Okay guys. First The Host fan fiction, so be nice! ;) Haha...please? R&R!

"Wanda, you have to run. I'll hold them off for as long as I can," Ian instructed the rebel soul as his eyes darted around the room. They had run in here to get away from the Seekers when they found them on a raid. Kyle, Melanie, and Jared had run away to another place. Ian and Wanda could only hope that they were safe.

"Ian—no," Wanderer replied.


"No! Ian, I know what you're thinking about."

"I have to do it. And you have to leave."

"I'm not going to. Ian, don't you dare—"

"I have to! No one gets taken. That's the rule."

"Then I'm staying here."

"Wanda, no."

"Ian, yes." Over the course of time that Wanderer had been staying with the humans, she had become more like them. She was still quite polite, but she had become more defiant.

"Okay. Fine," Ian sighed. "We both run for it. We find Melanie, Kyle, and Jared and we run. We'll outrun them, drive away from the cave, and then loop back around. We can do it. Okay?"

"Okay. Let's do it," Wanda said as Ian began to rise. "And Ian?"

"Yeah?" he asked, halfway between sitting and standing.

"I love you," she said quietly.

He smiled. "I love you, too, my Wanderer." He leaned down and softly kissed Wanda on the lips. She closed her eyes, and kissed him back.

When Ian pulled away, he slowly rose to his full height, looking for any sign of Seekers. "Come on," he said, lending Wanda a hand, and pulling her to her feet. "Be quiet," he told her as they tiptoed away.

"We have to find the others," Wanda said.

"We will. We just have to get out of here first. Did you see where they went?"

"I think I saw them go into a little warehouse just east of here. Let's start there."

"Okay. Let's go."

Wanda nodded, and followed Ian out of the door, her hand still in his. Luckily, they didn't encounter any Seekers on their way out. But that meant that they were either: on their way here, or were in the warehouse Ian and Wanda thought the others were in.

So they had to find them. Fast. Before the Seekers beat them to it.

Once they were outside, they headed east. After a few minutes, they found the warehouse. They both gazed up at the building looming above them. Ian and Wanda exchanged glances, and took a deep breath. Wanda nodded, and Ian leaned in for another kiss.

"I really do love you," he said, centimeters from her lips.

"I love you, too," she replied. Ian smiled, and pressed his lips to hers. As they pulled away, they looked into each other's eyes, and smiled. Then they turned serious. Ian silently counted down from five. When he reached one, they both pushed open the door. Wanda had to push harder because Pet's body was very small.

Thankfully, the doors didn't make much noise as they opened up. A few seconds after they walked in, they both had guns in their faces.

"Woah!" Ian half yelled-half whispered, hands in the air in surrender. "Jared? Is that you? Put the gun down!"

"Ian?" Jared asked as he slowly lowered his gun. "Oh God, Ian! We thought you guys were either dead or had been taken," Jared said as he and Ian hugged.

"Nah! We got out of there to look for you guys. Are Kyle and Melanie here?"

"Yeah! There right over there," he said as he pointed to a machine. The other must have been behind it. "Guys! You can come out! It's just Ian and Wanderer," Jared called out loudly, but still in an undertone.

Slowly, two other figure emerged from the darkness.

"Melanie?" Wanda said. "My sister!" The two girls ran into each other's arms.

"Wanda! You're alright!" Melanie replied.

"Of course!"

"I'm so glad!"

"I am, too," the soul said as she and the human released each other.

"Kyle?" Ian asked.

"Ian? That you?" the voice of Kyle replied.



"You know, I'm surprised that you didn't get yourself killed."

"Nah. I'm too good for that."

"Yeah. You keep telling yourself that," Ian said with a roll of his eyes, but it was obvious he was glad to have not only his brother back, but Melanie and Jared, too.

"Alright. So now what?" Wanda asked.

"Well, the Seekers haven't found us yet. That's weird," Jared answered.

"Yeah. Maybe we should start out. You guys have your guns?" Ian asked. Everyone nodded except for Wanderer. She was so small and fragile, that the others didn't want her with a weapon. Ian really just didn't want her hurt. Neither did Melanie. Wanda didn't even know how to shoot a gun. "Okay. Let's head out. Silently, and slowly. We have to get back to the jeep. We'll drive away from the caves, and then we can just circle around. Just to be sure," Ian told the others. They all nodded. Kyle, and Melanie had taken out their guns while Ian and Jared already had them out. Ian had also grabbed a pipe, just in case he ran out of bullets.

"Okay. I'll lead," Jared announced.

"Okay. Wanda, get behind me," Ian ordered. Wanderer obeyed. Jared was in front, then it was Ian and Wanda, Melanie was behind them, and Kyle brought up the rear. Together, they stealthily made their way back to the jeep.

They were five minutes away from the car when they all heard a noise. It was the Seekers.

"I got this, guys," Ian said as he pushed the others away. "Run. To the jeep."

"No. Ian, no!" Wanda protested. She tried to walk to him, but Jared held her back. He gave him a questioning look.

"Just go," Ian instructed quietly. Jared reluctantly started to back away with Wanderer in his arms. Then he gave her to Melanie. Wanderer tried to fight, but Pet's body was too small. Too weak. She couldn't break through the arms that held her back. When she realized it was futile, she started to sob. Ian looked longingly at her as a tear of his own raced down his cheek. Jared nodded at them. Melanie and Kyle nodded back. Kyle walked away somewhat reluctantly, but slowly followed Melanie and Wanda.

Ian pulled his friend closer. "You gotta take care of her for me. You know, since I won't be coming back," he said.

"Ian, nothing's gonna happen to you," Jared replied.

"You don't really think that, do you? No one gets taken. You guys have to go. Losing one is better than losing five. Go. Now."


"I said go!" he yelled. "Go," he said, suddenly quiet. "And promise me you'll keep her safe. Promise me."

"I—I promise, Ian."

"Tell her I love her. That I love her more than anything. That she means the world to me. Tell her that."

"I will, but—"

"But nothing. And Jared?"


"Keep on resisting," Ian said in a voice that was proud, cocky, and quiet all at the same time. Jared was speechless. All he could do was nod. "Good. Now meet up with the others. I'll hold these guys off. You drive away from the caves, and then loop back. Got it?" Jared nodded again. "Okay. I'll miss you guys."

"We-we'll miss you, too," Jared choked out.

Ian nodded proudly. "Okay. Go now. Remember your promise," he said.

"I will. I will," Jared said as he hugged Ian tightly. After he pulled away, he started to walk off to where the others went. He gave his fellow resistor one last sad look, and then turned away with pain in his eyes.

Once he was gone, he felt his eyes well up with tears, but he quickly wiped them away. "Come on out!" Ian yelled. The Seekers must have been close by now. "Come and get some!"

Slowly, a pack of people dressed in clean, white suits emerged from the shadows. In the night, Ian could see their eyes. The thing that humans use to differentiate the souls.

"Hello," a Seeker said.

"What's up."

"Well—" the Seeker stopped when she saw the pipe in Ian's hands. "We do not wish you any harm. We simply ask that you come with us."

"Let me think about that—no,"

"Please. Do not do anything…drastic."

"Wouldn't you just love that. Yeah, well, hate to burst your bubble, but we humans aren't going to give up that easily. We never are. This is our planet, and we fully intend to get it back."


"No. you listen. You're not gonna get me. Nope. I'm not gonna let you. You want me? Come get me!" Ian yelled resiliently. Then he started running. He ran all the way back to the warehouse.

No one gets taken. No one gets taken. No one gets taken, He repeated to himself. As he ran up the flight of stairs in the warehouse that led to the roof, he felt tears running down his cheeks again. He didn't even try to wipe them away. Because he didn't care anymore. There was so many things that he would miss. So many people. He was about to die, he was allowed to cry a little. He really wanted to stop. He didn't want to die. But there was one thing that kept him going.


If he stopped, the Seekers would catch him. No doubt he would become a host to a soul. And who knows if the soul was one of the good ones like Wanderer was? He couldn't take that chance. Of course if he did get caught, he'd fight. He wouldn't let them harm his friends and family. He wouldn't let harm Wanda. But he wasn't going to get caught. Not today. He wished that he could've kissed Wanderer one last time. Hold her one last time. But he couldn't. He had to do this. For her. For everyone.

Finally, he reached the roof of the warehouse. When he turned around, he saw that the pack of Seekers were right behind him outside the door. They soul that had first talked to him pushed to the front. Ian was dangerously close to the edge.

"Do not do anything you're going to regret," she said.

"I won't regret anything. You, on the other hand, will soon regret ever coming to Earth. This is out home. It always has been. And it always will be," Ian replied. He turned around, and could hear the Seekers rushing towards him. But they were too far away. He realized that this was what Melanie did. But she survived. And good thing she did, or Ian would never had met Wanda. He smiled slightly, but quickly faded. This time, Ian wouldn't make it out, though. He couldn't. He had to die for Wanda. And he was willing to do that. He was willing to do anything for her.

Ian closed his eyes. "I love you, Wanderer. I always will. And I'll miss you the most. I'll miss the future we could've had," he said, repeating the words that Wanda had spoke to him when she had planned to leave to give Melanie her body back. The memory put a smile on his face. A single tear traced itself down Ian's cheek.

"I love you." And with that, he stepped off the roof.

I awoke with a start. For a few seconds, I was disoriented. Then I remembered. I had been inserted into a host on Earth. I swung my legs over the side of the bed I was currently in, and walked over to the mirror to get a look at my new host.

He had blue eyes, and black hair. His eyes were a darker blue than the small light blue that every soul had, though. So you could still tell the difference between the two shades. I took a deep breath, and watched as my reflection did the same. I smiled to myself. It felt weird. I was from The Planet of the Flowers, and had never had a host so complex as the human. But I liked it. I like my new body. It was me.

No! I didn't die! I was supposed to die! a voice said. It was a male voice.

Who are you? I asked.

I'm the host. The body that you stole? Yeah, that's me, the disembodied voice replied.

I didn't steal this body. It was given to me.

Yeah, by thieves. You stole my body just like you stole this planet. And we humans are going get it back. We will keep resisting.

We did not steal this planet. We improved it.

Ha! Listen to you!


Wow. You really believe that don't you?

Yes, of course.

Well you're wrong.

What? How?

How? Well, let's see. You invade our planet. You murder hundreds of people. How is that improving the world?

Yes. We did invade your planet. But we brought peace with us. As for the murder, you humans murdered each other long before we arrived. So you see, we only want to fix this planet.

We didn't need fixing. We were fine without you.

Fine! I scoffed. You were killing your own kind over ridiculous things! We helped your world.

You may think so, but it's not true. The Earth belongs to the humans. Not you souls. We will keep fighting. And as long as there's humans, there's hope. We will not stop, until every single hostile soul is off this planet. You can count on that.

I was confused. I didn't understand. Why was the host resisting? Why was he so resilient?

Because, he said. I still have faith. Faith that we will get our planet back. And there's also love. True love. I have someone here, who loves me. And I love her back. She's mine, and mine only.

I see. I waited to hear an answer, but didn't get one. I sighed, and climbed back into bed. Was this normal? The human host talking back? Resisting? Back on my old planet this never happened. I didn't think it happened anywhere. So why were the humans so determined to get their planet back? We were helping them. Weren't we?

Okay. So...what did you think? Please tell me in a review! Please, please, please, please, please! I wanna know what you thought of it!