Summarized summary: (since it's been a year or two since I last posted and there's a lot to remember. Sorry XP) Allen started going to this special school of sorcery, made friends with Lavi, chose to take metal and water classes. His instructors are Yeegar and Tiedoll, He's pretty shit at water magic so Tiedoll had his aid, Kanda, tutor Allen who turned out to be a dragon and accidentally imprinted on the kid. Back home, Kanda's "family" is pressuring him to find a mate, Alma is annoying the shit out of him, Allen got sick as all fuck because of Kanda's absence when he went to a family function. Lavi researched his ass off, Marie is concerned for Kanda, Daysia is getting a kick out of the whole thing. Now Allen and Kanda have to decide if Allen dies or if they mate which would save the beansprout but because Kanda to die prematurely instead and Alma is pissed and hates Allen, who is currently in the infirmary again because he passed out in Kanda's den.


I watched as everyone left the room, leaving me to my own scrambled overflowing thoughts as I tried to process everything. Strangely enough it didn't bother me that Kanda was a dragon the whole time, that was the easiest part to grasp; whether it was because of Lavi's nickname for him or just how his personality was, I wasn't sure.

Well … It's not as if panicking will help me any … So my options are to die now or Kanda dies later … It's not as if I wanted to die, and if I didn't want to die then I'd have to "mate" with Kanda, whatever that entailed.

"Man is it a good thing that Master isn't here… He probably wouldn't even take me into consideration and just go on and immediately kill Kanda, then blame it all on me." I probably would have acted more surprised, except, I was just too tired for it. Not that I was able to grasp the full situation at the time, but I was doing the best I could with what I had to work with. After a while I lost track of how long I had been in there alone when Tiedoll came in looking concerned.

"Tiedoll? What are you doing here?" He sat down in the nurse's chair.

"Komui spoke to me. You seem to have quite the dilemma on your hands dear boy."

"And you're here to try and convince me of one or the other right?" I sighed.

"No. It's a hard enough choice without a multitude of people telling you what they want you to do. In my opinion you and Kanda should be sorting it out together rather than leaving the burden to you, but I'm sure he'll get scolded for that sooner or later." rolling my eyes I retorted;

"Yeah, for not killing me sooner probably. I'm assuming most would have already."

"No, I haven't met his mentor, but from what Kanda has told me about him I don't think that's what he'd scold him for. More likely it'd be for not telling you sooner and then leaving you alone such a decision." he chuckled "I would be surprised if he didn't come here himself to maybe smack the boy around a bit."

"How can I even make a decision like this? It's nowhere near my right to hold someone else's life in my hands. If I say I want to live I'm being selfish, if I say that I want Kanda to live, I'm being stupid, too selfless, and suicidal. There is absolutely no upside. No winning. ... I do like him though. But that could also just be Kanda's stupid pheromones making me think I like him." I sighed and curled up in a ball on the bed. "I don't want to have to choose on my own because no matter what I do, someone gets hurt."

"Well, pheromones or not, you're kind of stuck with him for life whether you decide to live or die. I know many people who would be upset if you died and a handful that would prefer it if you did. I know that doesn't help at all, but most anyone you ask for help is going to be biased."

"Well that's helpful" I said sarcastically; "What if I just ask Master to kill us both. Then neither of us will suffer because we'll both be dead." Tiedoll sighed and shook his head.

"I really don't think that's what Kanda had in mind."

"He obviously didn't have a lot in mind since this went on for so long without him telling me anything." I sighed again and hugged my knees to my chest, I seemed to be sighing a lot lately. Why does life, even death have to be so complicated? "I wish I could ask Mana what to do. He always knew what to do in difficult situations." Tiedoll gave a gentle smile and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sure he'd want you to do what you think is right."

"I don't think either decisions are right."

"How about this, you two will have to sit down and talk about it first of course, but what if you waited on your decision for a while and get to know each other better. As much time as you've spent together, you still know so little. Perhaps now that he doesn't have to keep such a large secret from you, it'd be easier to communicate"

"I don't believe 'Kanda' and 'communication' belong in the same sentence unless you're talking about how horrible he is at it."

Tiedoll chuckled; "He is a bit stubborn, I will give you that. But, it would give the both of you time to think and decide together."

"What if this 'council' that he was talking about really does want to kill me anyways?"

"Well, from where I see it, you have some time before that happens. Besides, from what I understand, Kanda's father figure is apart of that council and I believe he'd do everything he can to make sure that yours and Kanda's wish is granted. At the very least he could probably stall them to give you more time. Then again, I've never met him, so I suppose I could be entirely wrong."


"I really do think you and Kanda should talk about this. I understand why he wants you to choose, but I also understand that it's not fair for you. Just give yourselves some time, alright?" still unsure, I nodded. At least it's something. "Well in that case, I'll go inform Kanda" Smiling, he stood up and turned towards the door.

"Hey Tiedoll, before you go, What would you do if you were in my position? I mean, you've known Kanda a lot longer than I have and seem to be able to understand him more…"

"My dear boy. I wasn't all that young when I met him in the first place. The knowledge that I don't know how many more years I have left would be disconcerting. I've already lived out most of my life and I'm content with that. For me, the choice wouldn't be as difficult."

"So … You're saying you would choose to die …" The older man walked back over to the side of the bed, kneeled down so that we were eye level, and brushed a hand through my hair, his face kind but laced with a trace of sympathy and he spoke gently.

"I'm not here to sway you one way or the other Allen. In my case, that is merely what I would have done and my reasons for doing so. You are in an entirely different situation then I would have been and have your own reasons for whatever you are going to do. For now, take a deep breath and give yourself time to think clearly. A definite decision doesn't have to be made today." He then stood back up. "In any case, I'll go get Kanda now and the two of you can work this out together, else I may be tempted to give the boy a beating myself!" Tiedoll gave me a humored smile as if telling me not to worry as much

"Alright … Thank you." With a nod the old man turned and left the room and I was alone again.

Not long after Kanda appeared back into the room, grumbling about something; probably my inability to make up my mind.

"I'm sorry Kanda." The dragon's attention snapped from his grumbling to me, his features showing slight confusion and irritation;

"About what? You didn't do anything yet."

"You're not mad at me?"

"Not at the moment no. Should I?"

"I just thought since Tiedoll sent you back here because I can't decide…" Kanda walked across the room and took the Nurse's chair looking slightly annoyed.

"I'd rather be here dealing with this crap then back with Alma who won't shut the fuck up about it. Tiedoll is keeping his attention somehow, there's no telling for how long though."

"So, your friend Alma-"

"He's not my friend."

" … Well, whatever he is, seems to want me dead."

"Don't choose to die because of Alma, that'd be a stupid reason."

"But if I don't you'll-"

"I'll die eventually either way Moyashi. There's nothing anyone can do about that."

"Well, yeah, that's the case with everything, but I don't want to be the reason for your death, but I also would like to live … I can't make this decision on my own Kanda. It might not be your fault, but don't act like you're not involved, this influences both of us. Isn't there a way for us to live around eachother without having to pick between the two? Wouldn't it be possible for us to not mate or whatever, that way we can both live out our natural lives?"

"I wouldn't mind that, but we could only do that for a limited amount of time."

"Why's that?"

"Because it will only be so long before another dragon, or Alma decides to kill you."

"And why would that make any difference if we did mate?! Besides, what makes you think I wouldn't be able to take care of myself? Master Cross did train me to be a dragon slayer. I have the ability to hold my own."

"Because then if they killed you, it'd mean death for me too. Besides, it'd be better not to have a huge target on your back all the time."

"So what? Dragons don't kill eachother?"

"It's very rare. That's one of the reasons many believe we are superior to humans. We may fight, but it's far less common for us to murder one another." Kanda's eye began to twitch in annoyance.

"So if someone were to kill your mate that would count as two murders?"

"They would be the cause of multiple deaths."

"What if they don't know you have a mate?" Kanda scowled;

"Stop asking stupid questions!"

"They aren't stupid! They're important!"

"Not at the moment they aren't."

"So then what kind of situation would we have to be in for them to not be stupid? I think given the circumstances, they're fairly relevant."

"I fail to see how." I could feel myself becoming irritated;

"I fail to see how you're treating this like it's not a big deal!"

"It is, but being upset about it isn't going to help anything!"

"How am I NOT supposed to get upset about it! There is no right choice!"

"There doesn't have to be a right choice!"

"Well then if you know so damn much, why don't YOU choose!?" Kanda opened his mouth to shout at me again but then stopped and let out a deep breath. Still incredibly irritated, I didn't hold back the snide remark that entered my head;

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"Screaming isn't going to help anything moyashi. Did you think to consider that I wouldn't want you to die? It'd be easier to have you killed off, but you aren't … unbearable to be around."

"No, I didn't. Because you never bothered to give your opinion. What is that even supposed to mean? I'm not unbearable, so you guess you'd rather have me live."

"You asked for my preference, I gave it to you. What? Were you hoping I'd say I'd rather you to be dead?"

"YES! Do you know how much easier this would be if everyone just wanted me dead anyways!?"

"You know what? Fine! Do what you want!" Before I could even register what had happened, the door slammed shut and Kanda was gone. Sighing, I leaned back against the wall.


I stood up and went over to the door. Why does this have to be so complicated? Maybe I really should just die. Like Kanda said, it'd be the easier method. Neither of us would have to deal with this bullshit anymore. It's not like a whole lot of people would miss me anyways. Lavi would, maybe Tiedoll. I doubt Master would give a shit. Tim would be upset, would Kanda really care? That's what? Four people if I include Kanda, so three and a half I guess. Then there's probably Jerry … maybe. I sighed

So five people at most huh? I really am pathetic. I opened the door only to be tackled by a blonde mop of hair;

"Allen! I've been looking all over for you! Why were you in the infirmary?" looking down at the golem, his childlike face full of concern.

"Ah, Tim. Don't worry, I was just a little dizzy. Umm … I'm happy to see you, but why are you here? When did you get here anyways?" He let go of me and smiled;

"We've been here for about half an hour. Master did say he'd be sending me over at some point. Don't you remember?"

"Oh yeah, I guess he did. Sorry Tim my mind hasn't exactly been- did you say 'we'?" He nodded;

"Yeah, Master is here too for a little while. He wanted to check on your progress among other things."

"What other things?" We started walking down the hall, choosing not to loiter in front of the nurse's office. Tim shrugged;

"Normal things. Chasing skirts, getting drunk, spending money he doesn't have. He might have a little left over from his last hunt, though I doubt it." I wasn't entirely sure what the feeling I had was when Tim mentioned the hunt, my toes curled in on themselves and I could tell I wasn't going to enjoy the conversation.

" … And when was that?"

"Last week. Oh, but he let me keep one of the scales! You wanna see?"

"Uh, sure. Doesn't he usually let you keep a scale anyways though?"

"Well, yeah, but my collection has been building up, so when he's in a foul mood he'll say I need to sell some before I collect more."

"I can't say I'm surprised about that."

Tim chuckled; "I didn't think you would be." We continued walking around the school talking about what we'd each been up to over the last two or three months, minus my most current dilemma anyways. We remained uninterrupted for the most part, up until Alma ran up, panic clearly taking over his features. Panting from likely running all over the place, he looked from me to Tim, then back to me.

"Ah, do you know where Yuu went? I can't find him anywhere and you were the last person he was with." He crossed his arms impatiently not even trying to hide his snide nature.

"Kanda? I don't know where he went. We had an argument and he stormed out of the room. … I'm sure he's fine for now though … He's probably in one of his usual hangouts." He groaned and pushed passed me;

"You're so useless!" Tim watched him run off then looked back to me.

"What was that about?" I shrugged and tried to change the subject;

"I don't know, but I'm getting kinda hungry. We should go to the cafeteria, Oh! And you can meet Jerry! I really think you'll like him a lot. I know I do."

"If you say so." I smiled and the two of us went to go eat.

"You can show me all the scales you've collected since last time too if you like." He looked up and grinned;

"That sounds like fun!" We finally get to the cafeteria and go up to Jerry.

"Well isn't it just my favorite young man. I'm glad you're feeling better honey! Oh, and who is this little cutie with you?" The chef leaned out of the window with his usual optimistic greeting;

"This is Tim, my Master's golem. Tim, this is Jerry. One of the nicest people you'll meet here."

"Nice to meet you sweetie! Would you like something to munch on?"

"Ah, could you get me my usual order? I'm starving." Jerry grinned and turned to Tim.

"Of course honey! I'd be happy to! And for you?"

"I'm alright. I'll just munch off of Allen's pile."

"Will there be any left? I've seen people try to eat his food before. The result isn't pretty."

"I'm not other people. Right Allen?"

"I don't mind if it's Tim." Jerry shrugged and disappeared into the kitchen.

"So Allen, who's your favorite instructor?"

"I don't know. I got lucky and most of them are pretty great. So far none as traumatic as Master." Tim laughed;

"I'd be surprised if they were. He might not show it, but I'm pretty sure he cares in his own warped way."

"All he cares about is money, booze, women, and dragons."

"Well, that's most of what he cares about. I still say he cares about you, whether you believe me or not."

"Yeah, well, for now I choose not." Tim shrugged as Jerry came back out with the mountain of food;

"Here ya' are sweetie, enjoy~"

"Thank you Jerry!"

"Of course Allen, anything for you~!" I smiled and went with Tim to an empty table.

"So let's see these scales of yours." The golem grinned and dug through his satchel, pulling out several different colored scales and explaining where each one came from and how he'd gotten them.

"Wow, you and Master sure have been busy lately ..." Tim nodded and took a bite out of a bean bun;

"More dragons more money. More money, more women and booze."

"A lack of funds has never stopped him before. Not that I'm not grateful for the things he's paid for himself."

"I think part of it too is that it is a little more difficult without you around. It's easier to keep busy rather than pretend you're there for him to boss around."

I laughed; "Yeah right. He's probably just getting restless as he gets older."

"Hey Allen! So that's where you went! Looks like you're eating somewhat normally again. That's a good sign." I turned and saw Lavi walking up to us. "And who's this little ball of cuteness?"

"Hey Lavi, This is Timcanpy. Tim, Lavi" Introducing the two, I gestured to both of them.

"Oh cool, nice ta' meet you Tim! Does this mean that Cross is here too?"

I sighed; "Unfortunately, yes."


"You're telling me! I already have enough problems on my plate without throwing him into the mix!" I sighed and rested my head on the table. "How long will master be here Tim?"

"I don't know. He doesn't really like it here, so not too long I'd imagine. What's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it. It's really not as bad as it sounds, I'm just stressed out over a class." I hated lying to Tim, especially since I knew he'd never want to hurt me. However, he was still Master's golem. He'd never be able to lie to Cross, I wouldn't want him to have to anyways.

"If you're sure … Maybe I can help you study! What subject is it?"

"Maybe. I don't think Master can help me get better at water magic though. That's not really his specialty either. Besides, he's not really the helping type unless it involves life or death situations."

"Well technically."

"Not a word from you Lavi."

"What? You know-"

"Just drop it" He sighed;

"Fine, but you know I'm right."

"... I'm not hungry anymore." Lavi looked at the pile of food still left;

"You sure man? You only ate a third of that."

"Am I ever unsure about food?" I looked over to Tim, who's face was full of concern;

"Maybe you should go back to the infirmary. You never have leftovers."

"No, I'm going to drive myself insane if I keep going back there. I think I just need some fresh air for now."

"Alright, I'll come with you! Just in case you really do need to go see the nurse. We can look for scales too, they're all over the place outside!" Tim looked up to me in excitement.

"They are?"

"What? You didn't notice?"

"The school is pretty large. I don't really go outside much, and when I do it's to clear my head. So no, not really."

"Alright, so then let's go! Is your friend coming with us?" He grinned and looked over to Lavi.

"I'm going to take Allen's leftover's to Jerry in case he gets his appetite back soon. Then I need to hit the books again, unless he really wants me to join."

"It's alright Lavi, I'll be fine with Tim."

"Alright man, if you're sure. See ya' later then."

"See ya'." He took the leftover food back to Jerry and then left the cafeteria, looking back at me with concern one more time before disappearing around the corner. With a sigh I turned back Tim;

"Come on Tim, let's go."

Hey readers, I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to post this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it, I look forward to hopefully not taking so long on the next one and reading reviews! Thank you for all of your patience and for sticking with me for so long!