So, I rewrote this. As in, pretty much completely.

The original was 505 words long, this is 1531 words long. That's how rewritten this is.

I hope you enjoy it!

1026 new words, though I'm pretty sure the only three lines that were not rewritten only come up to about nine or ten words long...

Okay, 1525, to be fair...

In this, Voldemort died when Harry was one, forever.

I don't own!


Severus Snape was a calm man by nature, or so he like to believe. He spent all his time hiding his emotions, so much time it cost him the love of his life. And when he let her go? Both she and her husband were killed.

He couldn't stay, he couldn't stay only to be reminded that they were gone, that she would never reconcile with him, that he would never see her smiling face again.

So he left. Packed all his things, and took off on the first portkey to America. He would never return.

Young Harry Potter was tired. For a while now, he could only stand being around his small group of friends, Ron and Hermione, the twins, Angela, and surprisingly, Draco Malfoy.

It had been a massive surprise when Ron had come to their shared flat one day with Malfoy in tow, and introduced him as his significant other. Harry was still taking it in. Hermione had rolled her eyes and exchanged money with her own significant other, Fred.

Unfortunately, when Ron introduced Malfoy to his parents, they didn't have such a reaction as Hermione and Fred.

Molly had forbid him from coming into the house, accusing him of tainting her son. She then demanded that Ron dump Malfoy and date this nice girl she had met the other day. Ron, who had the same temper as his mother, got into a huge fight with her, which later became public thanks to a very nosey reporter.

News of the Slytherins tainting Gryffindors, because of course this had to become about the thrice damned house rivalry, traveled faster than Harry liked to admit was possible. And thanks to a stray comment Harry made while trying to defend his friend he too was pulled into this now very long and quickly tiring argument.

He may or may not have admitted that he too wasn't entirely straight. And, because the press are asshats, his words were twisted and made him sound like he was calling all straight people bigots who couldn't handle a little same sex action.

Yeah, he was tired. He needed to go, to leave these idiots here and be rid of them.

Fred and George gave him the perfect opportunity. They needed to go to America to supervise the building of their newest joke shop. The business was booming despite the negative press their family had been getting.

Ron and Malfoy would also be moving, Malfoy having his own business practice to supervise, which he had unwillingly inherited when his father died. Perfect time to move. Hermione and Ron were moving, the twins were moving, George was bringing his wife Angela, who was nice enough and never accused him of anything. She wasn't as quick to judge as some others that Harry wouldn't name names of.

So he left, following his best friends and surrogate family out of the country, out of the continent. He was sad that Ron and Malfoy would be living cross country still, but it was better than cross continent, at least this way they could just floo to each other's houses for Friday meals.

He settled quite comfortably in San Francisco, California. And hey, in the long run, New York, New York wasn't that far away.

It seemed like he had only just moved sometimes. He had been living in San Francisco for two years already. The first few months they got together every Friday. But over time, it became too much. Harry and Hermione were going to school, Harry wanted to be a Child Psychologist, and Hermione was just absorbing as much information as possible.

Harry was saddened when his old bookstore closed down, the owner having passed away and his children selling to pay off his debts. He had searched for a new book store for days, somewhere he could just sit and study without having to deal with other students, where he could just relax with a cup of good tea.

He looked up at the entrance. He always thought the place was an exotic magic shop or something, maybe it was the name, Kandle Books. The building even gave off a magical air. Maybe the owners were magical?

He had looked it up, and sure enough, the ad said it was a book store. He breathed deep, steadied his bag, and moved to push the door open.

It was small, quaint. Two small couches stood facing each other with a short coffee table between them. The shop looked pretty empty. So far so good.

"Hullo?" He called out, not seeing any employees. He moved forward through the store, and stopped abruptly when he heard a clatter from the back.

"I'm okay!" The voice shouted. Harry couldn't help the small smile that pulled at his lips. He thinks he's going to like it here.

Harry was sitting on one of the couches, his back to the door. His homework was laid out before him, messily organized. His laptop was open to a blank word pad, only a title announcing it as his midterm finals.

He sipped at his mug of tea, the guy that worked there brewed a mean cuppa. In the last two weeks he had gotten to know the guy, Jeff, pretty well. Apparently his boss was away on business at the moment, which left Jeff in charge of the shop until he got back.

Harry was almost done with the chapter when the door opened. A gust of wind blew his messily organized homework off the table.

"Bloody hell." He muttered angrily under his breath as he got to his knees to pick up his scattered papers.

"Here, let me help you." Harry looked up to see who spoke only to stop and stare.

Severus was in a surprisingly good mood lately. His book shop, which hadn't had many costumers in the past, was busy, according to his employee and future successor Jeff they even have a regular who likes Jeff's tea.

He would have been there, but he had been away in New York for the past half a year, helping a family friend's son clean up his father's business. Starting from practically scratch, it had taken them a while, and his husband was very hospitable, when he wasn't yelling and screaming about them destroying his house with paperwork and other odds and ends they needed to fix everything up.

They did it, fixed up the company right and proper, even got a farewell hug and shove from the husband. Now he was back and eager to work.

He opened the door with more force then he had intended, the dangerously fast wind behind him having ceased for just a moment, before starting again and gushing quickly into his little shop.

He walked in only to see someone's papers scattered here and there on the floor of his shop. Jeff was nowhere to be seen. He sighed before walking over and crouching, picking a few papers up off the floor.

"Here, let me help you." He intoned, lifting his head to meet the eyes of the customer.

The very green, very bright eyes of the dark haired boy that look so much like his old bully, the eyes that looked so like his lost love. He had never fallen so fast before. Not for Lily, who he had seen as a sister until they reached puberty, not for the numerous partners he has had in the last twenty-two years since her death.

It didn't help him that the boy's face was flushed and his eyes roamed his body. The boy looked to undressing Severus with his eyes. The boy blushed deeper when he realized what he was doing, his mouth gaping slightly.

"I'm sorry. My name is Harry. Harry Palmer." He held out a hand. His voice was deep, but not too deep. Even in his embarrassment, it still held a bit of mischief, a promise of something to come.

"Severus Kandle." Severus took the offered hand in his own, planting a chaste kiss on the top. The boy covered his bespectacled eyes, pushing the glassed up. Then he let his hand fall to show his very wide eyes.

"As in, the owner?" Harry squeaked. "Of the store?" He added in just as much shock. Severus couldn't hide the chuckle even if he wanted to. He let go of Harry's hand.

"That would be me." He sat back on the couch and patted the seat next to him, inviting Harry to sit with him.

"What were you working on, if you don't mind my asking." The two talked well into the night.

It had been four years since Harry and Severus met, two years until they found out each other were wizards, another six months after that before finding out that they had mutual friends in New York, and seconds since Severus asked Harry for his hand in marriage.

"Yes! A million times yes!" Harry exclaimed as he hugged his newly minted fiancé.

They might fight occasionally, and they might not agree on everything. But Harry knew they would last. It was a gut feeling, and he knew that Severus loves him.

That was enough.

I'm, too tired for anything right now...

I changed Harry's last name from Potts to Palmer in this rewrite, because I like Palmer and Potts reminds me of Pepper.

I should not be working on this, I should be working on one of my 21 unfinished stories instead...

Do me a favor, go to my bio and take the poll on which stories you think I should continue the fastest.

"This was a story requested by Dron-Lover267. Her words were. I will request Snarry. An AU, where they are still wizards, but never met. Harry has already graduated...and they meet in a book shop. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Thanks to her for this story! Hope you like!"

If you have any requests, I am trying to only do one-shots for those, unless you pay me, because my commissions are open, over on deviant art, I take both points and monies.
