It was a glorious day in May. The sun was shining, birds were singing-Oh, who am I kidding? You probably want me to get to the real story at hand, don't you? All that really matters about the description of that glorious day is that a Snow Pea was heading off to her first day of work after seeing a notice on the town bulletin.

Allow me to describe this particular Snow Pea in detail. Her name was April, and she was about 15 cycles old. At first glance, April didn't really stand out from your average Snow Pea, save for a snowflake barrette on one side of her cyan bulb. However, contrary to the normally obedient and reserved nature of most Snow Peas, April was sassy, eccentric, spunky and generally hyperactive in nature. If you gave her a command, you would more often than not have to repeat it multiple times before she would actually get to doing it.

" ~I got a jo-ob! 'Cause I'm so awe-some!~ " April sang as she made her way alongside the sidewalk to her employer's home, made possible by maneuvering her roots through the loose soil beside the pavement. After about five minutes, she reached her destination: a beige house with terra-cotta Spanish tile for roofing. What April found peculiar about this house, though, was an assortment of other plants positioned on the lawn in neat rows, idle.

"The heck? Where's that Alice person I was supposed to meet?" April muttered to herself as she rooted along the driveway, stopping in front of one of the Wall-nuts making up the front row.

"Hey! Is this Misty View Park Meadows Property 396049?" April asked the Wall-nut. The Wall-nut turned to face her. " Top O' the mornin' m'lady! A munificent lady was Mother Nature to give us such glorious weather today, was she not?" "Excuse me?" April was puzzled by the Wall-nut, her confusion blissfully ignored by which. "You certainly aren't thinking of taking a job such as this, are you lass? This isn't a job for a lady, or someone faint of heart." he said politely, as if giving friendly advice. April didn't know whether to continue to be confused or to be disgusted. "Not for a lady, huh? Well, I'll have you know that I'm getting this job, whether some Brit Wall-nut tells me to or not!" "I DO DECLARE!" responded the Wall-nut in chorus with the others in his row as April rooted past.

"Ugh, stupid Wall-nuts, thinking a woman can't do a simple job…"April muttered to herself. "At least there aren't any other idiots here.." Unfortunately, she was proven wrong as she felt someone grab her from behind.

"Why you squirmin' shrimp? Just sayin' hi like they do it in the streets!" a Repeater taunted as he held April, giving her a wicked noogie, then dropping her to the ground. "Name's Pete, squirt. I came here for one thing, and that's to make money. So you better not get in my way, or I'll pound you!" Pete made his leave as April stood, fuming.

"Okay, so apparently I was wrong about the Wall-nuts being the only idiots here." April continued on, unaware that Pete was trailing her, having only come that day like April. After encountering a particularly strange Chomper that had the greatest need to share his collection of bones with her, April finally made it to the door.

"Finally! 'Bout time I found out who's runnin' this whole circus of cronies!" April groaned when Pete made his presence known behind her. Regardless, she uprooted herself and made her way up the steps with Pete in tow.

April wasn't exactly tall enough to reach the doorbell, but as the the Peashooter's motto goes, "Shooting peas fixes EVERYTHING." After ringing the doorbell, Pete snorted. "I bet this guy's a middle aged gardenin' fanatic or somethin' if he wants so many of us plants." As Pete said this, however, the door opened. "Yes? Can I help you?"

Both peas turned to the direction of the soft, polite voice. The human whom it belonged to was a girl in her teens, with an enviable figure. She had brunette hair that cascaded down onto her shoulders and chocolate brown eyes which accentuated her daintily freckled face. She, in short, was the type of girl who would be dating the high school quarterback. April was awed, and Pete just stared, drooling.

"Oh, you two must be the new guys! My name is Alice Lockes, but you can just call me Alice. What's your names?" Alice said in her soft, angelic voice. "I'm April, and the idiot behind me is Pete." Pete's response was delayed. "Hey…" "Alright, it's nice to meet you two. We've got one more coming today, but she's not from America, so I'd like you guys to-" Alice's response was cut short as a Peashooter hurriedly rushed to her side, visibly shaken.

"M-Miss Lockes! We have a Code Z, I repeat, Code Z!"

Alice quickly got up, a look of stoic determination on her face. "Everyone into position! We've just received a Code Z! We don't have any time to lose!" April and Pete were confused. "Yo pretty lady!" Pete called, "What's the deal with this whole Code Z biz?" Alice looked at both Peas grimly.

"The zombies...are coming."