell asleep okay. I am fucking beat. I was tired. I take full blame and responsibility. I understand that, but I will not be pushed around and dismissed by a woman who is not even 5'5" with a bad attitude. Fourthly, I can't forget about you. No matter how hard I try. Hell,I just had vivid ass dream about you not less than 10 minutes. Lastly, would you mind explaining the stockings?" he snaps, but his eyes narrow at the last statement. I want to yell at him at the top of my lungs and scream and shout and tell him to fuck off, but I can't seem to do that. My body just won't let me. It yields to his wanting eyes and I pull the sash on my robe to reveal my lingerie that I never took off. His mouth drops open and he comes towards me, pushing me up against the wall. He crushes his lips over mine. His hands move inside of my robe and move around my waist then glide down my ass, getting a firm squeeze. His broad chest is flush against mine and it feels so good. I make use of my hands and run them through his mess of hair. He gives me a good lift and I wrap my legs around his waist and hold my back against the wall so I don't fall. His hands run back up my body to my grip my breasts. I move my hands down to hold on to his biceps, feeling how tone he was. He carries me to my room and drops me on the bed delicately. I slip out of my robe and throw it somewhere else in the room. His hungry eyes gaze dip down into mine and reason has flown completely out of my head by now. I don't care that he wasn't here before, he's here now, and I am fucking Kate's boyfriend like I said I was going to. Are you sure that's the only reason you're gonna fuck him? To get over on Kate? Like I said before, reason has flown out of my head right now, and all I care about is Christian and his dick.

"How the hell does this shit work?!" He says fiddling with my garter belt. H gives up after a few seconds and just rips my panties in two.

"Hey! That was an $80 pair of panties!" I admonish.

"Shut up!" He chuckles. He climbs back up my body and pulls my bra cups down, exposing my mounds and pebbled nipples. He pinched my nipples and kisses my neck, while pushing his pants down then thrusting into me at a painstakingly slow pace.

"Chris..."I whimper as an indicator for him to hurry up!

"Shhhhh, baby. Good things come to those who wait. You know that," he whispers in my ear while he is still only half way in. All of a sudden, he slams his last few inches in, and I cry out, having to accommodate his thick and long size.

"Hold on, Christian, you're so damn big," I moan through clenched teeth at him. I wrap my legs around his waist and tug at his hair as he starts to move inside of me. "Oh fuck, harder, baby," I beg. I want to savor this moment with him, so when he starts to increase his pace I speak up," No no no no no. Slow but hard. I want to savor you."

"I'm trying, Ana, but, fuuuuck, you feel so fucking amazing," he hisses out, slowing down. He thrusts his hips harder and harder, trying to give me just what I want.

"God, that feels so good," I whimper, in ecstasy. He reaches down and rubs my clit just a little, sending me off into space. "Fuck!" I scream. I reach underneath him and rub his balls a bit to get him going, so I won't just sit here waiting for him to come.

"Ohhh, right there, Ana," he moans. He shoots off inside of me and I feel his heat spread in me. He pulls out and lays down on my bed beside me, and wraps his arm around my body, pulling me in closer to him. I adjust my bra cups so they are back where they are supposed to be. I turn to face him and look into his beautiful eyes. He takes hand and places a stray strand of hair behind my ear, all the while looking into my eyes as well. He gives me a long passionate kiss, pulling me closer to him. He pulls away afterward and continues to look into my eyes.

"We are so fucked," he whispers after a few seconds of soul gazing. I think about it for a minute and wholeheartedly agree.

Remember to check out my Pinterest page for pictures of outfits and whatnot! Please review! It is GREATLY appreciated! (:

Pinterest: jalyndanae