Chapter: 1
This fanfic is a great idea I had this morning while I was taking a shower. I know I am working on another story right know, but I just had to write this! I think I will keep this fanfic short by writing only two or three chapters. Or who knows? I could turn it into a whole big series. I haven't really decided that yet. XD
Please review! 3
"Takashi! Takashi!" "I can't find Usa-chan anywhere!" Honey wailed while running into music room three.
All of the hosts turned to look at him. It was just before club hours, so none of the ladies had arrived yet. All of the hosts had already gotten changed into their cosplay outfits for today's theme which was american sports.
Mori leaned down and in one of his quiet firm voices said, "Mistkuni, please calm down and just tell me where you last had it."
"I don't know Takashi, I can't remember!" Honey exclaimed bursting into tears again.
"Don't worry Honey-sempai we'll find it," Haruhi said while kneeling down to Honey's level.
"Yeah, Honey-sempai," Hikaru said, and then Karou finished his sentence with "Don't worry."
"That's right men!" exclaimed Tamaki. "It's time for embark on mission: Let's find Usa-chan." "We will not stop into we find him." "Right men?"
"Yes, sir!" All the hosts yelled while saluting Tamaki. Well, except for Haruhi and Kyoya, who really never buy into any of the host king's antics.
Kyoya looked down at his watch, and said, "I guess we still have enough time to find it and be back in the room by the time our guests arrive, so I guess I am in."
"I guess I'll go too!" Haruhi said a little annoyed but in truth she really did want to help Honey find his precious Usa-chan. She didn't like seeing her sempai so down.
All the hosts split up and searched throughout all of ouran high school, but none of them had any luck in finding Honey's beloved Usa-chan. They all came back looking defeated and Honey was still crying heavily and was even more upset then when they left.
"What if I never find Usa-chan!" Honey yelled while all the hosts were walking into the club room.
"Well, we can't worry about that right now, our guests will be here any minute." Kyoya said calmly.
"But…But," Honey stuttered.
"Don't worry Honey-sempai!" "After club activities we will continue looking for your bunny , so don't worry!" Haruhi said reassuringly.
"Yeah." Mori stated.
Then Mori looked down at Honey and could tell that this whole situation had tired him out greatly, so he looked at Kyoya and said, "Kyoya will you please excuse Mistkuni from today's club activities?" "He looks tired from all of this and I want to put him down for a nap."
Kyoya looked down at the distraught and tired Honey and then said, "Well, I will allow it for today, seeing how greatly this has affected him."
He probably wouldn't even be able to entertain anyone today, he is so down, and that wouldn't be good for the club anyway, thought Kyoya.
Mori walked off to one of the rooms next to the host club and put Mistkuni down for his nap on a huge couch. Honey fell asleep rather quickly and once he did Mori left the room.
-Usa-chan's Pov-
I woke up in the middle of the floor in one of the host club dressing rooms. I remembered that Honey that taken me in here with him but must have forgotten me. It made me really sad whenever he did that.
I crawled over to the side of the room near a mirror. Wait! CRAWLED! I can't crawl! Let alone move at all! But then I looked up into the mirror that I had crawled next to and realized what had happened.
"Oh my gosh, is that really me?" Someone exclaimed in a cute voice.
Then I realized that voice had to have been mine because no one else was in the room. Wow, I can talk too!
Then I looked back up into the mirror to study this new image of myself. I had straight light pink hair that fell to my shoulders, and dark brown eyes that almost looked black if you really stared at then. Then I looked down and noticed all I was wearing was a pink bra and underwear, and I blushed.
Um, that's never happened before. I think this is called being embarrassed. I don't know why i would i feel embarrassed though? I mean as a stuffed bunny i never wore clothes, but i guess that's expected for a stuffed animal.
I scurried around the room, desperately looking for something to cover myself with, when I found it. I found an extra ouran girls uniform that the hosts club must have had as a spear. I quickly put it on.
Then I realized I should probably go find Honey, he probably misses me a lot.
"Poor Honey! I said sadly. "Don't worry I will find you!" I exclaimed while hearing that cute voice that again must have been mine.
I really like my voice! I hope Honey does too!
Then I started walking down the ouran hall way. When I saw a door coming up I opened it and peeked my head in. I saw Honey sleeping on a large couch.
"Oh, he must be talking his nap." I said quietly trying not to wake him.
Well I always nap with him so I think I should just do that until he wakes up.
And with that I slipped under the blanket that Honey was sleeping under being careful not to wake him. Thankfully the new me was tinny and short, so I could fit next to him on the big couch. I put his arm over me and with that I fell asleep.
-End of Usa-chan's Pov-
Host club had just ended and everyone was cleaning up.
"Don't you think we should go wake up Honey-sempai so we can continue looking for Usa-chan?" Haruhi asked being thoughtful.
"Yeah." Mori stated.
"Yes let us all go wake up Honey-sempai, so we can continue our search," exclaimed Tamaki.
All the host club members followed Mori to the room where Honey was sleeping. When they opened the doors the first thing they all saw was Honey sleeping with his arm around some cute girl wearing an ouran uniform.
"What!" All the hosts club members even Mori screamed in surprise.
I would like to apoligize to all my fans that enjoyed reading this chapter because it might take me a few days to update this. SORRY! I have another fanfic that i am busy working on right now called Ootori's Heir, and i want to update that first. You should check it out!
Warning: Ootori's Heir is rated T, unlike this one which is rated k+ for younger audiences.