Heyyyy... Kind of just had an idea. Thought I might write it down. I'm not going to even edit this or anything, but... Yep, here.




Jack sat quietly, holding his staff gingerly in his hands. He bathed in the winter cold of the north pole, his only company the pale light of the moon. Leaning back to stare up at the night sky, he sighed.

Jack should be celebrating. They had just defeated Pitch, saved the children of the world, and he had even gained a few believers and four invaluable friends. He shouldn't feel so alone. Or not alone but rather...incomplete.


The teenage winter spirit turned to see North on the roof as well, a jolly smile plastered on his face. Jack tried to mirror his happy expression, but his smile stopped short and didn't reach his eyes. North saw this and frowned.

"Jack, what is wrong? You should be inside the Santaclaussen, celebrating!"

"I know." Jack sighed.

North studied Jack's expression. The teen had been alone for around 300 years, maybe all the company he was surrounded with was just so...sudden? Maybe he needed some time alone?

"Jack, maybe the party had been a bit much. I apologize if you are uncomfortable."

Jack raised an eyebrow. This time his smile was sincere.

"Are you kidding? The party's great. I'm not bothered by that at all." Jack paused. "It's something else."

"Then what is it?"

"Well...I got my memories back."

Erupting with a rowdy laugh, North patted Jack on the back.

"Haha! Yes, that's great!"

"Heh. Yea. And now I know why I should be a Guardian but..." Jack gazed up at the moon, glaring. He was not longer talking to the russian man beside him anymore. "I swear there's something missing. What aren't you telling me?"

The moon stared mutely back.

Stroking his beard, North contemplated what Jack had said. Jack was still glaring at the moon before he relaxed. Suddenly, North stood and wiped the snow off his hands. Jack looked at him.

"I think it's time we get back to party, no?"

Jack smiled and followed the older man back to join everyone else.

"Miss a tooth?" Toothianna stared at North, wondering what he was talking about. "I'll have you know I am very thorough about collecting teeth, it would be very rare for my fairies to miss a tooth."

In the background, elves were passed out, stomachs full of too many cookies. The yeti's were cleaning the mess the little party had made. Sandman's golden sand danced around in the form of dustpans and brooms to help clean the mess, and Bunny opened a few portals to throw out the trash. The other two guardians were listening with interest to the conversation. Jack was nowhere to be found.

"But it is possible? To miss a tooth?"

Toothianna was reluctant to admit this fact, but she nodded.

"Why are you asking this, North?"

"Jack said his memories felt incomplete."

"Of course they'd be incomplete," interrupted Bunny. "It's only his happiest memories."

Sandman created a shining question mark over his head.

"I know. And Jack knows that. But I'm assuming he means that he didn't even see all his happy memories."

"So this is why you sent Jack to bring cookies to Jaime, ay mate?"

"Do not change subject, Bunny. Tooth, what do you think?"

The fairy queen floated among her subjects in deep thought. She looked up at the moon, which had moved slightly to bathe its light on her. She took it as a sign, a confirmation, that she was on the right track.

"Well, I have an idea." Tooth stopped floating and stood among her companions. "Years ago, one of my fairies found a tooth in the snow. I commended her for that, because it's pretty hard to spot white on white, but told her we couldn't keep it because we didn't know who it belonged to."

Sandman displayed a picture of a tooth and then images pouring out of it, coupled with a question mark.

"No, Sandy. We can't look at memories unless the child is um, gone; we can only help the owner remember their own memories. This owner was alive, so we couldn't check. I was about to throw it with the other unidentifiable ones, but the Man in the moon..." She trailed off, looking at the bright disk in the sky. "He told me to keep it."

She reached down to somewhere on her person and pulled out a delicate golden treasure chest. Tooth cradled it in her arms, letting the others see.

"I have it here."

"Have what there?"

They all turned to see Jack in the window, hunching over slightly and leaning on his staff. His eyes narrowed suspiciously at the obviously tense guardians. North stepped forward.

"Jack! We have a surprise." North nodded to Tooth, who reluctantly flew towards Jack. Hovering near the window, Jack flew down to face the brightly colored fairy. He saw the intricately designed chest, and he looked up at her quizzically.

"It's a tooth. One I found a long time ago, and we think it might be yours."

Jack's eyes lit up and instantly went for the box, but Toothianna pulled it out of his grasp before he could take it.

"But Jack, if the Man in Moon didn't think you needed it earlier, it might mean you don't need it at all. While most happy memories bring, well, happiness, some cause even more pain and longing. I don't know what memory is in here, but Jack, do you really need to know what it is?"

Jack looked at the box, debating his actions. Bunny moved forward.

"Maybe she's right. Maybe you don't need to see this, mate."

Silence filled the room as Jack contemplated his next action. After a couple moments, Jack looked at the box with determination.

"Whatever memory is in this tooth, it was important to me. It was a part of me. That's enough of a reason already for me to want to look at it. I want to know who I was, to better understand what I am and why."

Jack's hand reached for the box. The light of the moon vanished behind the clouds, and it quickly became very dark. He unclasped the lock and slowly lifted the lid. A bright light escaped from inside the chest, like he had seen earlier with his own tooth box. It wasn't long before he couldn't see past the light, and he was transported back into the familiar world of his childhood memories.

The first thing he saw was hair like sunshine and eyes like ice.

There it is! I'll post another chapter soon, but let me know if you guys liked it. :)

Thanks for reading!