Chapter One

Ugh… Another story. Such a bad idea…. Okay… So this was a story requested by Haytar96 like ages ago. I feel bad for putting this off, but I'm not doing that anymore… Here is your story Haytar96! I also know you have been gone for a while so I just hope all you readers will enjoy this!

Disclaimer: I own zip…

It was a super long day, so long that Tony didn't know what day it was. He only knew that summer made him stay in the armory longer. One time he stayed for a whole week, living off of water and crackers. Even Pepper and Rhodey were surprised.

"Oh… Jeez… what day is it?" Tony thought out loud.

"June 15th sir." The computer responded quickly. Tony face palmed, this computer took almost every question he asked literally. He needed to update it.

But the thing that surprised him was that it had been five days since he had last left the armory. He was working on a new invention, something that Pepper had nagged him for. It was a hairstyle machine, why he did it? Even he was questioning it. Only a nut-cased guy would make a hairstyle thing for a girl, but to Tony, Pepper was more than a friend, he would do anything for her. But it did take him a long time for him to agree to make the invention.

At the moment, the invention was a third complete. IT should, if everything worked out well, allow Pepper to show the invention of the hairstyle she wanted. Once the invention copies the image of the hairstyle, it will fix Pepper's hair into that copy, without cutting her hair or damaging it. It would be a dream come true for any girl, but it had to work out right, actually it needs to be completed first.

"Tony!" It was Pepper. Within an instant, Tony covered up the invention and pulled out a screwdriver and a piece of his armor. He kept it there for safe stashing in case anyone walked into the armory, mainly that curious monkey Pepper.

"Pepper! Hey what's up?" He asked leaning back on the counter.

"Nothing but the ceiling at the moment! All it takes is a huge hole and it will become the sky!" Pepper skipped over to Tony. She leaned forward and gave a good sniff. "Oh jeez! Tony you really should try out that shower you installed in the back. But until then… here." Pepper opened up her bag and brought out spare clothing and some essentials. She gave him a good push away from the counter and towards the shower.

"Okay… I get it. Pepper, don't touch ANYTHING. Pepper, I mean it, don't touch anything. If you do… I don't know what I'll do." Tony gave her a quick glare and headed towards the bathroom.

It felt good to have the hot water fall over his stinky body. He didn't know that it would feel that good to clean up. He scrubbed at his body, cleaning like he never cleaned before.

Pepper knew that she should heed Tony's warnings, but it was pointless telling her anything. This was Pepper Potts, she was given the nickname Curious Cat for a reason.

Pepper walked around the messy lab counter that Tony was working on. There were a total of three different projects he was working on. One seemed to be the chest armor of his armor. Pepper didn't know why Tony would even need to change the chest armor, he updated it just last week.

The next one was something that looked like a fish and purse put together, only thing was it was all metal. There were different nuts and bolts that stuck out randomly from the "invention."

Finally, the last invention was wrapped in a gray blanket. Meaning, it was hidden for a reason. And that was all Pepper needed in order to whip the blanket clean off the invention. It was shiny and, unlike the other inventions, looked more girly with pink and purple metal dyes. "Oh!" Pepper said looking at the fascinating invention.

Since Tony was still in the shower, Pepper didn't feel bad touching the invention and poking it. She was so fascinated by the new project that she didn't even hear the shower stop.

Tony walked out drying his wet black hair. Shaking the water out of his eyes, he suddenly froze. "Pepper…." He whispered. He was watching her mess with his new invention. If anything happened to her, it would be… well it would be her fault, but he was the one who made it.

In a hurry he rushed over to her, stumbling around the soda cans and cracker crumbs that littered the armory floor. He made a mental note to have Rhodey clean this place up later.

"PEPPER! Stop!" He pushed her away from the invention. Pepper, accidentally of course, hit her hand against the side of the shiny girly metal. It shuddered suddenly, and hummed, much like Tony's heart monitor.

"Uh-oh…" She said. Sure enough, curiosity killed the cat. The machine then squealed, sending out a high frequency. Pepper dropped to her knees clutching her head, and covered her ears. Squeezing her eyes shut, she could feel the terrible inventions frequency penetrate through her hand. "TONY!" She called.

When she opened her eyes, she could see Tony trying to turn off the machine. But his face was red, and his face was contorted with pain. This was all her fault, she should've just flown Tony's armor around the armory, and it wouldn't cause much damage. But this invention wasn't complete enough to be safe, in fact, if it wasn't for the blinding white light that enveloped Pepper's eyes, she would've no doubt been dead.

The frequency died, and Pepper's head cleared. She shakily got to her feet and looked around the armory. The machine was broken, the nuts and bolts spread across the table uselessly. But, there was no sign of Tony.

"Tony?!" She called. She turned a complete 360, before hearing a small whimper. Once again she turned on her heels. "Tony…" There was another whimper. But it didn't sound human, more like a small puppy.

Pepper heart pounded painfully against her rib cage as she swallowed hard and looked down at her feet. She gasped, and her hands shot up to her mouth, covering her gaping mouth. Her eyes became huge. "Oh my god…"

There was a small dark black puppy. He, it had to be a he, had a sleek, soft shiny black fur. There was a small whitish, bluish spot of fur on his chest, just where his heart should be, but there was no evidence of a heart monitor. But Pepper could easily identify the puppy as her only friend, because of the puppy's eyes. The bright, electric blue eyes bored into her, she knew who he was now.

The puppy was wagging his tail, a rapid moment, meaning the puppy was excited. It stuck its tongue out, but then suddenly bared its teeth and growled angrily. With a bark, he moved around Pepper and head butted her towards a heap of clothing on the floor. The puppy then walked up to the red shirt and jeans, and pawed it.

"Oh Tony… I'm sorry." Pepper said. She came down and stroked the puppy's head, then scratched his ears.

Tony Stark, the genius who built the incomplete hairstyling machine, was now the handsomely black puppy.

Pepper honestly needs to be kept in a straight jacket! Look at Tony now! Okay… so the puppy I have in mind is a black Labrador…. Its before it's a large protective dog, more of the middle stage before a dog. So yeah… just Google black Labrador and replace the dogs brown eyes with bright blue ones!

So that's about it! That's how I pictured the dog version of Tony! Hope you guys liked it! Please…. Please…. Please REVIEW! :D