Author's Message

*Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story; I hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I have. I want to thank everyone who has stuck with reading this story until the very end, and I also am delighted by the amount of positive feedback I've received for creating this. The reviews I got on the story were so helpful and I thank you for the comments.

*Its been four months since I posted the first I wrote over 110,000 words in that short span of time. And probably more will come!

*I am continuing to make slight changes to this story and fixing mistakes and such, so keep your eyes peeled for any new sections I might add in. I feel like I didn't put enough of the classes in, so I might write some more with that.

*By the way, did you catch where the last line of the epilogue is from? *hint hint* it's in chapter one.

*So, I wanted to interpret the idea of John having a "blog" into this story, so that's the idea I came up with.

*I am also delighted to announce that I am planning to write a full series with seven books with this crossover, so be prepared for more! The list of the titles are on my profile page if you'd like to know what the next one is called and make some deductions. ;-)

*If you are an artist (like I am), feel free to draw any covers or scenes from this story as you wish! If you'd like to send it to me, just share it with me on Tumblr or something. My username is on my profile page. Or the other option would be to head over to AO3 and find the story on there and send me a link to the drawing. (My username is the same on both sites.)

*I am pretty much writing three or four stories at once right now, so I'll add some more to those before I start the next book in this series. Feel free to read those as well if you love Sherlock. I am also busy with school and dance, so it might take me a while to write entertaining and well-written chapters and post them.

*So again, thank you so much! I couldn't have carried on without as much support. Be my guest to share this story, but just be sure to credit that I wrote it. I make no money off this story; it is for entertainment purposes only. BBC Sherlock and Harry Potter belong to their rightful owners.

*And any last comments you'd like to give, the more the better!

*I hope you've enjoyed reading this.


Bethany :-)