Good lord, this is so late. I'm so sorry! I had horrible writer's block for a majority of this time. Anyways, hope you enjoy this!

After dancing nearly half the night away, the two couples were informed by their waiter that their food had finally arrived.

The man had apologized profusely for the meal being so late.

What was strange though was that Aleksander hadn't even noticed. He had been so consumed in dancing with Irena that he had failed to notice his stomach was making the sounds of a person who had missed lunch.

The couples were escorted back to their previous table before feasting on their respective dishes.

Inbetween eating her food, Irena shared a short, easy-going conversation with her date. No romantic or passionate words were exchanged but it was something nonetheless.

Aleksander finally decided to shed his more pig-headed facade and instead attempted to actually talk to Irena like a civil human-being.

But near the end of the meal, Irena excused herself and hurriedly rushed to the bathroom to relieve herself.

Aleksander was immediately left feeling grumpy and anxious for her return. He almost felt disgusted with himself. He was acting like a love-sick puppy patiently awaiting for the return of its master.

Anya noticed his change in mood almost immediately and decided to strike up some form of a conversation.

"You enjoyed yourself." the Russian woman said nonchalantly as she eyed her brother with growing amusement.

Aleksander looked up from his picking at the remainder of his food to look at his sister on the other side of the table. He had seemingly loved her so much before, but now he found her words rather annoying.

"Whatever do you mean?" Aleksander said with a hint of anger.

Anya laughed lightly to herself. "I think you know exactly what I mean, baby brother." She wasn't about to outright come and say it. She wanted to hear it from Aleksander's own thin lips.

The light-haired man dropped his fork with a loud clang and stared at his sister with an intense glare. "Are you implying that I liked dancing with that pathetic excuse for a woman?"

Anya laughed even harder at her brother's own pathetic attempt at covering up the truth. Her brother used to be such a good liar. What ever happened to that cold mask he always kept up so carefully?

"Just admit it already. You can lie about as good as you can be nice." Yao piped in.

Aleksander practically hissed at the man. Where were his trusty knives when he needed them? The Chinese bastard would have had one sticking out of his head at that exact moment.

Just as the Belarusian man was about to launch himself at the other, the woman they were all talking about appeared and rested herself in her chair.

"What'd I miss?" Irena asked curiously as she eyed her pissed off date.

Aleksander immediately calmed himself down. He didn't dare overreact in front of her. It frustrated him to no end as to why he would keep himself so calm in front of her but he wasn't sure he wanted to know the truth.

"Nothing." Aleksander snapped before continuing to finish off the rest of his meal.

Irena frowned slightly but decided to brush it off as if it was actually nothing. It wouldn't do her any good anyways if she were to press on about what they had been talking about before she had come back.

The Lithuanian woman merely shrugged her slender shoulders and finished her meal so that they could leave.

Once she was, Anya stood up and took Yao by the hand and dragged him to the front of the restaraunt so that they could pay the bill and go on with the rest of their date.

Much to their delight, the restaurant took the bill themselves because of the mere fact that they had been late in getting their food to them.

"Yay!" Anya practically sang as she skipped out of the restaurant while holding hands with Yao.

What made the Russian woman even happier though was when she looked behind her back and saw that Aleksander had his arm around Irena's shoulders.

When the light-haired man noticed his sister's gaze, he snapped,"She was cold, okay? I'm not a complete asshole."

Yao couldn't help but snicker at that. He wasn't a complete asshole? Yeah right. Aleksander would forever and always be the number one asshole in the world. It would only be a matter of minutes before the man would be back to his grouchy old self.

"Shut up." Aleksander growled at Yao as he snapped his arm back to his side.

Irena immediately felt the harsh coldness of the wind nip at her exposed shoulders. The woman couldn't help but tremble as the cold practically seeped into her bones.

Aleksander groaned in slight annoyance but wrapped his arm around the woman yet again. He repeatedly told himself in his head that he was merely doing this so she would stop bugging him. But that wasn't quite the case.

He had instantly regretted taking his arm back after Yao had laughed at him. Sure, he had been embarrassed, but leaving Irena to suffer the bitter cold of a Russian winter made him feel bad.

"Thank you." the Lithuanian woman whispered shyly.

"Please, don't mention it." Aleksander whispered in an annoyed manner as a blush alighted upon his face. He really couldn't believe he was feeling embarrassed by doing such a simple act.

Anya giggled to herself as she watched her brother act like a shy little girl on her first date.

Aleksander shot the older woman a glare also before turning his face away. He was beyond embarrassed. It was bad enough having Yao see him like this, but his sister? That was worse.

He didn't want her thinking that he was starting to like Irena. He still loved Anya! Right?

Aleksander peeked down at the Lithuanian woman who was currently snuggled into the side of his body.

Did he still love Anya?

As his violet eyes roamed over Irena's content face and down her formal gown clothed body, he couldn't help but realize that he didn't actually like his sister the way he used to.

He was seeing Irena in a new light. Or rather, an old light.

He had found the woman to be beautiful and strong when she was still the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. But when she turned into the timid, weak-spined girl that was in today's day and age, he couldn't help but miss that strong personality.

Maybe that was what attracted him to his sister? In a way, they were rather similar. Anya is strong-willed and not afraid to do anything, much like Irena used to be.

Now that Irena was regaining some of her former characteristics, he couldn't help but like her more and more. In turn, he was loving Anya in an incestual sort of way less and less.

As this realization came crashing down on him, Aleksander subconciously tightened his grip on the Lithuanian woman's face.

Irena turned her emerald eyes to look at Aleksander's red-tinted face.

"Are you cold too?" Irena asked with her red lips curving into a soft smile. Aleksander looked away quickly and refused to say anything. Maybe if he ignored her she'd let it go.

Unfortunately for Aleksander, the woman took it as a yes.

Irena wrapped her arms around the blonde's bony waist and nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck.

If at all possible, Aleksander's blush would have increased tenfold.

The gesture had definitely been unexpected, but he couldn't exactly say it was unwelcome. In fact, it was pleasant.

"Thanks." Aleksander whispered as he rest his cheek on her soft tresses.

Irena's smile widened as did Anya's and Yao's. Who knew the light haired man could be so nice and loving in return?

Anya immediately mimicked the other couples pose and latched herself onto her own respective date.

"Why can't we be like them?" Anya asked as she watched her brother.

Yao chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Anya before saying,"Would you prefer it I was rude like your brother?"

Aleksander's head shot up and-in an act so completely unlike himself-stuck his tongue out at the Chinese man.

Yao was about to do something equally as childish but was cut off when Anya suddenly squealed in excitement.

"Our carriage is finally here!" Anya said happily as she detached herself from her date.

Once the carriage pulled up, the Russian woman clambered up to the driver and whispered hurriedly into his ear.

After a minuted of whispering, Anya pulled away. The driver nodded his head and pulled out his cellphone before calling someone.

The man said something once the person on the other line picked up. Only a few brief words were exchanged before he put the device back into his pocket.

"It will be here in five minutes." the man said to Anya.

The woman nodded her head in thanks and ushered her brother and his date over to where she was standing.

She motioned for them to get in.

They did so and patiently waited for Anya and Yao to get in as well. Much to their confusion, the other couple didn't.

"The carriage will drop you off at the house once you're done. See you in the morning." Anya said happily before giving the driver the go-ahead.

Aleksander made the driver stop quickly before he shot Yao a glare. "Don't you dare do anything to my sister." the Belarusian man snapped.

Much to Anya's relief, her brother said it in a way an over-protective brother would; not like a person who was in love with her.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'll also see you in the morning." Yao said suggestively as he put one lanky arm around his date.

Aleksander fumed but said nothing as he sat back in his seat alongside Irena.

"I doubt they'll do anything like what Yao sort of implied. He'll probably just sleep over and that's it." Irena said calmly.

Aleksander huffed indignantly but nodded his head also.

It's not like he could stop his sister from doing the deed anymore. Quite frankly, he didn't really care all that much like he used to.

She was a big girl. She could do what she wanted without her younger brother acting like an overly proctective big brother.

With that thought secured in his mind, he motioned for the driver to start moving.

Once they were a good distance away from the other couple, Irena scooted her body closer to Aleksander's and rested her head against his shoulder.

In turn, Aleksander nuzzled the top of Irena's head. He felt awkward doing so, but it just felt right for some reason.

"How long have you two been a couple?" the driver said suddenly as he took a glance at his two passengers.

Aleksander blushed furiously as did Irena.

"I-I don't think were technically a couple." the Lithuanian woman attempted to say but was cut off by her date.

"One night." Aleksander interjected with a blush erupting on his otherwise pale face.

Irena whirled her head around to look at the man with shock very evident on her beautifully make-upped face.

"W-Wuh?" Irena stuttered in exasperation. Did she hear that right?

"You heard me." Aleksander quipped as he took back his lanky arms and crossed them like an angry, embarrassed child.

Irena couldn't but smile as a few tears pricked at her eyes.

The woman pulled the man into a hug and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before looking Aleksander in the eyes.

"Thanks for giving me a chance." Irena whispered with a gentle smile.

Aleksander couldn't help but smile back. Normally he would be embarrassed, not to mention angry, that someone had given him a kiss, but he couldn't help but do the opposite with the woman sitting next to him.

The man placed his own gentle kiss on the side of her lips before whispering,"I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner."

Irena took on a blush a of her own.

With a burst of the confidence she held back in the old days, Irena took the man's face inbetween her small hands and pulled it down until his lips crashed with hers.

Aleksander kissed back eagerly as he pulled her body flush against his.

As the two shared their first ever kiss, Aleksander couldn't help but wonder something. Why in the hell hadn't he done all of this sooner?

...Um, so should I add one more chapter or just stop it here?