We beat Nerissa as a team. We beat Phobos as a team. And we beat all their minions as a team. I thought we had done it all. And we had always done it as a team, and it felt right to know I had their backs, and they had mine. We seemed to do everything together. And I felt safe in knowing we were always going through things together, so I wasn't the odd one who was suddenly a magical being who could fly. I had Will, Hay Lin, Taranee, & Irma with me.

But I never stopped to think about what would happen when things would be different. Our lives aren't all fighting the bad guys and saving the day. We're normal too. And it's that normal side that makes us so different. It's the jokes that Irma makes, and the frogs that Will loves, that set us apart. I just didn't want to feel this apart from them.

"Cornelia, you can't just stand there! Just because things have been calm for a short time now," WIll began, while looking over at me, standing in the back away from the girls; who were all training their powers. I on the other hand, was more worried about staying away from fire being thrown and water rushing around.

Will didn't finish though, as Irma cut her off, "One year is a little more than a short time. Maybe things are actually better now Will."

"And so we stop training, and then 10 years from now some new crazy person is here and we're not ready?"

"It's not like we were ready for Phobos or Nerissa either, and we kicked their butts," Taranee said proudly, still feeling that sense of 'we did it' that had worn off for the rest of us. Well not Hay Lin either, she's still the same as well.

"We beat them by luck and we did have a lot of time to learn. For two years it was almost all we did. I don't want us to think it's over, when it's not. So Cornelia, you can't just stand there. Do something!" Will was annoyed at the fact no one really wanted to listen to her, but I wasn't going to let it bother me. Not now, not when I had much bigger things on my mind.

"I don't feel well," I answered plainly enough, "I'm not going to practice, so I'll leave if you want."

Will is worried, I understand that; but she's very unreadable right now, thinking I'm just being lazy or something, and as I said that, all she did was thrown her arms up and turn away from me.

"I can't help that I'm not feeling well."

"You haven't felt well in months though," Will seemed to snap back at me, when Hay Lin and Taranee both sent worried looks my way. "So either take medicine and get better or whatever, or just stop talking about it and get to work."

"I… I just can't. It's not that easy, and it's only been like a month."

"A month or two doesn't matter, get over it! You won't break a nail to actually do some work!" Will snapped, acting much more like Irma or Taranee than her usually self.

And I just about had it. I was about to blow up, I couldn't take the way she was talking to me anymore, but Hay Lin must have noticed and jumped right in.

"Cornelia, she's just mad about you-know-who."

Irma smirked, and said something only she would say, "So now we're referring to Matt as Voldemort?"

"I'm not mad about Matt! He just had to go to make sure Lillian is safe when she's away at camp. I mean, we have to be on guard."

"So my sister makes your boyfriend leave you for 2 weeks, and you take it out on me?" I didn't really mean to, but I snapped that at WIll, "It's 2 weeks! I haven't seen Caleb in almost 4, and I'm fine."

"It's not about Matt, it's the fact that you all just don't care anymore. Taranee, after Phobos, you were afraid to be invisible or something like that. So why now, do you all want to be just normal? We can't, we have to train and be ready."

"Because Will, we have other things going on." I answered slowly, not quite sure what had gotten into Will if it wasn't Matt related. Maybe this year has gotten to her a lot more than us? I like the time off, though I will admit things can get a little boring at times. Compared to what we went through for those 2 years.

"Don't you all miss it?"

"Yes." "Of course" "How could I not?" "We're still W.I.T.C.H."

"I know, I just worry, a lot. I shouldn't, but I do. And well, my mom's pregnant, and I just think a lot about how much I want to make sure that if anything does happen again, I'll be able to protect the world and my little sister or brother."

"Wow, you're going to be a big sister!" Hay Lin ran over and hugged Will, as did the other girls slowly, but I could barely breath, let alone go over and hug her.

When everyone started to question Will, I decided it was the perfect time to leave. I didn't really want to be in the conversation, and I could actually feel tears forming in my eyes. So I began to walk away.

I though no one would notice, but I was wrong. Because as I was barely out of the area, I felt a tap on the shoulder, and looked to my right to see Irma when concern in her eyes, "Hey Corny, you okay?"

"Mhm," I lied, trying to secretly wipe the tears on my cheeks.

"No seriously, what's wrong? We may not be the closest friends in the group, but we are friends. Tell me, I won't joke about it, I promise."

I looked over at Irma. WIll was who I wanted to tell, I felt safe in telling her. But not now. Not after all that just happened, and knowing she is dealing with a big change in life herself. I can't tell her now. And I thought of the other two, I had reasons to not tell them either. Hay Lin is so innocent, it would be hard to tell her anything that's not happy.

"Corny? Or Cornelia, if that makes you happy. What's wrong?"

I felt the deep sob building in my chest, as I broke down and poured my heart out to one of my best friends; no matter how much we may fight. "I'm pregnant. That's why I'm so sick, and I'm scared to tell anyone. No one knows, you can't tell a soul, I'm not ready. But I need someone to know, because I need…"

"What about Caleb?" Irma asked in a clear shocked state, while I got lost in sobs. But she was also comforting me, and put a hand on my arm, to I guess let me know she was there. "Does he know?"

"No, no, he doesn't. I don't know how to tell him. It's so messed up, it's not like it's just going to be happy and okay, and I mean, either the father lives on another planet and we fight too much, or…"


I stopped myself, "Just don't tell anyone, not Caleb, not the girls, not anyone. Taranee would kill me, and I just…"

"Taranee? What does she have to do with this?"

I shook my head, I guess pouring out my heart like this was a bad things. I don't know how to shut up now. "Nothing, nothing. Look, just don't tell anyone, I will when I'm ready."

"Okay, and if you need anything, call me. I don't really know what to say, but we're friends and I'm here no matter what."

I nodded, and just when I thought I was finally going to get away, she stopped me right in my tracks as she seemed to add two and two together, "Wait, Cornelia, have you seen… You haven't seen Peter since the ice skating date, right?"

I paused, for a long time, I just paused.

"Um, no. I haven't."

"Okay, then good luck. I would tell Caleb though, he should know. Maybe once you know he's going to be there for you, or whatever, maybe that will help."

"Mhm," I tried to get out, as even more water poured down my tear stained face.