"Cornelia, wake up," Will begged, as she shook her friend, trying desperately to wake her.

She was so scared what this could mean. Cornelia was breathing, they had already checked that, but she was out cold. She was not moving at all, and all their thoughts were on her health and that of her child still in her, who Cornelia's arm was still tightly placed around, even as she was passed out.

"Come on, you have to wake up. Passing out like this is not a good thing," Will kept going, panic completely filling her body over her friend.

Hay Lin was standing back, so shaken by what was happening, and could not move much herself. Irma was next to Will, calmly trying to shake Cornelia awake, not panicking as much as Will was. Taranee was even worried for her, and was trying to think logically of what they should do next.

Caleb, one the other side of Cornelia, directly across from Will, ran a hand through Cornelia's hair, "Come on Cornelia, wake up. I knew she shouldn't have come."

"Why did she come? She knew she had no powers," Irma said, while looking over at Caleb, "I don't understand what happened."

"Blunk came to get her, and said you all were in trouble. Nothing I said was going to stop her, she had to get to you all. I tried to tell her not to, but you know how Cornelia is," Caleb sighed, thoughts that the child could be harmed making him panic inside.

Taranee looked down at her former friend, "I hope she's okay."

"She's fine."

All 5 heads turned in the direction of where those words had come from. and they all saw the Oracle walking over to them.

"Oh great, last time we saw him everything fell apart," Will mumbled, her eyes going back to Cornelia, and the same worry from before was still just as strong "If she's fine, what about the baby? Why is she still out? Shouldn't she wake up soon. It's not good to just pass out like that."

Tarenee nodded her head, "It's not good at all. She should have woken up by now. Passing out is not a sign of anything good, I know that. Is she really okay? What about that baby, which could be my niece or nephew."

There was a slight tension in the air as Taranee said that, she herself hated the way it sounded. But it was true. She was worried about her possible niece or nephew. She was worried about a child that could be her brother's; but just as much, she was worried about a child that was her friend's.

Hay Lin, so sensitive to things like this, was crying, "Is the baby okay? Why aren't saying anything? Cornelia is okay, are you sure?"

Caleb was unable to even move, he felt so worried. He wanted to be mad, mostly at the Oracle, because if he knew everything why didn't he stop this from happening. But he was so worried and upset, all he could do was stare and Cornelia and hope she and the child were okay.

"Tell us!" Taranee yelled.

After that there was finally silence, and the Oracle was able to speak once again, "Taranee, please calm down. Cornelia is okay, as I said, and the child, whom is not your niece is fine as well."

"Not my niece? So it's a boy," Taranee asked, thinking in her mind of a little boy looking much like her brother. "A nephew."

"No, it is a little girl," the Oracle answered, finally getting Caleb's attention.

"So that means…"

"A daughter for you and Cornelia."

No matter how scared he was about Cornelia and the baby, hearing those words brought such a relief to Caleb. He had not felt so happy in such a long time. Hearing the words that it was his daughter growing in Cornelia, made him so much happier than he would have thought.

"It's mine."

"Yes, she is yours. And she is fine. Cornelia will awaken soon, and I think you'll want to tell her this. She'll be very happy."

With that, the Oracle walked away. This time he did not leave hurt behind though. Everyone was much happier. And Hay Lin was the first to speak.

"Caleb, you're going to be a daddy!" she said excitedly, before going over to him and hugging him tightly, "Cornelia is going to be so happy when you tell her. She really wanted it to be yours, she loves you so much."

"Wow," that was all Caleb said, as Will and Irma watched as Cornelia began to move slightly.

Taranee was standing in shock. A small part of her, one she never realized was there, was slightly hurt that she wasn't about to become an aunt. A part of her, as mad as she was about it, wanted the baby to be Peter's. She did know though, the best thing had happened, and Caleb and Cornelia were meant to be together, a lot more than she would ever understand. And for the child, she was glad it was Caleb's.

"My head," Cornelia barely mumbled out, as soon as she regained consciousness. It took a few moments for what had happened to sink into her, and she suddenly remembered everything all at once. "My baby, am I okay?!"

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," Will comforted her, as Cornelia began to panic. "You're fine, you just drained yourself. And she's fine too."

"She?" Cornelia asked very confused. She didn't know the sex yet, so she had no idea why Will would assume she was having a little girl. Sure that was what she thought it was, but that was all just guessing. She wouldn't know for a few more weeks.

"Yeah, she," Will nodded, before turning to look at Caleb "Tell her."

Caleb looked down at his girlfriend, who still looked pretty bad to him. She was regaining color though, and she was staring at him waiting for an answer. "It's a girl, the Oracle told us. He said it's a little girl, and that she's fine."

"A daughter," Cornelia whispered, as a tear ran down her face and she looked down, "Wow."

Will stood up, "We'll be right back. Girls, come on."

All four of the other girls left Cornelia alone, to talk to Caleb. "She's a little girl. Do you think she'll look like me?"

"Probably," Caleb smiled, still in complete happiness over the baby being his. "I have to tell you something else."


Caleb smiled bigger than ever, "He said that she is mine."

Cornelia sat up, as weak as she still felt, "Really?"

"Yeah, she's mine. Now we can actually enjoy this. We're going to be parents to a little girl in a few months."

Cornelia felt tears pouring down her face, "I love you so much. I'm so glad she's yours."

"Me too," Caleb smiled, unable to even begin to explain how happy he truly was. He just knew he was happy, and that he was gong to do all he could to make things with Cornelia better than ever.

"So, what now?"

"Now I start thinking about Earth, and how it's going to be to live there."

Cornelia smiled, but said nothing. Somehow that sentence told her things were better. Somehow she felt everyone was okay then. And sure she knew they'd still have issues to deal with, and things would never be perfect. But she was happy in that moment, and happy she was having her daughter, and that was all that mattered.

AN: This is the end. It's not that long of a fic, but after starting the original 5 years ago, I'm proud to say that at least I have actually ended it. Thank you so much to DarkAngel2784 & MysteryGuardian14 for reading and reviewing each and every chapter. :)