disclaimer; I own nothing


also I apologize in advance for this being slightly short. an at the end :)

"Claire, wake up! You gotta pack and we leave in three hours." I was jolted awake by Dylan leaping on top of me. Out of instinct I shoved her off, but of course since I'm mentally challenged I forgot how freaking strong I was and ended up shoving her across the room, but thank gof she landed on her bed.

She looked at me with wide eyes and for a second I thought she was gonna be mad at me, but she started laughing so I laughed as well.

"Holy shit, you're strong." Dylan shook her head, getting off of her bed and walking over to her closet. I noticed she was wearing blue pajama pants and an oversized Reckless shirt I was positive was Kemp's.

I yawned, and stretched. "Is Mass or Derrick ready?"

"I dunno, I just woke up myself." Dylan's muffled voice came from the closet.

"Well you're useless." I joked, and got out of bed. I drug my suitcase out from under my bed and then lugged it over to my closet and put a few shirts, shorts, pants, pajamas, underwear, bras, and pajamas inside it. By the time I was doen with that Dylan had gotten in the shower, but I had showered last night so I didn't need to shower again.

I decided to go into Derrick's room and see if he was awake, and when I walked out into the living room area to get to his room I noticed no one seemed to be up yet. I knocked on Derrick's door, and heard his voice say it was okay for me to go in. So in I went, and I saw Derrick shutting his suitcase, indicating that he had just finished packing.

He turned to me and since he wasn't wearing a shirt, his abs were in full view for me to see. His gray pajama pants were slung really low on his hips and I noticed he had a very definite V. Whatever I was going to say died on my lips as I gazed at Derrick with the strangest urge in my stomach. I suddenly realized how short and tight my pajama shorts were, and how I wasn't wearing a bra underneath my white tank top.

"What did you need?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in curiosity.

I couldn't control what I did next, the urge had grown stronger and I found myself walking over to him and pushing him up against the wall, pressing my lips hungrily against his. He seemed surprised at first, but quickly responded, moving his lips with mine. I gently tugged on his bottom lip and he quietly moaned, which made the siren side of me push him down onto the bed. He was surprised at first but kept kissing me.

Still not quite in control of my actions, my hand trailed across his chest, and then down past his abs until my I was tracing the hard lump in his pants. I slowly palmed him through the thin material, and he sloppily kissed my neck, leaving a trail down to my collarbones. He took off my shirt and I let him. He gently but surely massaged my breasts and this time I was the one who moaned. While he did that he sucked on the side of my neck and gently nipped it, then blew softly on the spot before sucking on it once again. I moved and he stopped, looking at me with half lidded eyes.

I kissed his neck, then licked down his happy trail and using my thumbs, slowly rolled down his pants, teasing him. He let out a frustrated moan, then one of pleasure as I took him in my mouth, bobbing my head up and down. I moved my tongue down his length, swirled it around his tip, and then took him back in my mouth again, his fingers fisting in my hair as I continued bobbing my head up in down and moving my tongue over him. After a few minutes I heard his breathing hitch and he moaned out loud as he came in my mouth. I swallowed, sucking him clean.

"God Claire." He gasped, and I pulled his pants back up.

I went to his neck next, sucking and nipping, giving him hickeys and not caring that they were in plain sight. He slid his hand down into my pants, slipping a finger into my underwear. Before we could do anything more, someone knocked on the door and started open it.

With lightning fast speed, I grabbed my discarded shirt off the floor and shoved it on, and got off of Derrick, who hurried into his closet and came out with a shirt on as well as a sweatshirt in his arms. He tossed it at me, and I took one look down at my erect nipples and yanked on the sweatshirt.

It was Chris. "Yo, were you guys just fucking? I heard someone moaning." Chris said, smirking.

"Get out Plovert." Derrick glared at him.

"Get some!" Plovert laughed, but left.

The urge I had was over and the actions I had just performed occurred to me and I was stricken with embarrassment. I could not believe I had just done everything I did. I was no better than Massie!

"Uh, Don't forget we eave in like three hours." I blurted out, and then rushed out of the room, ignoring everyone that was eating breakfats's questioning looks, into my own room.

Dylan was straightening her hair in front of our shared vanity but the moment I came in and shut the door rather loudly, she glanced up at me.

"Was Derrick awake?" She asked taking a break from straightening her wild curls.

I groaned. "You have no idea." I walked into the bathroom, too one look at myself and wanted to jump off a cliff.

My hair had obviously been in the grips of someone else, and I had some real nice hickeys on my neck and collarbone. Five, to be exact. Two on my collarbone and three on my neck.

"Oh, fuck." I face palmed.

I still didn't even know quite what the hell had just gone on, except for the fact that I had just given Derrick Harrington a blow job as well as hickeys, and he had given me quite a bit of hickeys as well.

"Fuck my life."

well. hello there. it's been quite a while, has it not? just a bit under two years huh.. I apologize for not updating but I literally just don't know where to go with this because I haven't read the watersong novel books in forever, so if anyone will still be reading this is it okay if I stray away from the plotline of the watersong novels? because I honestly don't remember much of it because its been so long since ive read them and I cant fond the books anywhere ive got no idea what I did with them.

ugh is it just me or is anyone elses heart broken that the clique archive is pretty much dead now? I wish I could go back to when thered be at least 15 or so decent tories get updated/published every day.. hopefully people either come back to the clique archive or more people start writing cause I miss reading all these amazing continuations of an amaznig series that should have been continued haha.

by the way, that was my first attempt at writing a sexual scene so if its not good that's why hah

update on my life since I last updated;

im now 16 and live at my dads, and im in the process of getting braces which is amazing since I need them terribly. ive seen my favorite bands live twice now, pierce the veil and sleeping with sirens. my best friend's mom took us to iowa on December 1st of 2014 and I waited outside after and met Vic and Jaime, and got a selfie with Vic C: then on Febuary 4th my friends mom (different friend lol) gave me a meet and greet ticket so I got to meet both of them and ive never been happier then at that moment. after the show, Mallory knox (an amazing band who opened for them, are british and extremely talented) lead singer mikey took a picture with me and my friend. also, I know you guys most likely don't want to hear this type of shit, but ive been trying very hard to not self harm, and ive actually been clean for three weeks now! :) at the concert kellin gave a speech about how no matter what you should never want to resort to self mutilation and scar up your arms because were all worth more than that. I started crying when he said that, I don't even know why but I guess cause it made me feel like someone cared. anyways, we also all got a poster signed by all of them, and its currently hanging in my room and I just glanced over at it to smile. my depression sadly has been kinda bad lately which sucks but im just ignoring the urges to use my blade again and its been working so far, ive been drawing and writing poems instead to take my mind off it so yeah..

also, for Christmas I got tickets to Ariana grande on march 1st! ommg I love her so much im so excited to see her! and then I also saved up to see one direction, so I paid for my own ticket and im seeing them on otra! dude im so excited! and if any of you are larry shippers, can you believe everythings that's happened? omg I wonder if they'll finally confirm it..

so yeah that's whats going on in my life, ive missed writing so lets see if any of my readers are still here :)

heres to hoping people are still going to read this story! all the love, maya xx