Chapter 41
{Final chapter. May post sequal if I get some positve feedback.}
JR was very angry. Babe had stolen Bess, probably with help from her insane lesbian lover. He called his ally and demanded a meeting. It was risky but it had to be done. This night JR met with the man helping him with his problems, Paul Kramer.
JR: That b... took my child, you were suppossed to take care of it.
Paul: I faked my own death and helped frame her, how was I to know Bianca Montgomery would take the fall?
JR: Don't waste time trying to find logic with either of those two. Why hasn't our back-up plan been initiated?
Paul: You're the one who said we needed to wait. That if she turned up dead so quickly it would be too suspicious.
JR: I'm paying you enough to get it done, before she runs off with my kid.
Paul: I can help you fing her.
JR: You better, or I'll try framing Babe again and this time I'll give them a real body.
Meanwhile in his home David was tending to a patient. The radio was on in the background, he was listening for news about Bianca and Babe. Fletcher was being his usual idiotic self, saying bad things about the girls. All David cared about was that they hadn't been caught yet. His patient was finally starting to come too, she would have questions. David could explain the restraints, that he didn't want her convulsing. But she would be more curious as to why he hadn't taken her to a hospital, that was more difficult. The truth was David didn't want Babe to get in trouble. Krystal might have a casual relationship with the truth, but DNA proved that Babe was David's biological daughter. He had only learned this the night he saw Babe and Bianca in the woods, his first thoughts were hatred and revenge. But he couldn't let Babe go down, whatever her specific involvement was. So he'd saved the patient, with his Orpheus experiments. David knew these experiments could qualify as light crimes against humanity, but they had worked. It had taken him months but he'd saved a woman who had been shot and buried. As the patient regained conscioussness he examined her mental state. She responded well when he addressed her by name "Hello Erica."